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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,811 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


Jun 10, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!


Aug 19, 2023

A very detailed and comprehensive course with lots of skills to acquire and knowledge to gain. I would recommend it to every person since web development is skill with lots of demand in global market.

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501 - 525 of 5,830 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

By Consuelo J

Jul 23, 2018

I loved this class! It was easy to follow along, the material was explained well, and the assignments fun. The only thing I had an issue with is for the last module the explanation is a little hard to follow. I could have used some more clarification on the TODOs but luckily the discussion forum is awesome so someone was able to help me out. Thanks so much Yaakov! You're a wonderful teacher.

By Joshua L

Jun 20, 2021

Giving a 5 stars for this course because it brought me so many ah ha moments that I was not able to find anywhere else. However, week 5 was not very well structured like the first 4 weeks. It seemed to cram a lot of information into very little time. I can say I don't think I learned a lot in week 5. However, it did motivate me to take a more in-depth course that focuses on Javascript more.

By Kyriakos M

Mar 7, 2022

Awesome Course, it covers a lot of topics in 40 hours. Even if you have some knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS you will still learn something new. I loved the explanation and also the exams that was given it was a really easy way to understand even the hardest parts of this lecture. highly recommended it worth your time and a Big thank you Mr. Yaakov Chaikin for this amazing chance to learn.

By Rahul M

Jan 2, 2022

Even though I knew how to develop web apps with Flask before taking this course, I always felt that there were still some gaps in my understanding of HTML, CSS and Javascript. This course really helped me build a solid foundation on the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and Javascript which I didn't have earlier. Thanks to Yaakov Chaikin and Johns Hopkins university for such a great course!

By Zhang Y

Nov 30, 2019

Thank you. This course is really good. I learned a lot about HTML, CSS, JS. My purpose of learning is to build my own website. And this course just provide the very tools that I need to fulfill my goal. Now, I can write my own website and help others build their websites. I am very grateful to this course. If you want to build your own website, take this course and you won't regret.

By Laurence H

Oct 6, 2020

Excellent course! I learnt a lot about the intricacies of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The instructor was very detailed and thorough when he explained the concepts in the different lectures. I really enjoyed the course, especially the process of developing a client's website, the insight about meeting the client's expectation. The coding examples were great. Thanks for a great course!

By Lucas C O

Jul 10, 2017

This course is really great, even if you're a web developer you can learn some internal mechanics that often are not perceived in a daily basis. The instructor gives some really nice explanations about css rules and show and explain how some of Bootstrap classes work. Finally, it teaches about how to handle raw Javascript code, always preserving scope and following some guidelines.

By Tesh

Mar 6, 2017

A well-designed course that allows me to understand the web development concepts. Each section is clear and flows to the next section. A great teaching method that makes you think and try out the changes. It does not matter if you make mistakes, the tutor as your back, and provides the before and after source code. Brilliant, other course providers should follow a similar method.

By Emmanuel A

Mar 1, 2016

This is an amazing course. If you want to master these technologies in a fun way, this is the course for you. What sets this course apart from the others is the way Yaakov demonstrates the whole web development process, including interacting with a real-world client and taking requirements of the application from her, doing the design and implementing a complete solution for her.

By Ariel M

Feb 20, 2016

Excelente curso, el profesor es extremadamente claro para enseñar conceptos. Enseña todos los detalles necesarios para que tu como estudiante no quedes con "el puente con tablas menos" como es común en cursos de youtube hecho por aficionados.

Se nota la calidad que imparte tanto el profesor como el respaldo por la universidad en que lo que más importa, es que tú aprendas.


By Reza S

Feb 5, 2024

I extend my gratitude to the remarkable platform of Coursera for facilitating online education. While I've been involved in website design extensively in the past, the course led by the esteemed instructor Yaakov Chaikin offered me a fresh perspective on the subject. I look forward to exploring additional Coursera courses in the future. Warm regards, Reza Sedagheh Maskan Sadigh

By Jaspreet K S

Oct 11, 2017

The course delves deep enough into the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and Javascript to provide a great start in Web development. Coding an actual website was a significant measure as it provided some practical exposure. Moreover the tips provided, be it related to code organization or dealing with client and many more ,are really useful. On the whole, this course is worth taking.

By Radhesh K

Sep 9, 2017

This course is amazing

The Only problem is that some content of this course such as the Github has become outdated and it is a sincere request to Coursera and Yankov Sir to please update the content of the course for the Development Environment part 3:Browser Sync and the Github Video and keep up the amazing and Awesome work that he is doing. In the end

Thank you Sir,


By Victoria M

Jul 6, 2016

Excellent excellent course!!! Professor Yaakov Chaikin is brilliant, he really knows what he is talking about. I attempted learning HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript on my own and in just a very short amount of time of taking this course, I have learned so much more! I am thankful I found this course when I did. I am looking forward to what is to come. Thank you professor!

By Mirko C

Mar 18, 2016

Great course, very well done and lot of stuff in it. There's a great job done by the teacher in planning and organizing everything, always very clear in the lessons and using clear examples to explain the concepts. My only suggestion would be to divide the last week into two different weeks, since there is lot of material in there, and cover a bit deeply Javascript language.

By Isabel M

Jul 28, 2022

Es un curso muy bueno sobre todo me gusto mucho en lo que a css se refiere, se fortalecen los conocimientos y aprendi a mejorar cosas que no estaba haciendo bien. Java me cuesta un poco mas , pero estoy en el camino de mejorar cada dia la progmacion Javascript.

Agradezco mucho a coursera que me financio mi certificado, y la posibilidad de estudiar este importante curso.

By Huynh L D

Mar 20, 2016

You can't get any more generous than this course. It gives you tons of knowledge, tons of practice, tons of meaningful projects to do.

If you have started this course a beginner and have since then religiously following the course materials and activities, you'll emerge an intermediate level developer who will be on the right track to building more advanced web applications.

By Jiang H

May 25, 2020

Definitely a good course! I love it! It helps me to see the big picture of web development. Briefly, HTML for structure, CSS for style, Javascript for dynamic. The course material is well prepared and coding material is easy to start with. The instructor is enthusiastic and humorous. Because it is an introductory course, I'm considering taking other courses offered by him.

By Srinivas P

Apr 27, 2020

This course changed my outlook regarding online courses. Everything was laid out in the simplest manner and was conveyed perfectly. The entire 5 weeks of the course were brimming with information. WE EVEN WENT ON A FIELD TRIP!!!. This course is just AMAZING.

I don't have enough words to thank Mr. Yaakov Chaikin for teaching me. He's one of the best teachers I've ever seen.

By Swapnil S

Aug 17, 2023

Great course. The instructor has genuinely put in a lot of effort to complete the course materials. If you already know a bit of programming(just the basics) this course truly offers a lot. However, I must say it's a bit back-dated sometimes and some aspects of this course truly need some update. Overall great course and would love to learn from John Hopkins and Coursera.

By Darya K

Jun 8, 2017

The course is well structured, includes only relevant information and allows you to get a feel for what's it's like in real life. The instructor does a great job on emphasizing important things, gets to the point quickly.

One detail that could be improved though was that the coding assignments on JS were too simple and covered only a tiny portion of the lecture material.

By Carlos E E M

Nov 11, 2019

Estoy muy feliz de haber tomado este curso el cual lo considero "Intenso" pero muy actualizado en el tema de HTML JS y CSS. Quedé sorprendido por la habilidad y el buen conocimiento del instructor Yakov, quien domina perfectamente todos los temas.

Este curso requiere mucha dedicación y estudio de manera personal para poder avanzar cada semana. Está fascinante. Gracias.

By Andrew C

Sep 2, 2017

This is an excellent course. I have been in software development for over 20 years, but never took the time to really understand CSS and Javascript. After taking this course, I feel much more confident in my skills and I've already been able to apply them on the job. Professor Chaikin is a fantastic instructor and conveyed the key points. The course was also fun.

By Ryan M

Oct 22, 2021

Quite good. Last Assignment was a bit more involved than the others, but it was still very much a beginner's course. This class focuses more on understanding the concepts than building an entire website from scratch. The technologies used in the course may be slightly out of date with Bootstrap 5 now in circulation, but that does not mean the information is useless.

By Glaucia F B

Sep 24, 2021

First I want to thank Coursera for taking this HTML, CSS & JavaScript course, thank Master Yaakov for the excellent content he provided me, the basis of programming, is a fundamental to start my career as a web developer. I really enjoyed the classes and the dynamics of group work. Here I leave my 5/5 star rating. Thank you so much. Best regards, Glaucia Fernandes.