Jul 16, 2020
Very good, compact course. Gave me some valuable inputs. Special thanks for the input on how our minds frame our intercultural expevctations. Also, for the three strategies of conflict resolution.
May 21, 2016
Add an additional dimension of "wealth" to the list of intercultural topics. Class difference amongst poverty, middle class, and wealthy individuals and groups need to be understood.
By Ngu W A
•Nov 8, 2020
I learned how to over come the conflict between different culture. This course is very useful for my current situation.
By Diaa h A B
•Jul 16, 2020
interesting course and much added value knowledge for the daily life experience and work inside diverse organizations
By Felicidad B
•Sep 29, 2019
Very good aproach to intercultural communication and conflict resolution, useful and practical ideas to easily apply
By Lam H W
•Nov 7, 2016
With the Globalization, it is normal to the intercultural communication or conflict, this course is useful.
•Jan 22, 2021
It was wonderful!! It helped me a lot and all the cases stady were informative! Thank you for everything!
By Dada D
•Jun 20, 2022
Me enacantò el curso y quiero felicitar especialmente a la profesora Najla
muchas Gracias
By Khasselblad M
•Nov 26, 2019
I learned a lot of information about different countries cultures, it was very interesting
By Catalina A L Á
•Dec 30, 2018
Curso interesante, bien desarrollado y serio. Con evaluaciones entre compañeros.
•Jan 26, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. It was so interesting and easy to understand.
•Apr 21, 2020
excellent training for my work situations with a multicultural team, bravo!
By Shashikant's T
•May 10, 2020
Resources and Materials were too good. A case study is very appropriate.
By Sherstiuk A
•May 29, 2020
Brilliant course with great examples of theory. Thank authors a lot!
By Katarzyna P
•Jul 30, 2017
Very useful and practical cases. I enjoyed this one very much.
By Valentino B
•Jun 8, 2022
it's been one of the most educational and innovatie course
By Patthra J
•Apr 23, 2022
Good course content and able to apply to use in real life.
By Jorge A R F
•May 30, 2020
Very good course. And learn how aply strategi for conflict
By Bahram H
•Jul 5, 2016
Thank you for the less assertive introduction music :)
By Denise B
•Mar 17, 2016
I really enjoyed this class. It was very informative.
•Jul 16, 2023
By Miguel T
•Feb 4, 2022
I liked the videos and assignments in this course
By Sara I A
•Jan 19, 2021
Very insightful, relevant and interesting course!
By Suleiman S
•Sep 7, 2021
Excellent course, well detailed and resourceful.
By José d J D L C G
•Feb 9, 2016
Excellent course and teacher. Congratulations!!
By Joshua S
•Jul 28, 2023
Thank you for instructing. I enjoyed it.
By Ananya M
•Dec 22, 2022
great course with detailed explanations