Oct 6, 2020
I didn't have any idea to how control social media, but after this course that was so practical learned how to control , monitor and observe the operation and also how to find solutions to thrive.
Feb 16, 2021
Thank you Coursera, DOST and Northwestern University. I really enjoy the course. I hope I had much time to finish the whole course. Hopefully, if there is another opportunity like this, I will.
By Sister E B
•Jun 16, 2016
I almost need to come back and listen to these lectures again. This course is pretty technical -- it involves several different digital tools. I found that it was possible to do well on the quizzes without really mastering the technical tools. Now that I'm trying to put them into use more fully, I find I don't understand them as well as I should have. I take responsibility for perhaps not pushing to understand the first time -- but I also encourage Coursera and @RandyHlavac to perhaps include something more than "did you get an account?" checks for the tools -- to make sure students grasp how to use the tools before they move on.
By Mohamed y a
•Nov 21, 2017
you must believe data no matter your guts tell you , social monitoring tools are the only thing you must build your entire assumption on it not your biased brain searching on google .
the whole science of business is built to decrease the risks of losing your money and time and social data monitoring is one of those decrease losing tools so don't hesitate to spend some money on it for the long run benefit .
By Isaac T
•Apr 3, 2016
We all hear about big data and it's core role at information society. This course helped me understand how we actually use big data to interact with people. I also realised that we don't need to be part of a big company to work with big data. There are tools available for every person, some of them for free.
By Erik O
•Feb 16, 2020
I found the course to be very interesting. It thought me a lot of new things in a field I knew Little about from before. One complaint might be that some of the videos and information could have been a bit more current, considering how fast the social media scene is changing.
By Jiayuan S
•Feb 17, 2019
Useful insights from Taco Bell's Vice President of Digital Innovation but a few errors with quiz questions about content in missing videos, less than half-year long free trial of Bluemix and mistakes in transcript of videos. Generally worthy.
By Lilliana U d N
•Sep 20, 2016
Found difficult to use Semantria and IBM Bluemix. They were not user friendly and the videos were too limited, and did not show how to use the rest. It´s a shame that we are given 6 months to use, but no tools to take advantage of it.
By Alysia B
•Oct 20, 2016
I learned a lot in this course about all the ways one can find info online about your product/business. Some of the guest lecture videos didn't hold my attention all that well, but I'm glad we had their perspective.
By Od S
•Sep 20, 2017
You should be more clear about the tools, add by writing how to use them, very clear and step by step because they are not familiar at all. They are so many and we need a guide. The videos are confused.
By Sumit C
•Jun 1, 2019
Great Course!
The tools that were provided act as leverage to gain knowledge about how Social Monitoring is done and how to maximize your brand's reputation by knowing the competition in the market.
By Roque L
•Nov 8, 2020
Very good course. but need some actulitations. specialy on the tools like ibm cloud, the intarface of has change and its bit diferent. also google + is mention and it does not longer exist
By Deleted A
•Dec 12, 2015
In this course, Randy Hlavac does a deeper dive into the importance of social media monitoring and gives a nice overview of some key social listening tools available on the market today.
By Mira A N
•Jun 30, 2018
Very good and interesting. The videos would be good to be updated so you didn't have to get stressed when you didn't find the sites that was down.
By Lionel G
•Jun 18, 2016
Great follow-up from the What is Social, with lots of practical examples. I have enjoyed this course and strongly advise to follow it
By Shivangi c
•Dec 5, 2019
This is course is very useful for me, I have learned so many things from this course and its very beneficial for my future career.
By Andrea Z
•Jul 23, 2016
A very interesting course. A step-by-step guide on how to deploy the Bluemix App would have helped. That's the only thing missing.
By Shelli K
•Dec 5, 2015
This class provides great tools and approaches to power you social marketing efforts. Hands on and supportive to get you going.
By Kevin B
•Jul 25, 2018
This course is very hands on. It taught me practical skills I could use immediately. Might need to be updated in a few places.
By Marisa C
•May 21, 2020
This was an interesting course, however, many parts need to be updated. The definition of API is incorrect in many instances.
By Paras A A
•Apr 14, 2016
Learned a lot through the course. Will recommend it to anyone who wants to understand how to be effective in social media
By Yolanda N P
•Mar 2, 2016
The Bluemix video wa a bit confusing and my promo code didn't work and I never received a reply on how to get it to work.
By Mark V
•Oct 1, 2019
Very good. Very useful. I only drop a star because many instances were not up-to-date. Provides a lot of free tools!
By Learn F
•Oct 4, 2018
Fantastic, just want to get that one quiz figured out so I don't loose marks for questions that didn't apply? help
By Alan E
•Aug 31, 2017
Much better than the first cours. In my opinion they should be merged. Level 1 didn't have that much information.
By Deirdre O
•Jul 30, 2020
good; I think it's a little dated - referring to google+? Just needs a few updates to bring it up to date.
By Malak A
•Aug 24, 2017
This was a very informative course. I learned new ways to look up for influencers' on social media.