Oct 28, 2020
This course helped me to get a better understanding of the Indigenous people which in turn helped to appreciate them, their culture and their contribution to society in a more profound way. Thank you
Jun 20, 2021
T​his course was so impactful. Each module could be made into a course of its own. I would gladly take them if offered. I learned so much and gained new appreciation for Canada's Indigenous People.
By Barbara M
•Nov 10, 2020
Eye opening to see how bad the settlers and even non-indigenous people treat our indigenous people today. I believe if more people were taught the history of indigenous peoples in school, we would have a better understanding and would be open-minded and respect the ways of our beautiful indigenous culture. We could learn so much from our indigenous people. I have a whole new respect and understanding. I am truly sorry for the way the indigenous people were and are treated in Canada.
By Christina F
•Sep 16, 2020
This is the Indigenous History that our Canadian schools should have taught us. I greatly appreciated hearing the Indigenous perspectives on the many historical events that shaped this country. I also enjoyed how the course dove into the current movements, concerns and issues that Indigenous people are still facing. I think many minds would be changed after completing this course with an open mind. I am also proud that this course was offered by my Alma Mater, University of Alberta.
By S N
•Nov 5, 2020
What an incredibly enlightening course. As an American, (Permanent resident) who lives on Vancouver Island in BC, this course has opened my eyes to various aspects of the Indigenous experience that I knew nothing about. I have learned so much! There are few words that I can think of to justly express my gratitude for the Professors who put so much work into this course. Thank you so much for your hard work, and especially your willingness to share about Indigenous people of Canada.
By George P
•Dec 12, 2021
This course gave me a new insight to indigenous people worldwide. Actually makes me embarassed to be of european descent. So much that Canada has not told us. Certainly didn't learn anything in school. Hopefully our children will be exposed to more of what happened here and perhaps will be open to change. Especially loved the fact that it is a matriarchal society. That should be the case around the world. As a male senior citizen , this course has changed my opinion. Thank you!!
By Terri E
•Oct 20, 2021
Excellent information and presentation. I enjoyed it all and thought it was all very well done. In previous courses I've taken I've found The Blanket Exercise to be very moving and eye opening. I'm not sure how it would be added to an online course but is worth considering as a video perhaps. I've also found a lot of misconceptions around taxation and would suggest it as a topic to add in the future. But overall, very, very well done. Only suggestions to be considered. Thank you.
By Cynthia H
•Dec 1, 2020
WOW! This was an amazing course. It opened up my eyes to another chapter in Canada's history that I was not previously exposed to. I feel more well informed about the cultural history that Indigenous and First Nations people had endured. My new understanding for the oppressions that were faced and are still fighting against today has given me empathy but also courage to speak out against wrong doings. This course is powerful in helping understand what being Canadian truly means.
By Josh A
•Nov 13, 2020
Just an amazing course! Thank you for this; I think every person of non-Indigenous descent who lives in what is now called Canada needs to learn more about the original peoples of the land they live on. I do hope some of this course content makes its way into the Canadian citizenship review material (if and when it ever does get revised to be less Eurocentric and more Indigenous-focussed in some aspect). It will help new citizens be more cognizant and striving to reconciliation.
By Alison D
•Nov 7, 2020
This course was enlightening, informative, well presented, and made me feel a lot of different emotions both good and bad. I highly suggest that everyone take it and learn a lot that we settlers never learnt in school and should have. Thank you for creating this course and allowing me to finally learn more as I have been searching for something over the last few years. I have been promoting this course every opportunity I get. Keep up the great work and hope to be back for more.
By Celine G
•Apr 18, 2021
This course was excellent in providing introductory information about Canada's Indigenous peoples and cultures in both the historical and contemporary contexts. The information was presented well, I found it accessible and easy to follow. The course highlights information that is not covered in a lot of regular classrooms. Very helpful in seeing the trajectory of colonization and the effect that it had and continues to have on Indigenous people today. Thank you for this course!
By Janine H
•Nov 8, 2020
This course has transformed my view of living in Canada. I want to know more about the land, Indigenous history and living culture where I live that I never heard in school or in the community where I grew up. As an educator, I can't value this course enough. It has forced me to look at the role of education in Canada critically. Resilience, diversity, interdependence, familial and kinship ties and treaty recognition are a few of the themes that resonated throughout the course.
By William M G
•Oct 19, 2020
In my own quest to follow the Red Road This will add another chapter of knowledge to my many chapters I have learned. This program is very easy for me to understand as an elder. It was also very complex because the answers had to be searched for, this allowed me to learn that skill. I am proud to be a student of your program. and am honored to be taught by the best I now know. If you have any more Indigenous study courses in the future please contact me
Chi Meegwiitch Much love
By Epiphania C
•Sep 25, 2021
I loved doing this course on Indigenous Studies and was drawn back to it for the entire period of 12 weeks with great interest. It was beautifully presented and the content was very thought-provoking and eye-opening. It evoked emotions of frustration, empathy, compassion as one learned how the First Nations peoples were and are still being treated. Leah Dorion's art was breathtaking in how she explained Indigenous history and trauma and hope for the future in each painting.
By Christine M
•Nov 29, 2020
This course provided remarkable information and insight into various issues facing Indigenous people of Canada, today. The history was extremely eye-opening, and should be taught in schools for a better understanding of history, of the country, and of the realities we face now, as a country who must be dedicated to reconciliation. I am so grateful to the University of Alberta for offering this unique opportunity (through their MOOC program). I learned so much! Thank you.
By Violet L
•Jan 21, 2021
I really enjoyed the program. The teachers were very knowledgable and the presentations were clearly presented. There is so much more to learn I was sorry that it was over. I have always known that the colonial narrative of Canadian history was inadquate but this program helped me see how deeply dishonest it is and what a culture of coverup we live in. I'm hearted by First Nations Metis presence in the academy and will seek more learning from them. Thank you and all the best
By Keighlagh D
•Nov 16, 2020
Excellent course for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of the full history of this place. Keeping in mind this is a FREE course, I do struggle with multiple choice as the singular testing method. That being said, the simultaneous Sunday study sessions on YouTube with Tracy B, Paul G and Dan L featuring a weekly guest speaker were priceless in their support to embed this learning.
Thank you to all who made this course possible! Our household is certainly better for it.
By marleen g
•Aug 9, 2022
It was very comprehensive and covered areas which I was not familiar with. Example the pre colonization life, the world view, the various act of broken promises by Government, the Art world and its signicance yesterday and today. I have a deeper undrstanding of the depth of trauma Indigenous people in Canada have uffered. Around the world actually.
I hae veen involved in the Indigenous world for quite sometime, and this course has opened my eyes even further. Thank you.
By Zee M
•May 16, 2022
I found this course very enlightening. I think most Canadian's knowledge about Indigenous history in Canada is mainly regarding the destructive nature of residential schools. While extremely important, this course explores the vast and rich history of colonization of Canada, provides context to many current events happening in Canada and provides a hopeful vision forward for all of us. This course has explained many things to me and I've very glad I took it, thanks. Zee
By Helen M
•Sep 18, 2021
I found the course very interesting. I listened to the videos, read the module notes, and then took time to make notes on the module notes. I found that I needed to do that much to understand the attitude that was being presented. I have learned a lot and have already used it to speak up about Indigenous issues using factual information and reference to specific course cases. I recommend this for all Canadians We need to learn about and understand this part of our History.
By Chiranjibi R
•Dec 6, 2024
Having recently arrived in Canada, I find this course provides valuable insight into Indigenous perspectives and the challenges faced by Indigenous communities. As a technical professional focused on livelihoods, I recognize significant opportunities for capital formation and research in this area. Furthermore, my interest in anthropological research on Indigenous innovation centers on the development of human capital within Indigenous communities in Canada. -Chiranjibi
By Gregory R
•Jul 31, 2024
I thought the course content was very good, though a bit sermonizing at times. Of course the destructive nature of colonialism and settler culture cannot be over emphasized so perhaps that can be forgiven. As a U.S. citizen with deep roots in Ontario, both Metis and First Nations, I was especially interested in the chronology of policy and laws the colonial and Canadian government related to indigenous people. Overall, I thought it was an excellent introductory course.
By Kristina L P
•Nov 22, 2020
This course was an eye opener to the plight of the indigenous people of Canada. Everyone Canadian should take this course to better understand the history of the first people of Canada and how Colonization has destroyed their culture and livelihood. Although I was already well read on the Indigenous culture and all the systematic racism they face, this course really opened up my eyes to the deep rooted underlying causes of how the First People of Canada have been treated.
By Anne C
•Mar 9, 2022
An excellent introductory course to help understand Indigenous issues of today, and the history as well. Well presented, with different forms of media, from verbal narratives, to video, maps, art and music. I learned so much and am so grateful for the richness of the Indigenous cultures of our land. Kudos to the presenters and organizers of an excellent program. I have recommended it to all I know as a means of bridging gaps and moving forward together. Many thanks.
By Amanda C
•Nov 9, 2020
Every Canadian should take this valuable course to learn about Canadian history. The material in this course is well-organised and easy to digest. The presentations are clear and concise. The information is very easy to digest and remember! I'm glad that each week's material doesn't take up much of my time, and that there are opportunities to learn more on my own. As a result of taking this course, I feel very inspired to learn more about Indigenous history and culture.
By Richard P
•Mar 9, 2022
Enthralled and educated ! As an immigrant to Canada 33 years ago, this course helped me to gain a fundamentally different perspective on Canada. In my previous vision, the indigenous people of this country were always in the background, accompanied by many myths, stories, and stereotypes which developed over the years of colonial influence.
It was a fascinating and rewarding journey - thank you ! This should be a compulsory course for all Canadians and new immigrants.
By Carmela C
•Nov 28, 2021
This course explained many events in past and recent history involving Indigenous people of Canada that I had misunderstand. I learned that Canada has treated Indigenous people far worse than I ever imagined. I also learned more about the values of Indigenous society, and the importance of their wisdom, especially on ecology and community. I feel inspired by the videos and notes and the beautiful artwork of Leah Dorian. I wish everyone in Canada would take this course.