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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Immunology: Inflammation, Tolerance, Autoimmunity by Rice University

324 ratings

About the Course

Course 3 of a four-course specialization called Fundamentals of Immunology. Each course in the specialization presents material that builds on the previous course's material. This is the third leg of the journey through the defenses your body uses to keep you healthy. We learned about innate immunity and B cell function in the first course. In the second course, we studied T cell function and coordination of the immune response. Fundamentals of Immunology: Inflammation, Tolerance, and Autoimmunity introduces students to the basic functions of the adaptive and innate immune systems. The early lectures survey cells, tissues, and organs using metaphors, cartoons, and models to improve understanding and retention. After describing the form, function, origin, and varieties of antibodies, subsequent lectures provide details on the mechanism of the generation of variation. The course provides animations of gene rearrangement and class switching and descriptions of affinity maturation correlated with detailed physical models of antibody structure. The final lecture reviews these concepts in an anatomical context. Testing employs multiple choice questions testing facts, concepts, and application of principles. Questions may refer to diagrams, drawings, and photographs used in the lecture and reproduced in the outline. What You’ll Learn: A survey of immune cells and how they attack pathogens, emphasizing the mechanism of inducing apoptosis and details of Antibody Directed Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity. The inflammatory response and mechanisms of generating tolerance are presented sequentially to emphasize the decision-making in controlling attacks. A survey of autoimmune disease, its characteristics, cause, and treatment. Survey of hypersensitivity reactions, including allergy, anaphylaxis, anemias, granulomas, and various skin responses. This is accompanied by identification, prevention, and treatment. The final discussion of preventing transplant rejection is preceded by a detailed unit on antibody technology and the testing methods for incompatibility....

Top reviews


Sep 8, 2020

Highly recommended to Biology and Life Science students.I liked the enthusiastic way of teaching from Dr. AlmaIf you have a small interest, go ahead.


Apr 21, 2020

Amazing course, brilliant lecturer, entertaining and fascinating presentation of complex material that contributes to quick memorization.

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51 - 52 of 52 Reviews for Fundamentals of Immunology: Inflammation, Tolerance, Autoimmunity

By Vinay k


May 7, 2020

It is very helpfull in my Current courses

By Vickie R R


Aug 1, 2022

I've been enjoying this specialization but I was disappointed in a number of problems with this one. Questions on quizzes were prior to the actual lesson those questions came from. Some of the quizzes had questions that were not topics from lectures and these questions were straight recall and not critical thinking. On the final, the same question appeared twice!

Are the videos transcribed using some thyp of AI? I kept having to stop the video to correct the transcript and this slowed me down. In addition, the overall course outline was lacking figures shown in the video even though figures were supposed to be in the outline. I had to copy a lot of these missing figures to put them together with the transcript for better understanding.