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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Privacy in the Western World by EIT Digital

214 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to this course about privacy, We are thrilled to see that you are interested and will provide you with a comprehensive study of this intriguiging subject. We hope this course will enthuse you to look further into privacy and personal data regulation. Especially in the light of recent events it becomes more important to know about your (alleged!?) rights and freedoms. After showing you a number of interesting examples of privacy in recent events, this course continues to provide you with an historic introduction, and varying cases and court decisions. It will guide you through the cultural and legal changes in perception of privacy over time. Sometimes with a more technological perspective. Notably, in the Western world differences have accumulated over time and the differences between the USA and Europe will be explained extensively in the follow-up courses. Through video lectures and quizzes we endeavor to build a solid foundation for you to construct a well-founded opinion on privacy. Last but not least we sincerely hope you enjoy the course! Jan Smits...

Top reviews


May 23, 2020

Amazing course, and the instructor makes it very interesting through explaining the content in great detail. The information was also spread very well over the weeks, and flowed very well.


Sep 13, 2022

One of the best course which takes you to the world where the human civilisation started and combines the privacy from ancient empires and connects its roots to the present modern world.

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26 - 43 of 43 Reviews for Privacy in the Western World

By Amaal A

Aug 10, 2023


By Mona A A

Jul 8, 2021


By Mehak S

Jul 7, 2020


By Shivani

Jul 28, 2020


By Ngọc H Q T

Oct 21, 2024

After the 8-week course material, I believe that I can basically understand the concept of privacy in the Western World. However, some of the lessons may provide contents which I believe that it does not aim for the purpose of the course. For instance, I still cannot see the direct relevance between the information about the war, the international conventions about postal services, art and literature to the data privacy. I wish the course may be modified for making the learner comprehensively understand the privacy in a clearer method.

By Baldeep a

Apr 22, 2020

Well-paced course emphasizing on historic facts and rationale. Sound foundational course for diving into Privacy management.

By Mahmut B K

Jun 7, 2024

First 3 week mainly talking about privacy but others enter public international law.

By Sanskriti O

Oct 21, 2020

The course is good to and informs us the importance of privacy in this world.


Oct 8, 2020

The course is impressive and value added knowledge to me.

By Goutham K U B

May 26, 2020

Non Credit Certificate Only

By Banpreet k

Jul 28, 2020


By Mohammed S

Sep 14, 2020

Good experience

By Chloe C D

Feb 29, 2024

Some content has poor english translation, some quizzes don't make much sense. Some content is repeated or seems unnecessary.

By Ulrich R

Apr 23, 2021

Very basic overview of privacy in the Western world, a lot or reading material that just is not applicable.

By Jittu V

Aug 7, 2020

A brief study of the western legal framework to privacy and it is curated with great care and accuracy

By Camila F L

Aug 14, 2020

Too basic, was not what I expected. It does not go deep into privacy and its importance nowadays, interesting if you are into history.

By Abhay J

May 6, 2020

Very Poorly Taught, Information is just thrown randomly and is very out of context, In one module we discuss Modern Privacy and suddenly towards the end we're memorizing Old Treaties. Lack of Video Time and Poorly Structured Reading Material. Easy Quizzes and Very Few Evaluative Components.

By Chad E

Aug 4, 2020

I really didn't learn very much on this course. The lecture videos were no longer than 5 minutes (barring one or two) and there was no real substance to anything "taught" that I couldn't learn from a cursory glance on Wikipedia.