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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Financing and Investing in Infrastructure by Università Bocconi

2,025 ratings

About the Course

Learn how debt and equity can be used to finance infrastructure investments and how investors approach infrastructure investments! According to the OECD, the global infrastructure investment requirement by 2030 for transport, electricity generation, transmission & distribution, and water & telecommunications totals to 71 trillion dollars. This figure represents about 3.5% of the annual World GDP from 2007 to 2030. The European Commission estimated, that by 2020, Europe will need between 1.5 - 2 trillion Euros in infrastructure investments. Between 2011 and 2020, about 500 billion Euros will be required for the implementation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) program, 400 billion Euros for Energy distribution networks and smart grids, 200 billion Euros on Energy transmission networks and storage, and 500 billion Euros for the upgrade and construction of new power plants. An additional 38 - 58 billion Euros and 181 - 268 billion Euros in capital investment will be needed to achieve the targets set by the European Commission for broadband diffusion. Traditionally investments in infrastructure were financed using public sources. However, severe budget constraints and inefficient management of infrastructure by public entities have led to an increased involvement of private investors in the business. The course focuses on how private investors approach infrastructure projects from the standpoint of equity, debt, and hybrid instruments. The course concentrates on the practical aspects of project finance: the most frequently used financial techniques for infrastructure investments. The repeated use of real life examples and case studies will allow students to link the theoretical background to actual business practices. In the end of the course, students will be capable of analyzing a complex transaction, identifying the key elements of a deal, and suggesting proper solutions for deal structuring from a financial advisor's perspective. Course Format The course will consist of lecture videos, readings, and talks given by guest speakers. Although we do hope you will attend the entire course, it is possible to just focus on single topics. Suggested Readings The course is designed to be self-contained, there are no obligatory readings that must be acquired outside of the course. For students interested in additional study material, you may refer to: • Gatti Stefano, "Project Finance in theory and practice", Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2012....

Top reviews


Dec 27, 2020

very useful course I learned a lot of things related to project finance, the instructor was good as well. I just wanted to know if there is a list of the meaning of the key words used in the course.


May 5, 2022

With experiences in banks and a master in finance, I found the course very relevant to the real business world. The content of the course is very accurate and well designed. 10/10 recommended. 

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451 - 475 of 536 Reviews for Financing and Investing in Infrastructure

By Ricardo Z

Sep 10, 2018


By Andrey F

Aug 6, 2017

Best one!

By Deleted A

Jul 9, 2017


By Andres G

Mar 1, 2017


By swaraj d

Feb 10, 2017


By Christian G Y

Nov 28, 2016


By Gabriele B

Aug 18, 2017


By G R

May 28, 2022


By Ashish K

May 15, 2023


By Vinod P

May 25, 2022


By Sureau J

Aug 8, 2017


By Sven v B

Jun 12, 2020


By harshal r

Apr 7, 2020


By Philipp M M

Mar 14, 2017


By Johan A N

Jun 5, 2022

This is a good course overall, with good discussions, topics and content. The Bocconi tutor is clearly knowledgeable of the subject and I learned several things I did not know about PPPs.

There are however many things that are frustrating with this course. The assignment tests is one of them. They are written in poor English and clearly not checked by an English native. Also, the pass rate of 80% and the way it is calculated is very annoying. There must be a better way to test this subject on. For instance, if you select the wrong answer in a question, maybe link it to the course content where you can find the information, or explain why it is wrong in the answer sheet.

The course also needs an update - I believe this was done in 2015. A lot of talk about the financial crisis in 2008/09.

In general, I still don't think I hav a good concept of PPPs after taking this course. Too little time spent on the actual structure, the different types of contracts, consortium trade-offs, key contracts and key negotiating items, more examples of successful and unsuccessful PPPs, how the market has developed (e.g. private infrastructure market and PPP share of private), new trends in the industry, drivers of PPP growth, and more.

I still give it a four but would have given it 3.5 if I could. I do however appreciate that they put this course together and it is well worth taking.

By Robert A

Dec 29, 2016

I enjoyed the course and it is quite light for project finance and I would think that this should act as an intro course for a second more complex course dealing with the actual complexities of project finance. Such as real financial close considerations in developed and emerging markets, early stage sub performance and restructuring as well as refinancing. I would also think that more time should be allocated to project bonds and use of derivative structures on securing cash flows and working ratios to support competitive financing and projects. There were highlights on impacts of Basel on long tenor financing, but more market considerations of new players and structures would have been invaluable.

By Simon R

Dec 5, 2019

Professor Gatti established an unhurried and well-paced journey through Project Finance, covering it from several logical angles. He has a great presenting manner and is very confident without being arrogant. I really learnt a lot. The videos are great, although the tutorials with his students/assistants seem a little too contrived, and the English on the transcripts is incorrect in some cases. The downloadable spreadsheets and quizzes are really helpful, and I will keep the former (having corrected the typo of 'UCFC' to 'UFCF'.

Thank you Professor Gatti ! (and PS you wear great ties)

By Serdar K

Feb 11, 2019

A comprehensive course for an introduction to project finance. It could have been even better if more advanced, detailed real life cases are included (e.g. what happens when obligations of contracts violated, what are the cases when precautionary terms worked (or not) to save the project, some examples where the model could only be built with specific interventions etc.). Or an advanced version of this course could be designed. Even more, a certification process could be arranged regarding the limited variety of certificates that Coursera offers.

By Aleksandr N

Jul 23, 2022

Useful top-view discussion of the key elements and concepts in project finance, great for having basic understanding of the theme without prior requirements tof having knowledge in finance or legal. Professor's lectures are well organized and performed. The students in the video look intimidated and hurt, though, and they are steadily leaving the leader up to the point, when there is only one left at final lectures. Hope, they are good and not severely traumatized by video production.

By Milton Y

Jan 21, 2019

Course was very well organized and presented. Concepts were straightforward and presented in logical order. The network of contracts, syndication of loans and tailor-made amortization were extremely useful. Week 7 cases were very interesting and provide additional insight into the complexity of infrastructure projects. Thank you for offering this course.

By rafael d s b f

Mar 10, 2021

The course if very useful to organize the topics of project finance for the ones who work daily with it. For me that work in the brazilian development bank it also helped to undertand better how it works in other markets. Maybe the course should have more data and bibliography for further studies and more real cases studies over the world.

By Jonas K

Jul 30, 2020

A very good introductory course on the topic. Explanations are clear and the vocabulary given is useful.

Only slight are the questionnaires at the end of each week that are really trying to play on words to trick you, forcing you to answer the same questions multiple times if you try to answer without the slides next to you.

By Srinivasan K

Jun 17, 2019

Useful course on Project finance / infrastructure. And, this course is need of hour for any finance professionals who want to enrich their further knowledge on project finance practices.

Great faculty members and great topics covered as part of this course.

Would recommend for all BFSI professionals to enroll this course.

By Benoit P

Dec 29, 2016

It's quite a nice course. It gives you a thorough overview of the particularities of infrastructure investing. The quizes are well done, they really force you to pay attention to the content.

The audio was not always top notch, which made it difficult to set the playback speed; but overall, pretty solid course.

By Arno D

Apr 17, 2018

It was highly interesting and I got a better vision of how project finance actually works. However I was surprised to find some strange bias (no reinvestment opportunity) or some little mistake in the materials. Anyway, thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn more about a passionating topic!