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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

22,992 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

Top reviews


Sep 20, 2021

T​o truly heal as a nation, we must all walk the path of reconciliation. The first step is education. Gratitude to University of Alberta for lighting the way by unpacking Canada's complicated history.


Jul 31, 2022

This is an excellent course that I would recommend to everyone in Canada. I learnde a lot about the history or colonization and gained a good understanding of Indigenous issues in contemporary Canada.

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7851 - 7875 of 7,895 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By Carl H

Oct 20, 2020

Have tried twice to complete and submit comments but they've evaporated w/o me consciously pushing "submit" ...maybe you got them.


By Crystal B

Dec 23, 2021

Content was excellent, I learned a lot!!!... but I struggled each time with tech challenges which brought significant frustration.

By Michelle V

Nov 23, 2020

A lot of blanket statements and not a lot of evidence presented. Overall, it was very informative and eye opening.

By Sandy B

Sep 26, 2020

Really wish there were more interviews; more showing of the art/culture. Great content though a bit repetitive

By M G S

Nov 8, 2020

I enjoyed the course. Looking for more information and examples to illustrate the points being discussed.

By Nathaniel N

Mar 10, 2021

Enjoyed the artwork, but wished some of the content was more broken up into easier readable sentences.

By Anita V

Oct 3, 2020

There could be more pictures and video clips to go along with examples and who people are/were

By Danielle B

Aug 29, 2021

Very informative .. excellent presentation - transcribing of audio to text is very poor

By Nimrat J

Aug 13, 2020

The course was enjoyable but it could be improved by adding an interactive component.

By Mariah G

Feb 5, 2021

The content was very useful and interesting but the delivery was not very engaging.

By Richard S

Nov 8, 2020

The course seems to present an idealized view of the motives First Nation Peoples.

By Chelsea F

Apr 4, 2022

was alot of information .But i didnt see the relavence to my E.A. course

By Earl M

Aug 18, 2021

Informative but not indepth, good intro to Indigenous issues in Canada

By Amelia L S

Jan 21, 2021

I gained a lot of knowledge from this course that I didn't know.

By Brent T

May 4, 2021

I thought the course was good

By Kayla E

Mar 16, 2021

It could be more interactive.

By Qudsia A F

Aug 16, 2024

good insight

By Dory B

Jul 17, 2023

it is okay

By Penelope G

Dec 27, 2021

Too long

By Joshua W

Jun 23, 2021

to hard

By Rahat S

Feb 2, 2023


By Judy A

Jul 31, 2022

As person whose people have been persecuted, subjected to genocide, murdered, and discriminated against at every turn for as longer or longer than Indigenous people; I find the premise of this course that, that by insulting me at every turn, I will become ‘woke’ is somewhat perplexing.  To me, this course is pedagogically based on the premise that if I wanted to teach about the Holocaust, the best approach is to treat every German alive today as a Nazi.  While I abhor the wrongs, grievous and genocidal wrongs, inflicted on the Indigenous People of Canada (and the world); I found it hard to learn the lessons in this course because of the way it was taught.  I understand that this was intentional, because as a non-Indigenous person I am the problem.  After being labelled the problem, it is difficult to find my way forward to be part of the solution.  This is, in large part, because the message I received is that I can only ever be the problem.  I think the premise of a MOOC on this topic is a fabulous idea.  However, as a teacher and curriculum developer, I don't think that condescension and blaming are effective educational tools.  I suspect that my comments will be ignored, as I stated in the beginning, I'm clearly not 'woke enough'.

By Amanda B

Aug 6, 2021

I just started the course (finished the first two modules) and I found the two quizzes a bit challenging. To find the answers to some of the questions in the notes was not easy. Found myself re-reading the information and picking the best answer. Also I think it would be more beneficial if you could have more little quizzes along the way so you are retaining the information before the quiz that is marked. One final suggestion is that you would show the correct answer once you have gotten the results.

Now that I have completed the course, I can say it was very interesting. Still stand by my above comment regarding the quizzes being challenging. The most interesting module was number five (5), Killing the Indian and the residential school. The second was the module number 12, Art and Cultural. I did have an issue with the Paintings half way through the course. They became unavailable. But as I was doing the last ones, they were back up but not in order, not related to module topic and some missing. The video in Module 12 where they are in order was great. But again, overall, course was very informative, interesting and speakers were great. Going to recommend it to my fellow co-workers.

By Bill M (

Sep 6, 2020

The course for me was very much taught in the true colonial manner. Very biased dialogue leaning to the hardship of the indigenous (First Nation) community. It was unfortunate that presenters such as Reuben Quinn did not have more opportunities to express knowledge. University academics are fine but they have the burden of assimilation to overcome in presenting their material. It was a good start to a very complex topic; but it should have built up to a meaningful conclusion and some real issues. The arts section was good but probably would have been better placed in lesson 2. This would have then allowed time to develop the issues and bring in the complexity of traditional mindsets, values, truths of survival, wisdom of land based knowledge and mutual benefit. Teaching of the grandfathers, the grandmother clans and the community councils were minimized, unfortunately. Best wishes in your future course developments as you do have an audience for this material, way of life and type of knowledge. All of which are very much needed and crucial at this time and for the future if we are to live in harmony and balance.