Apr 24, 2020
it is really a good, and interesting course offered by coursers. the teaching staff and the proffers exp land in a detailed and understandable way and made the course essay to understand and workout.
Apr 5, 2016
Muy buen curso, excelente introducción a python y que mejor que aprender con ejercicios que motiven como los juegos propuestos en clase. Gracias a los profesores y a Coursera por brindarnos este curso
By Alexander H
•May 29, 2023
This class was excellent. I've taken other Python courses, but found myself just following instructions and learning the basic building blocks. In this course, we apply what we learn to build programs and solve problems. The quizzes challenge your brain and make you test your assumptions. I think I learned twice as much here over any other introductory course.
By James H
•Sep 7, 2020
Having never had any python experience, I found the course to be accessible, well structured, and I learned quite a bit! The instructors did all did a good job explaining concepts and examples, and while some of the "jokes" physically hurt to hear, it was enjoyable! However, I took mild offence to the slight about Arcane Mages button mashing :)
By Annie G
•Mar 16, 2022
This was the most well-structured, intuitive, and engaging course I've ever taken on Coursera. The assignments were fun, challenging, and explained very well. The subjects were thorough and in-depth, but presented in a way that was quite natural to internalize. The professors and their lectures were a delight.
By Sambath M
•Sep 27, 2020
Hey Guys.
You guys induced me the curiosity to love programming, and without you, I wouldn't be here, continuing the craft I learned from you.
You guys are wonderful teacher, and I hope other student will learn as much as I did with you.
By materia p
•May 29, 2017
The best python course i ever had thanks to the teachers therereally awesome, and the classes are very pleasant. if your aout there trying to start with programming, i definitely recommend this course
By Sayan
•Mar 8, 2020
Exceptional course for beginners trying to learn Python. Has projects that actually help reinforce what we learn. I sincerely thank the professors and makers of the course for truly making it work.
By Kacyn R
•Sep 25, 2018
Was actually a very interesting class! I feel most computer programming classes should be structured like this. Learn a hell of a lot more actually programming rather than taking tests and quizzes.
By Nguyen H
•Apr 27, 2019
Each sections has many examples that can help student easy to understand then practice immediately. I'm happy to know a new language and improved my coding knowledge after completing this course
By Jiang Z
•Jan 28, 2020
the only problem is this course uses Python 2 rather than Python 3
By Linnea W
•Jun 7, 2020
The video instructions were good, and structured to cover fundamentals of Python. Minus stars for a) dated material, years old - technology changes fast enough that materials and language versions used should be updated at least once a year b) no availability of instructors to ask questions, "mentors" lack of responsiveness c) new topics presented as quiz questions instead of lectures d) the convenience of using the web based tool CodeSkulptor and the assignment / instruction focus on non-standard libraries such as simplegui DOES NOT outweigh the value of learning to use more standard libraries such as tkinter which is included in the Python distribution e) CodeSkulptor on my Windows 10 laptop through Chrome would not start the debugging mode from my browser coding window, nor would it save locally from there. f) mention of how to convert Python code written with CodeSkulptor libraries exists, but should be more prominently available g) I would have appreciated knowing that proprietary CodeSkulptor libraries would be a big part of the course BEFORE taking the class, as in a disclaimer about what is (CodeSkulptor specific libraries) and is not (standard libraries) covered in the course
By Divik M
•May 28, 2018
Good Course(not awesome)
Peer graded assignments so your assignment may not be evaluated for long
simplegui library is used which is specific for this course so it would not help you in real applications. Would have appreciated if pygame or any other standard library would have been used
Python Hahahaha this course teaches minimal python not very good if you are interested in learning python.
By George T
•Sep 28, 2016
The course was interesting but I think Coursera is not quite what it used to be. The courses are more expensive (This one was $100). You can't do it free in a practical way, which on principle excludes people. They are simply replays of old videos and people are not inspired to participate in the forums.
By Israel L d V C
•May 9, 2017
Good course for someone who already knows how to program on another languages and has some experience. Needs a way to work assignments offline or on a mobile platform.
By some n
•Apr 6, 2017
an online editor is not good
By Aaron H
•Oct 9, 2018
By Gary Z
•Aug 9, 2016
Too easy.
By Mengyun Z
•Aug 24, 2017
peer review cause a lot of trouble for me, everytime submit on time, turns out overdue. And none of the mentor or coursera staff want to solve this issue, just ask me to post more and begging for review.
The course itself is fun, but since all the module are already optimize by Rice U Professors, more suitable for people who doesn't know python and want to get start, not very useful for industry purpose.
By Mai F
•Jun 10, 2020
the course is not suitable for beginners and it may make them frustrated at the beginning of their journeyto learn programming
By Yuri K
•Apr 10, 2021
Outdated version. Valid principles. Still, study of Python 2 is a sheer loss of time.
By robert t
•Mar 24, 2016
huge waste of time, they will give you very little information and what is expected for you to be able to do with that information is astronomical, you will never learn any of the details of how computing works, how functions work, the mechanism behind these computations, or anything. To give you an example, you will first watch a horribly made video on boolean logic, alter going to youtube to get a better explanation of 'And', 'or' , and 'not', you'll see an example done with If, else, and elif, then be asked to do homework problems using and, or, not. This huge gap between the information given, and the information you are expected to know to solve the problems they give you is too large, I found differential equations easier than this
By Andrej D
•Aug 29, 2016
I am very disapointed about this course. This course is more about how programming, then teaching about programming in python. The lecture is too long and information value is very low. In my opinion, this course is for somebody who never programming, it is not depend in which language. If you wont to know how if, for, functions works, what is variable etc, then this is the right place where to learn this basics.
By Stevimir E
•Oct 20, 2017
The course is incorrectly structured. It progresses too quickly into hard projects instead of teaching the fundamentals of Python programming. No wonder why people are cheating and/or looking for quick solutions online, even at the very beginning of the course.
By Chris C
•May 8, 2016
Only able to audit the class, no longer able to take quizzes and tests. I recommend the Python classes from Michigan over these if you are looking to avoid paying for old material.
By Vaibhav G
•Jun 26, 2016
not upto the mark.
Not meant for intelligent students
By Harry H
•Nov 9, 2016
joe warren ur better than this