By Jayraj N
•Nov 21, 2016
Very Good Course which primarily focuses on India's First and Second Generation Economic Reforms.
I would personally recommend following the course 'Importance of India'after that of 'Contemporary India" as the latter provides a solid introduction to University of OHIO based former course.
I had to lop off one star because the course content tended to stray off limits in Weeks 6 and 7;
To be honest, Go straight to the test after completing Week 5; which i view as the end of this course.
By Hansha
•Dec 4, 2016
This course is excellent! The lecturers are superb and they know their stuff.
By Bart S
•Sep 2, 2016
repeat the class!
By Pablo A G M
•Nov 27, 2016
Despite being a very interesting topic, I did not find this course as enjoyable as others I have done. Maybe covering these many amount of things in such a short course is too challenging. Anyhow, if you want to learn about India, it is a good course. However, I would recommend the one from The Ohio State University ('The importance of India")
By Glenn O
•Sep 11, 2016
The first half of the course is excellent, but slows down in the second half.
By jose L M
•Sep 3, 2016
By Rajshekar B
•Oct 16, 2016
Very nice course with good chronological description of events. good links for additional reading. I feel it could have been a bit more elaborate or more in depth.
•Sep 24, 2016
Of course, this course will give a whole idea about the India of contemporary time.