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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Religions & Ecology by Yale University

46 ratings

About the Course

At first glance the fields of religion and ecology may seem and unlikely pairing, but a deeper consideration reveals the two have a great deal to contribute to one another and are indeed inextricably linked. Religions recognize the unity and interdependence of humans with nature. Ecological sciences affirm this deep interconnection with the natural world. This partnership can inspire work for the wellbeing of the Earth community There is a need for broader literacy and deeper knowledge of the world’s religions and their ecological contributions. This specialization, "Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community", contributes such a perspective. Each course celebrates the vitality of religiously-informed action for the Earth and recognizes the longstanding contributions of Indigenous peoples in offering visions and practices for ecological flourishing. This is course 2 of 5 in the "Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community" specialization that focuses on the ecological dimensions of religious traditions throughout the world. The course is designed as a gateway to the significant contributions of Indigenous peoples of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Pacific Regions for environmental understanding. The diversity of Indigenous communities around the planet makes selective coverage necessary, but shared patterns of resilience manifest themselves worldwide. So much has emerged in the last several decades in understanding traditional environmental knowledge, as you will see. This course is for lifelong learners curious to know more about world religions and ecology, environmental professionals eager to deepen the discourse of environmental protection and conservation, those working with non-profit organizations and NGOs on issues of ecological justice, and religion leaders and laity who wish to know how they can contribute to interreligious dialogue on environmental projects....

Top reviews


Jul 5, 2022

Some of the video links did not work but I was able to google the videosI'm not sure why my grammerly spell check will not work in the reply sections


Mar 2, 2023

I found this very engaging and stimulating to be put through a global indigenous connection with ecology.

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1 - 14 of 14 Reviews for Indigenous Religions & Ecology

By Sterling A U

May 8, 2022

Disclaimer: I totally support efforts to educate the public and Indigenous Peoples and issues affecting them. But I do feel like this course could use some work. For starters, it would be nice to hear directly from more Indigenous people, as opposed to scholars studying them (I can't help but remain skeptical about a Chinese professor interpreting Indigenous Himalayan religions, given China's political regime). The content also needs more consistency and balance. Some of the videos are on topic and informative, while some are a bit off topic (Hawaiian navigation is cool, but if it relates to religion and ecology, that was not demonstrated), and other videos just aren't informative (Showing a trailer for a film as study material is also unprofessional). If these issues are addressed, I hope that in the process we'll hear more specifics about Indigenous practices. For example, we heard how the Ogiek virtually never cut down trees and gather what they need from the forest floor. We need more ideas like that! A disproportionate amount of the course is taken up with generalizations about cosmovisions or cases of organized protest.

I'd also like to note the quizzes are too easy; you can guess all the answers without even studying.

By Elena C

Jul 6, 2022

Some of the video links did not work but I was able to google the videos

I'm not sure why my grammerly spell check will not work in the reply sections

By Heather O

Nov 23, 2024

I found this course riveting and looked forward to it every day.

By Melina G R

Jan 19, 2024

Honestly one of the best courses I have ever taken!

By Stephanie S

Mar 27, 2024

I have found myself interested in learning more about indigenous people and the decolonization movement. My the final unit, I was so saddened by much of what I learned that it brought me to tears. I am so inspired by the indigenous stories and hope that I can be an ally for their desires to take back their lands and rights. I appreciate their relationship with the earth and their desire to be good caretakers. We have so much to learn from these beautiful cultures. My favorite units were the Māori and Hawai'i and would very much like to find in depth courses on both. I learned so much from the videos, interviews, readings, and music. The course took me much longer than the pacing set up because I stopped and did all the additional reading and resources provided at the end of each module. I was happy that I could keep extending the final date so I could dive deeper into each unit. I have found that I am able to have intelligent dinner discussions with others about indigenous topics. I am grateful that I was inspired to take this class from watching movies and listening to interviews with Māori Film director, actor, and writer where he encourages indigenous people to tell their own stories and that they can "make it in the industry." After listening to him speak about it and watching his films, I decided I needed to know more and my eyes have been opened wide. I appreciate everything about this terrific course.

By Therese M

Mar 7, 2023

Amazing, amazing course! I loved it, and it is so important, but its also sad to see how we in the west have behaved...I can only hope we are wiser now.

This is definitely a MUST TAKE course. The indigenous peoples, their beautiful traditions and their vast knowledge of the world we live in, are crucial for ALL of us and the survival of future generations. It's time for us to wake up NOW and start realizing that we are ONE people, and it's about time we start to work together, take care of our mother Gaia and all of her biodiversity!

By Nisha P

Apr 14, 2022

Absolutely brilliant! I loved learning about so many rich indigenous cultures. So many of the topics brought tears to my eyes - as my heart filled with awe and respect for indigenous love of nature; and the ravages of colonialism and settler colonial populations. A must take course.

By Anil B

Sep 20, 2022

A great course, a mandatory education of Life, Water and Neptunism, Like Theos message from the land of the north, Tundra, Eurasia and Ocenia, is the warning for teh need to return to druidary and droidactic sciences. This course is a formal heritage of our victory.

By Philip J F ( P

Mar 2, 2023

I found this very engaging and stimulating to be put through a global indigenous connection with ecology.

By Terri G

Jul 13, 2022

Very well-presented and informative. Thank you.

By Arpita Y

Mar 2, 2024

very engaging and interesting content, loved it


Sep 14, 2022

thank you

By Kathy A M

May 12, 2024

very interesting - some beautiful scenery

By enjoy a

Jun 18, 2023

got a lot of information