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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,811 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


Jun 10, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!


Aug 19, 2023

A very detailed and comprehensive course with lots of skills to acquire and knowledge to gain. I would recommend it to every person since web development is skill with lots of demand in global market.

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301 - 325 of 5,830 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

By Juan P

Nov 11, 2020

Too much video of Yaakov programming.

By Tushar S P

Mar 6, 2022

This course needs to be updated !!

By Юлия С

Jan 19, 2024

outdated course!

By A A

Mar 12, 2021

Not up to date

By Jamie D

May 9, 2023

Need updating

By Dmitrii O

May 12, 2023


By furqan s

Jun 20, 2024

too old

By Indrajeet B J

Oct 2, 2020


By Mohamed M

Aug 7, 2020


By Sai M D T

May 9, 2020


By Stella M

Aug 6, 2022

I was very eager to do the course, I have completed a few tutorials on html but wanted something more informative, let's say. BUt the course creators did not think about people who might naturally struggle with some technical issues, and instead of helping beginners like me they start the course with a lecture recorded in 2015, with program versions that are outdated and as a result several times in the video you read:OURDATED, see Faq TBT it was completely inconvenient, and did not encourage me to proceed with the course, it is too time consuming and not helpful at times

By Yurii L

Oct 24, 2022

Cmon guys. This is awfull. Really. All sources are out of date. From the very start of the course, when professor explains which environment you need you can see that all software is very old for 2022. I suppose this course was created in 2016. If you do not believe just watch first 3 cideos and you will understand what am I talking about.

Coursera please ask the to update the course or just remove it from the list. you have such a good UX design Google programm and now when I want to go further I fiund this old course.

By Mirna M e S

May 24, 2020

the course itself is awesome, the teacher is great, but it looks like it was left aside and nobody takes care of it anymore. the forum doesnt help, thats just people asking to review their things and even if you post something looking for help there are no answers. its really outdated in the point that you cant complete the assingments without long hours of trying to go around that. its really frustrating. i really liked the classes and yaakov is a great teacher, but this course really let me down

By Jude J

Mar 10, 2024

I am sure this is a really good intro to these languages but the videos so far for setting up GitHub and everything else is very outdated and a struggle. I have been watching yt videos of the past few days in my time trying to figure out how to set them up. So far for a learner this is not worth it if we can not even make it to the coding stage. Also from what I understand they are not much help in the comments and learners have had to make a chat to solve the problems them selves,


Dec 30, 2022

Curso OUTDATED, Continuamente tienes que ir a la sección de FAQs porque no funciona nada. Desesperado porque usa un MAC para los videos y el resto que tenemos Windows tenemos que adaptar todo. Por más que haces preguntas en el foro te responden alumnos que nisiquiera entienden tu pregunta. MUY DECEPCIONADO. Espero encontrar otro curso de programación que funcione mejor porque este es una BASURA. Estoy muy cabreado y decepcionado. NO LO RECOMIENDO.

By Nicholas H

May 8, 2024

I had high hopes. I am a complete newbie when it comes to these topics, but I am eager to learn. The problem is this course was made in 2017 and nothing in the videos works anymore. Everything is out of date. I tried working the first module where it tells you what you need to download and install for the course, but nothing is like what it was in 2017 and I could not find a way to get started correctly. Needs updated materials.

By Dawnae M

Jan 20, 2024

The course videos are already outdated in week 1 which makes it ridiculously frustrating to try to follow all of the downloads we need to do to take the course in the first place. I don't have time to try to piece together outdated material and new material. There is just way too much that has changed since the videos were created. I'm sure this course was great prior to the changes, but unfortunately that does not help me now.

By Theresa C

May 5, 2022

First week's set up videos are outdated! You have to keep referring to the FAQs page and even that is outdated! I looked at other reviews and this problem is over 4 years old. Shouldn't a technology course be current to be useful? If the instructor can't be bothered to keep the setup instructions and videos current then I assume the rest of the course is also outdated. Don't waste your time.

By C B

Feb 25, 2024

Outdated material. The Github directions are no longer valid as the website has changed. You can try to find the information by talking on the group forums and asking for help, but this does not help you. There don't seem to be any directions on how to link correctly. I've waited over a month hoping someone would do this, but unfortunately, it hasn't happened. Wasted money but lesson learned.

By Diego R

Sep 4, 2022

El curso necesita ser actualizado, muchos procesos son anticuados y hoy en dia ya funciona de diferente manera, de igual forma el proceso que te revisen tus compañeros no esta bien porque no checan bien las instrucciones y a pesar de que tu trabajo es correcto, no saben diferenciar lo que es opcional y no, por lo que te lo toman en cuenta cuando el mismo documento dice que no es necesario

By Darcy W

Jun 28, 2024

I wish I saw the recent reviews before trying this course. It is so outdated that you can't even attempt to figure out how to follow along. All I did was get stressed to the point of tears, and install a bunch of crap I still don't know how to use, onto my computer. This course should be removed and updated before allowing people to enroll.

By Aarav s

Aug 29, 2020

The course material is nice and brief. The main problem is I am unable to make payments for a certificate . I tried about my 10 cards but unable to make payments. Without a certificate, a whole month has gone in vain. I am really disappointed. I have tried everything mentioned in the help center but nothing works.

By Khánh T N

Oct 2, 2021

Woefully out of date content, especially regarding the Twitter Bootstrap framework, which is already 2 major versions behind. Many HTML classes used have been removed. Also, there was no time to absorb the content, the instructor sped up too fast and I can't grasp the meaning of each class well enough.

By Fradj I

Nov 5, 2023

I followed sometimes the steps and I didn't get the same result I think it's because the course is outdated but I would prefere to know that before starting (ex bootstrap is not the same now and when i did the website following the same code i didn't get the same result for the button)

By Amanuel M

Nov 29, 2021

Teaching material that is at least 5+ years out of date. Good introduction for me to get into web development and test the waters but I will not be finishing this course. I will be going to a paid program instead that is up to date with the curriculum.