Jul 31, 2022
This is an excellent course that I would recommend to everyone in Canada. I learnde a lot about the history or colonization and gained a good understanding of Indigenous issues in contemporary Canada.
Oct 13, 2021
This was one of the best online courses I have taken. It was well written, great material related to my own personal development and gave me a better understanding of the Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
By Ashley M
•Mar 11, 2022
I think this course should be a requirement for every settler living in Canada. I learnt so much. Thank you!
By Corey L
•Dec 27, 2021
That was a wonderful course to take. I look forward to continuing my learning and unlearning. Many thanks!
By Teresa S
•Oct 18, 2021
Excellent learning. I was happy that I had the opportunity and time to go through this. I learned so much.
By Sharon C
•Sep 21, 2021
This course was fantastic. Engaging and informative. Thank you for all the important learning you offered.
By Cindy L N
•Sep 19, 2021
what an anazing, eye opening course. I really enjoyed the lessons and learned a lot about canada's history.
By Jeff L
•Sep 15, 2021
The various assets in each module- the videos, readings, etc. were very helpful in understanding the topics.
By Wendy J U
•Aug 9, 2021
Excellent! My eyes were opened by this course. Every citizen and resident of Canada should take this course.
By Cynthia R V
•Aug 7, 2021
Everyone needs to take course in this time of Every child matters, and missing and murdered indigenous women
By Janet C
•Jul 23, 2021
I feel this course has helped me understand some parts of Canadian history that has not been widely taught.
By Jacinthe L D
•Jul 2, 2021
Amazing course that highlights the indigenous perspectives and stories. I learned a lot. Strongly recommend!
By Jaye M
•Apr 11, 2021
Well worth the time spent to complete. Will definitely provide a different lens to our history and culture.
By Jane B
•Mar 16, 2021
Very informative. Learned so much and have a greater awareness and respect. Thank you for the opportunity.
By Kim P
•Feb 14, 2021
Outstanding course! Every Canadian needs to experience this wonderful sharing of knowledge and perspective.
By Erik L
•Oct 28, 2020
Incredible course, only downside was not enough time to go more in depth. This is a wonderful starter course
By Shannon M [
•Oct 26, 2020
Why did they choose to use the word Aboriginal rather than Indigenous? I still don't understand this choice.
By Ingrid O
•Sep 29, 2020
Very Informative, eyeopening, and spiritual. Thank you, for bringing some proper and factual history to us.
By Sondra P
•Aug 21, 2020
Interesting and informative. This course should be taken by everyone living on traditional Indigenous lands.
By Karenina H
•Jul 20, 2020
It is a comprehensive, current and well explained history class. I loved it all. I still have much to learn.
By Lindsay R
•Apr 20, 2018
Excellent course! Very informative and covers many crucial topics pertaining to Indigenous people in Canada.
By Emily W
•Feb 24, 2025
Excellent! I really enjoyed this course very informative and dynamic and challenging questions and quizzes.
By Kimberly L
•Apr 28, 2022
I am forever changed. We can only hope to properly teach future generations of Canadians about our history>
By Helene S
•Jan 26, 2022
Thank you for providing a wonderfully presented, knowledgeable, and engaging overview on Indigenous Canada.
By Sheila P
•Nov 26, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. Thanks to the University of Albert for giving me the opportunity to take it.
By Victoria K
•Nov 23, 2021
i gained so much knowledge, respect and understanding of indigenous history while completing this course.
By margaret s
•Jul 20, 2021
Modules 9, 10, 11 seemed a bit vague at times and could have used more specific examples to clarify points.