May 2, 2020
Instructor is very knowledgeable. Content was fantastic & modern. Quizzes weren't easy & really enforced the course content. My favorite course so far of the 4 part series.
May 15, 2020
The course is really great and got to learn new & interesting concepts except that the webgoat installation tutorial/document is not up to date.
By Giorgio B
•Oct 30, 2019
Except for the first week, which introduces thread models, the rest of the course is the same as a part on "Identifying vulnerabilities in C/C++ programming"....
By Virgil L M
•May 24, 2020
This class was awesome, it was challenging, and caused me to grow toward my goal of being in Cyber security! Thanks!
By Nickolas D
•Jun 4, 2021
The information presented in this course is easy to digest and on point when discussing the identification of security vulnerabilities. The information related to ciphers, hash functions, threat model description, cryptography usage, OWASP, various security vulnerabilities (sql injection, cross site scripting, permissions, authentication via cookies and sessions, etc) were all fairly modern (I think?) and well explained. WebGoat and Burp were cool tools (once I got them working...) and their associated labs (while not required for completion) were useful and interesting. While the information was good and fairly well presented in general, I think this class would be greatly improved with an integrated jupyter notebook for the java programming sections. This would allow auto-graded input/output based assignments. Additionally create more jupyter notebook assignments in each module to further solidify chapter topics. The labs were difficult to setup: the tools themselves seem to be fairly old and required a bit of configuring to get them to work correctly. The assignment is out of date: javax has been deprecated since the release of java 9 in 2017; the assignments should be updated to use the latest technologies. If a jupyter notebook was used the above problems would be solved, as the lab/assignment environment would be pre-configured correctly. Additionally, this would guarantee all students access to the same development environment and that all the necessary packages are available.
By malromaithi
•Nov 12, 2019
A lot of the labs need to be updated as the latest webgoat does not function the same way as described in the lab anymore.
By Praveen P
•May 21, 2020
Peer Grade Assignments Marking By Indian Peers are validating our assignments very poor manner overall very bad attitude
By Rudolf S
•Jun 7, 2023
Saya merasakan bagimana kursus ini memberikan pemahaman yang sangat baik terutama tentang bidang Keamanan Cyber khususnya dalam mengidentifikasi kerentanan terhadap ancaman keamanan cyber yang sangat perlu perhatian pada saat sekarang ini. Terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada penyelenggara course dan para instruktur yang dengan penjelasan yang sangat baik serta sharing ilmu yang cukup baik. semoga Anda semua selalu diberi kesehatan. Majulah dunia pendidikan...
By Juan C Q V
•May 27, 2020
Excellent course, i have learned a lot of thing, even when some topics are explained in a general way, The instructor has much knowledge about the topics, the syllabus is according with the goal of the course; and the practice with webgoat gives that practice in the learning process. Thank you for sharing this knowledge.
By Elizabeth B
•Sep 27, 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed going through this course. Sandra did an excellent job explaining all the concepts. The slides were very clear and her explanations matched the slides (some teachers don't do that!). She explained things in a very concise and clear way.
By Edwin S
•Dec 23, 2021
This course has been very usefull to me. It introduces me to security vulnerabilities and how to think about the mitigations. I'm planning to do the last course in this specialisation next. Thank you for this inspiring course
By Fernando D B G
•Nov 18, 2019
It is not a very intense course, but each class is very well planned to learn the objectives and provides the resources to learn more. I am glad to have learned the topics developed in class.
By David A
•May 3, 2020
Instructor is very knowledgeable. Content was fantastic & modern. Quizzes weren't easy & really enforced the course content. My favorite course so far of the 4 part series.
By luca m
•Nov 2, 2020
The course give main bricks for handle security things. It gives also a small hands on and propose a few useful libraries for security development
By Hardik P T
•May 16, 2020
The course is really great and got to learn new & interesting concepts except that the webgoat installation tutorial/document is not up to date.
By Sanjeev K J
•Oct 23, 2019
Threat Modeling and Week 4 code submission was very fruitful. Overall good content to learn for developers and Application Engineers.
•May 20, 2020
By Righteous E
•Jul 28, 2020
I really enjoyed the course just somethings need to be reviewed again so that it could be up to date
By Mahendiran
•Jul 25, 2020
Coursera site is very use full for learning,knowledge sharing, quality checking and improve skills
By Deepak B
•Dec 9, 2019
Its a good learning and got to know about security and Vulnerabilities in an ellaborate way. Thanks
By Shimane M
•Jul 16, 2019
I can now take full control of my personal information online, without any tradeoffs
By Joseph K
•Jul 2, 2020
very good course and i love the instructor, very clear and straight to the point
•Jul 6, 2020
Thank you ma'am it was a great learning with you. I learned so many new things.
By Jason G
•Nov 19, 2020
Very informative & exhaustive coverage. Kudos to the tutor and thank you !!
By Juan A G G
•Jul 12, 2021
Excelente metodologÃa de aprendizaje de desarrollo seguro de Software
By Jennifer Y
•Sep 7, 2021
It's a good course for who is looking to learn about secure code
•Feb 1, 2021
Excellent course, everything is accessible and understandable