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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Industrial Biotechnology by University of Manchester

3,444 ratings

About the Course

Fossil fuels have been the primary energy source for society since the Industrial Revolution. They provide the raw material for the manufacture of many everyday products that we take for granted, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, materials, plastics and personal care. As the 21st century progresses we need solutions for the manufacture of chemicals that are smarter, more predictable and more sustainable. Industrial biotechnology is changing how we manufacture chemicals and materials, as well as providing us with a source of renewable energy. It is at the core of sustainable manufacturing processes and an attractive alternative to traditional manufacturing technologies to commercially advance and transform priority industrial sectors yielding more and more viable solutions for our environment in the form of new chemicals, new materials and bioenergy. This course will cover the key enabling technologies that underpin biotechnology research including enzyme discovery and engineering, systems and synthetic biology and biochemical and process engineering. Much of this material will be delivered through lectures to ensure that you have a solid foundation in these key areas. We will also consider the wider issues involved in sustainable manufacturing including responsible research innovation and bioethics. In the second part of the course we will look at how these technologies translate into real world applications which benefit society and impact our everyday lives. This will include input from our industry stakeholders and collaborators working in the pharmaceutical, chemicals and biofuels industries. By the end of this course you will be able to: 1. Understand enzymatic function and catalysis. 2. Explain the technologies and methodologies underpinning systems and synthetic biology. 3. Explain the diversity of synthetic biology application and discuss the different ethical and regulatory/governance challenges involved in this research. 4. Understand the principles and role of bioprocessing and biochemical engineering in industrial biotechnology. 5. Have an informed discussion of the key enabling technologies underpinning research in industrial biotechnology 6. Give examples of industrial biotechnology products and processes and their application in healthcare, agriculture, fine chemicals, energy and the environment....

Top reviews


Mar 5, 2021

Great course. Im a chemical engineering, applying for master's in Chemical Biotechnology. This course really helped in understanding the basics of this amazing field. Thanks guys. Humans are awesome.


Apr 28, 2020

Very informative and very well organised course and it really helped me provide a good insight into the world of Biotechnology, the applications in the health sector and its potential in the future.

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1 - 25 of 799 Reviews for Industrial Biotechnology

By Muhammed A


Sep 20, 2018

perfect .. but it will be amazing with certificate

By anwar m


Mar 28, 2020

why you don't offered a certificate??

By Laura S


Apr 4, 2020

Very little continuity between topics, even within the same week. There are different professors teaching each video module, and there is just massive variation in the knowledge required going into it, the slides, etc. It seems like professors were just asked to talk about their work for 10 minutes with little direction about the level of detail required and how it fits into the course overall. I am super interested in industrial biotech but this course was disappointing.

By Maria B


Apr 8, 2020

I was so disappointed in the end when I figure out that the course not include the certificate

By Rory H


Aug 22, 2019

Some lectures where very good and very well presented, Others where unfollowable and too hard for a 'Beginners' course

By Jitendra C


Apr 29, 2020

Very informative and very well organised course and it really helped me provide a good insight into the world of Biotechnology, the applications in the health sector and its potential in the future.

By Arturo M F


Jan 29, 2019

Extraordinary MOOC. All speakers presented the most important current topics in industrial biotechnology. Very well documented and the expertise of all exposers quite evident. My current field is precisely biotechnology (production of rec proteins) and I really enjoyed this MOOC. I strongly recommend it. Congratulations to U. of Manchester.



Aug 7, 2017

I really enjoyed this course and although I am not a chemist nor a research biotech guy, I am a dentist that enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about industrial biotechnology. Thanks so much!

By Khadija M


Nov 16, 2017

Hi, i am taking this online course via coursera i would like to know if their is a certificate of recognition for the course?



Jan 12, 2020

Great course, but Why don't give certificate?. I am very interested in the doctorate (PhD) of Biotechnology at the University of Manchester.

By Joemark N


May 21, 2018

The lectures were divided into modules that were appropriate in length/tie. Speakers were very easy to comprehend and the outline of the topics were well presented.

By Krishna G


Apr 19, 2020

It is outstanding course to get informed about advanced information. I really learn from this course.

Thank you! Coursera

By Max B


Jan 27, 2018

Awesome intro to modern technologies and production processes used in the Biotech Industry! Does a great job of detailing where the industry is headed in the upcoming years.

By Xiangyang L


Jun 30, 2019

Synthetic biology, industrial fermentation and green chemistry are integrated into the course and it is well organized and is a nice interdisciplinary course.


By Estefania


Mar 14, 2020

Extremely interesting course. Also very attractive due to examples of biotechnology examples of real industrial applications.

By dilshan d s


Sep 22, 2019

This is a great course for beginners and provide very extensive knowledge on Industrial Biotechnology and the applications

By Prajwalitha P


Apr 8, 2018

It would be better if there would be a certificate for it

By Shechinah F C


Apr 6, 2020

very good

By Syamsul M


Mar 20, 2021

Everything was way so good. I have some critics on the certificate. The logo of Manchester University is cut uncomplete. Can I have a request for coursera to fix it up? Thank you so much in advance

By Sarah Z


Jan 19, 2023

Fantastic course with beautiful concepts and insights into delightful biotechnological modules.

I love the complete course. Thanks to the team and all the members for this makeup of this course.

By Saddam H


Apr 17, 2020

This is a really fascinating course that sparked my enthusiasm for industrial biotechnology. Information incorporated encompasses a broad variety of basic sciences and advanced technology.

By Roshan A J


Apr 24, 2020

It was really wonderful course I really enjoyed the material and presentation of material and assessment.

By Malintha P


Jan 14, 2020


By Emmanuel P


Aug 21, 2018

Muy bueno como repaso y actualizado.

By Feargal G


Feb 4, 2018

A useful overview of modern biotech