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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

22,156 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

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I really enjoyed this course. I liked that it was taught by indigenous peoples from their perspective. I feel much more confident in my knowledge regarding indigenous issues and traditions. Thank you!


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This was one of the best online courses I have taken. It was well written, great material related to my own personal development and gave me a better understanding of the Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

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6776 - 6800 of 7,765 Reviews for Indigenous Canada



Nov 20, 2020

As a student of Sociology I was fascinated to read about indigenous people of Canada and I could draw parallels to the impact of British Colonialism in India, and how it adversely affected tribal people here. At first I did not enjoy taking the Quizzes, but after about two Weeks, I began enjoying learning and relearning and attempting the quizzes several times over.

I feel the content in each week was a bit too detailed and heavy...and with too much emphasis of the historical events; esp the numerous Treaties and geographical descriptions.

It would have been more interesting to have interview-based learning components; A endless one-way narration got very heavy, sometimes intense, though interesting.

The quizzes could have been less focused on 'knowledge-type' questions.

All in all, I am glad to have learnt something totally new.

Thank you

By Jacques A


Dec 5, 2020

Information was overwhelmingly eye opening and informative. There is so much present, it was difficult to complete the tests on my first attempts. There should be questions embedded throughout like mini quizzes to help the information absorb more readily. Also, some questions relate to such minute details, it is difficult to not want to 'cheat' and look at notes to help yourself.

Lastly, while I understand the point of view is taken from an aboriginal/Native person stand point, some phrasing comes across as equally biased as traditional colonists views, and sully's the importance of the material. It could be worded differently to have its approach more friendly, and entice more Aboriginal friendly but less knowledgeable allies to view the worldview of indigenaiety more readily.

Overall, I am pleased I selected this class.

By Lorraine F


Jan 18, 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. There was so much information to process and to absorb, all of it contributing to a better understanding of , and empathy for, Indigenous Peoples and what they have, and continue, to endure. As an overview course, it provides good insight into most topics; however, there were several topics that could have used more detail or explanation., e.g., Module 10 mentioned RCAP's Community of Interest as a model, but I was unable to find it within the Report's recommendations on searching. I would have liked a definition of that model rather than a reference. Overall, and despite some contention with the quizzes, this course has taught me a lot more than the Canadian history (settler colonizer-focused) courses I took in university. Thanks to Dr. Bear and all those who contributed to this.

By 陳奇充


May 3, 2021

This course gives me a broad general understanding of Canadian indigenous people, it is probably very rare to find another course to replace it. I especially like the art piece explanations in each of the Modules and the interviews, too.

However, the course uses many hard vocabulary and expressions you can only find in scholarly papers. It is difficult to understand, learners need to go to forum to discuss with others to find out what the content is talking about. (but do keep in mind that I am not Canadian nor is English my native tongue.)

Besides that the quizzes are sometimes hard. I find some questions very detailed, ambiguous, or don't where is it from in the content.

And lastly, I find the last reading in every modules helpful and good resources to keep after finishing the course.

that's all, thank you.

By Laura B


Jan 21, 2021

Very grateful to have been taught this perspective and have my eyes opened in regards to Canadian History, as well as everything brought forward in this course. I am thankful for the time and effort that was put into this course and feel appreciative that I was able to take part in this learning experience that quite frankly should be mandatory in schools. On a different note, I found the course to be repetitive at times and found it hard to stay engaged with the material being read to me in a sometimes monotone fashion. I found it easier to be present during the interviews where the individuals seemed engaged and connected to their material. The questions (questionnaire) were also sometimes worded poorly and did not seem focused on the important material covered. Overall: thank you, I am grateful.

By David B J R


Jul 6, 2021

I found the course interesting and informative, and essential for a non Canadian such as myself. Topics were well researched, and on the whole, well presented. Towards the tail end of the course, there was a lot of negativity geared towards males in general and the Federal Government of Canada and Britain/France.

Nothing can ever make up for what has happened in the past within in Canada. If Reconciliation is indeed the true goal, and a fair and equitable voice for ALL in Canada, regardless of background, then perhaps the lecturers need to keep that in mind when presenting.

There are powerful lessons that need to be learned from the past - but, if we are truly the custodians for our future generations, then we need to look to how best to make the future the best it can be for everyone.

By Jamie S


Mar 22, 2022

the course was very informative- I learned much more than I would've had I taken the course. It was also really neat to see the connections in this course to what I'm learning in school at the moment. I loved that there was videos as well as the course notes to learn the material. It for sure helped me learn the material better. The only thing I would change is that, in none of the weeks did the reading take 10 minutes. For me, it took more like 30 minutes to an hour depending on how long the notes were. I also enjoyed the 1491s presentation in the week 12 videos. Thank you for putting in the effort to give this opportunity to learn so much.

;/............................'[[[[[[[[] <---------------that was my cat walking on the keyboard to tell you what he thought of the course. :)

By Monique F


May 23, 2020

I appreciate this course very much. I value the videos and the written documents available for each modules that caters to different learning styles and help with he pronunciation of words. I feel there could be a little more improvement with he information as i noticed some inconsistency in information. However, this is an excellent initiation into understand the experience of First Nation Peoples and to jump start interest and education about their experiences and histroy. The course helped me so much and heignten my sensitivity and awareness to the First Nations Peoples of Canada experience. As a newcomer to Canada and an aunt to niece and nephew who are of First Nation decent, I deeply value the access to this information and i am sincerely grateful.

Thank you !

By Shyloe E


Aug 6, 2021

The course provided me with a better understanding of historical events for which I am thankful for. There is blame placed on the government which highlights the fact that in 2021 we are all (regardless of race or culture) at the mercy of. It is my hope that in the near future more people will become educated of historical events and be able to move past blaming and who is entitled to what and move more towards collaboration of working together as people with the environment a prime focus. Moderate livelily hood has created division and chaos in our province as it continues to go undefined and there is no acknowledgement that some people, regardless of their race or culture are just plain greedy. Indigenous cultural teachings go under educated and under appreciated.

By Christine P


Aug 3, 2020

Thank you for making this course readily available through Coursera. This is what has always been missing from my education for as long as I can remember. It is my firm belief and wish that the contents of this course become mandatory for all Canadians from a young age until High School graduation (at a minimum). I have a much better appreciation for the history of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada and I promise to continue on my quest for more knowledge so that I can be a more effective ally. If I were to offer only one point of constructive criticism it is that I would incorporate more visuals during the presentations. Not only do people learn in different ways but visual memory is the most powerful and lasting. Again, thank you and keep up the great work!

By Esther P


Dec 30, 2020

THANK YOU for creating a course that helps introduce/present a more accurate representation of indigenous Canada. While yes, the course videos/transcripts require revision, it does not take away from the information that is relayed in the videos. At 31 years old, I was personally embarrassed by my lack of knowledge on this, and am horrified by how little of this was taught through my public education in Canada. While i have always appreciated indigenous culture, I had no idea how little I really knew. I still have a lot to learn, but am very motivated to continue my education on this, and will make a point to spread the word about this course. Again, many thanks for making this course so accessible...I look forward to taking any future courses from your Faculty!

By Melanie T


Sep 16, 2020

I found the course very interesting and informative. It was well presented and I appreciated that it provided a variety of learning methods - video / audio, reading, interactive painting, etc.

There were a lot of mistakes in the transcripts for videos, I would have appreciated the words being included and / or spelled correctly.

I did find that the quiz questions were often confusing and even when I went back and read over the materials to determine the correct answer for those I got wrong, I could not actually figure out what they were asking. The course would be better if the correct answers were shown upon completion of the quiz.

All in all a good course that I would recommend to anyone looking to learn more about Indigenous people in Canada.

By Lesleigh V B


Aug 24, 2021

The information is very broad but serves as a good introduction. I did find it leaned heavily on being biased in some lectures. I learned a lot, however, and will take what I learned with me. I would like to see some variation in instruction for this course as it is very repetitive. I hold 3 degrees already and I really had to work hard sometimes to get myself involved in the learning process because the model of delivery was so much the same. I also struggled with studying for the tests because it was difficult to pinpoint what was important enough to highlight and what was being glanced over. I'm certainly not sorry I took the course, however, as it has taught me a lot and given me enough information to understand this topic more than before.

By Elly J


Mar 26, 2021

Thank you. I do now have a better appreciation/understanding of the Indigenous history and the issues they have faced and are facing. My ancestors were from Russia in the early 1900’s and had to endure communism and the KGB taking my grandfather away in the middle of the night - never to be seen again. My ancestors also had their land and homes taken away from them. Unjust, difficult lives have been a common thread for previous generations in many areas of the world. It is important to acknowledge and discuss this history and mutually work together to improve conditions for all.

In one module, you discuss Winnipeg’s ’ Neechi Commons. Perhaps an update would be helpful - also what was learnt from that. I good idea but not sustainable.

By Andrew C


Apr 3, 2021

Overall I enjoyed the course. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of the instructors and particularly enjoyed the videos of witnesses and historians sprinkled throughout.

The course did what I wanted it to do, it gave me a basic foundational appreciation for the struggles indigenous peoples have faced. My education at the University level came with a perspective and bias of the white male settler. As I get older I'm searching for wider, more diverse perspectives on history and this course helped me with that.

My only critical feedback is that I found it lost a little bit of steam towards the latter half. Greater care could have been used in the crafting of a number of the multiple choice questions.

Thank you for all your hard work.

By Victoria T


Sep 19, 2022

I have been an informal student of Indigenous people of the U.S. since growing up in Kansas, land stolen from plains tribes. I learned so much from this course. Partly because it focused on Canada, partly because it reflected recent scholarship, but mostly because it was created by Indigenous people. I found that the quizes were disappointing. They seemed to focus more on whether a person read the material rather than how well they understood it. As a community college educator, I call these sorts of questions trivial pursuit. A few are good for the purpose of "were you even there?" but if there are too many it trivializes the material. But evaluation is a minor part of the course. The learning experience was very good. Thank you.

By Erin C


Sep 15, 2021

I found the early weeks very helpful to give context to Indigenous history within Canada. In later episodes I felt things were a little too genialized, or they didn't make best use of the media to present information. For example, while talking about Artists I feel it was a missed opportunity by now showing examples of the artists work. I would recommend this course to anyone as a starter point towards becoming more culturally aware, but I suspect without working with or being involved in Indigenous groups all of this knowledge remains "academic". I'd imagine that anyone wanting to gain more understanding on these topics would need to actually be involved in Indigenous people whether it is through work, social live, activism etc.

By Esther P


Jul 1, 2021

I learned a lot from this course. I recognize and appreciate that it is told from an Indigenous perspective and this has challenged the things I have learned as a child from school-based curriculums. My one critique is the "flat" presentation style. The first week was engaging with the story telling and the graphics and then it sort of fell flat over the subsequent weeks. I wish it was more engaging and interactive and it would have helped to have the presenters move around a little bit as I started to get screen fatigue. I also wish that there was a way to read along and watch the video in full screen. Overall, I'm very happy to have taken this course. I feel much more knowledgable about Indigenous history in Canada. Thank you!

By Renate F


Apr 7, 2023

I live in Germany and knew little about the history of Canada so far. I was shocked by some facts. At the same time I thought about die values and the system of the society in which I grew up. I was interested in the different worldviews, values and ways of life of the various indigenous peoples.

In some videos the names of groups or institutions were mentioned but not sufficiently or much later explained. Also processes were not always explained in chronological time. I often found the time jumps confusing, especially in the lessons about treaties. The pictures shown in the videos were removed too quickly. The video about indigenous art would have been more vivid if some pictures of the presented works of art had been shown.

By Ronnie E


Sep 18, 2020

It was amazing and I learned a lot about the different indigenous groups around Canada. Not only learning the basics on the different groups but also the history and what people may think are small details but are big stepping stones for indigenous people. The course was well organized and laid out and easy to navigate through. I really enjoyed the fact that even being located in western Canada that it encompassed all of the indigenous groups, even the ones out east. I live in Labrador and it connected ties over this way, which is great to see. The videos were spoken clear and concise and to see and hear of the guest speakers was amazing. Great course. I selected 4 stars, only because there is always room for improvement.

By George R


Mar 15, 2022

Well done. NOTe that is from 2015, interesting to know how far along we have come, but, of course with a great deal more to be done. Does the course need revising at all?

Particularly interesting was Britian substituting a patriarcharcal society on Indigenous cultures who were much more neutral between the genders and indeed some were matriarchal in nature.

Now we are trying to undo this with Indigenous peoples, and adapting to the women's movement in how society is organized in the greater context as a country not just Indigenous. We have come a long way, but witha long ways to go. In retrospect, what Britain should of done, was adopt much of how the Indigeous people were governing, instead of the other way around!

By Margaret M P


Apr 28, 2021

Some of the course was a bit complaining with so much treaty, written political, and land complaints, with involvement from the women. The population growth, where will they put there offspring if not with more urban growth? Depression etc, only blaming government and colonizaiton. The Colonializers must have done some good. The women being murdered, abused and then have to take time from employment to powwow against government activisim. I felt the art and creative side was very uplifting. They really do have some beautiful artwork and stories.

The actual prepration of the literature for this course, and the filming, though lengthy, was exceptional. I did greatly enjoy learning more about Canada.

By David I G


Oct 24, 2021

well presented and important. Should have learned this in the mainstream long ago. My only critique is that the political position is obvious, which is not itself a bad thing, but it a) clouds the broader perspective of colonialism in the 1800s early 1900s. That is, it was a harsh approach to many who were not of the 'right background' - jews, poor people, orphans, women etc. It is collectively evolving on many fronts. b) completely ignores the fact that first nations took slaves, fought, had human societal challenges pre contact and is confronted with internal issues today. (the queer indigenous interviewee in Week 9 did a great job of highlighting some of this, outside of the course lecture).

By Laura H


Mar 7, 2021

I enjoyed the course and I am an urban metis woman born in Manitoba and raised in Alberta by a settler family I often felt I didn't fit in on either side of the spectrum as I am not classified as full blood or recognized by the Metis as I have never lived in a settlement and have been disconnected from my culture My bloodlines indicate that I am metis. Learning about how the Metis people have adapted to the urban culture has made me realize I do fit on the spectrum and that is as an urban Metis Woman. Thank you to all who put this course together as I have learned a lot about the indigenous culture and can now look at the world through different eyes Better eyes. ( Not a review but a perspective )