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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Immunology: Innate Immunity and B-Cell Function by Rice University

1,780 ratings

About the Course

Course 1 of a four course specialization called Fundamentals of Immunology: Innate Immunity and B-cell Function. Each course in the specialization presents material that builds on the previous course's material. This is the first leg of a four-part journey through the defenses your body uses to keep you healthy. In this part, we hope to give you the vocabulary and concepts you need to interact with the medical community and provide them with a context that makes them memorable. Fundamentals of Immunology: Innate Immunity and B-cell Function introduces students to the basic functions of the adaptive and innate immune systems. The early lectures survey cells, tissues, and organs using metaphors, cartoons, and models to improve understanding and retention. After describing the form, function, origin, and varieties of antibodies, subsequent lectures provide details on the mechanism of the generation of variation. The course provides animations of gene rearrangement and class switching and descriptions of affinity maturation correlated with detailed physical models of antibody structure. The final lecture reviews these concepts in an anatomical context. Testing employs multiple choice questions testing facts, concepts, and application of principles. Questions may refer to diagrams, drawings, and photographs used in the lecture and reproduced in the outline. What You’ll Learn: The difference between adaptive and innate immune systems, the characteristics of various pathogens that they protect you from, and the overall strategies employed in this protection. The detailed structure of antibodies and related immunoglobulin receptors, the characteristics and function of the different antibody classes, and the mechanism for producing both the recognition regions and stem regions.  Finally, how these structures are coded for in the DNA and expressed in the B cells....

Top reviews


Nov 21, 2020

Thank you very much Professor! I really enjoyed your lessons and passion for teaching. I am glad you are able to share your talent with the world via this medium. Looking forward to the next class!


Aug 5, 2019

So far the lecturer has been very entertaining and interesting in her explanation of various concepts of immunology. I am excited to finish this course, which will be relevant to my future studies.

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326 - 332 of 332 Reviews for Fundamentals of Immunology: Innate Immunity and B-Cell Function

By Ahmet m


Apr 5, 2020

First few lectures were AMZAING. But after the second week things started to get difficult and many idioms were not explained . the professor spend much time talking about animals and other species immunity while passing quickly over the important things. Sadly it's not the course for me .But thank you for taking the time i'm sure other people will find it useful.

By Al M H


Feb 28, 2021

The course is very complicated. For a new comer, who has no knowledge in this will be totally lost and will not find it interesting and understandable.



Mar 20, 2021

I understand that the concept of immunology itself is difficult for beginners. But, the way of teaching is something like beat around the bush and not really to the point. It is very exhausting to keep watching.

By Joana F


Nov 29, 2024

I found this course extremely childish; the content was the one I was looking for; however, the way it was presented was more adapted to middle school than adults.

By H M


Feb 6, 2023

Sorry to say but the lecturer of this course, I think, has made the most easiest, interesting and appealing course to me as the most diffiult and omplex one.

By Ashima K 1


Jun 7, 2020

i want to unenroll it