Aug 7, 2023
Comprehensive "travel" through international migration issues. Related concepts are very well explained and facilitate understanding of several aspects and hidden interrelations.
Dec 25, 2021
The course is able to give an overview, history, and why migration happens around the world. Recommended for those who want to understand the migration issues around the world.
By Nera H
•Nov 26, 2018
The course is not up date with current developments on the matter. As it is an international relations course, it should be regularly improved and developed. No information is given on when was it recorded/published.
Some materials are repetitive.
Tests are too easy.
By Tofail A
•Sep 10, 2019
International migrations: a global issue is a time demanded course for the population movement operations front line worker for better approach to reach the beneficiaries.
By Bakre A
•Mar 2, 2020
Thank you for a job well done by the instructor and cousera.
I look forward to more courses on related subject, preferably with credits.
By Milena V
•Jan 15, 2022
The course is very interesting but it needs to be updated. There is no mention regarding the Venezuelan migration crisis, the Brexit, the evolvement of the GFMD in the past years, the Global compact on migration and on refugees, etc, the current role of IOM, etc.
By Gina V
•Mar 26, 2019
Interesting content, though in a field like migration having few references that are more recent than 2015 is slightly disappointing!
Overall, would recommend for a broad understanding of the foundations of this field of study.
By India F
•Mar 3, 2019
I learned a lot from the course however there was a lot of repetition, English translations were not of a good quality, there was not a variety of interactive ways to learn so it at points became quite tedious. I did enjoy the content, I just felt the presentation was severely lacking and wouldn't recommend this as a beginner level course.
By Zuraidah M A
•Dec 25, 2021
The course is able to give an overview, history, and why migration happens around the world. Recommended for those who want to understand the migration issues around the world.
By Diana C P
•May 8, 2020
I really enjoyed this course because helped me to understand better the Global Migration Phenomena as a result of Globalization and other factors, but specially how migration and development have a both side relationship. The course give you the global vision of the problem and if you are interested in starting learning about this theme I really recommend it to you.
By Carla D
•Feb 17, 2019
It was a privilege to follow this course taught by a real expert in the subject. I realize that my knowledge on the subject of global migrations increased considerably.
By Natália G L
•Oct 3, 2021
Very good for anyone interested in the current refugee crisis, especially now that this issue may again become relevant with the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
By Marna P
•Aug 23, 2018
very interesting and with a lot of information about the topic.
By Alex V
•Jan 4, 2021
Overall, I enjoyed the course and found it informative on the issues up until the period it was created. However, here are a few things I wish I had known before signing up, which are likely mentioned by others as well:
There's a lack of perspectives and differing point of views on the issues.
Tests were quite easy and seemed to only focus on the most basic elements of what was taught that week.
Translations can be poor, or missing, at times.
Repetition: the amount of content to go through could easily be reduced by half, if not more.
And finally - this course is out of date and does not touch on any developments after 2016. It is great for providing information up until 2016, but if you want to learn about more recent events you will not find those details here.
By Sharon B
•Jun 22, 2020
I found that the course hammered away at the same perspective without offering alternative views, or even examining the reasons why governments try to control migration. However, as far as a learning modality, I found it accessible, practical and user-friendly.
By Jonathan G
•Feb 20, 2018
as coarsely absolutely no sense. There were no tests or assignments, it was in English but the professor who presented it spoke French! What was the point of this course?
By Elizabeth N C
•May 28, 2021
More clarification in the explanation of conventions on migration and their application
By Marlot H
•May 24, 2019
There are no updates in this course and no references to the literature. The videos are in French, without English subs. The content is interesting though,
•Nov 30, 2023
This is a great overview of how migration is a huge fact of study and to understand. It is really important to know how the world is changing and with it, every day brings new challenges. The main differences between governance and govern, the need to set up new policies, protocols, to encourage people to empower about human history and how big empires were build when the free of movement was not an impediment and people were free to achieve goals, moving forward according to their needs and motivations. I am more interested in exploring this whole new world of knowledge and understanding, historically attached to human rights but also to civil rights. Thank you for sharing such an important and relevant information.
By Ha N D
•Apr 8, 2024
Thanks to the course, I had an overview of the global migration issue, understood the history of migration, and international, regional and each country's policies on this issue. Migration is a phenomenon that has gradually become an inevitable trend of the process of development, integration and globalization. However, the world and each country seem unable to come up with regulations to control these migration flows properly, safely, ensuring human rights and humanity. The course provides huge amount of knowledge, interdisciplinary and an objective perspective to approach the issue of global migration.
By Seth S
•Oct 12, 2022
The course content is relevant to the issues of migration. It provides a solid historical background on the evolution of migration globally particulary concerning Migration in Europe. The last weeks of the course was crowned by the recent happens in the world regarding migration, global intervention, and outlined initiatives such as the Global Forum on Migration and Development and the activities of civil society and the link of migration to the Millennium Development Goals.
By Marcelo J O R
•Jun 7, 2021
Este curso es de mucha importancia para quienes tratan de entender los fenómenos sociales contemporáneos y tratan de dilucidar el futuro de la sociedad. El rol de las instituciones, los Estados, la economÃa, las minorÃas o las mayorÃas, en frente de urgencias humanas como la movilidad. Me pareció un curso fascinante que me va a permitir investigar por mi propia cuenta más información al respecto y relacionada con mi región.
By Lucia M S
•Jan 23, 2021
I really enjoyed every single reading and video. Lots of information perfectly well organized. The insights and light they give to each topic are profound, and very well thought.
Thank you for having this high level of analysis and introspection for a topic that is still in the shadows for many and that needs so much more exposure and global input.
Lucia M. Schechter
By MarÃa C T
•Feb 15, 2021
Excelente curso, los videos son didácticos y se complementan bien con los textos. Muy interesantes los acercamientos de la profesora y las fuentes bibliográficas que utiliza. Genera reflexión en torno a las relaciones de poder de la migración que se establecen Norte-Sur. Recomendado.
By Inna H
•Aug 26, 2024
The "International Migrations: A Global Issue" course provides an in-depth examination of global migration patterns, policies, and their socio-economic impacts. It tackles the complex interplay between migration, state sovereignty, human rights, and global governance.
By Matthew L
•Aug 3, 2020
Course with interesting content. The first few weeks are a more globally-focused, but then on it takes a strong European focus. Videos are in French and are clear, and English subtitles are available for non-French speakers. I found the tests a bit too easy though.
By Germ�n G
•Dec 28, 2020
Es un curso que te instruye sobre el proceso que ha tenido a lo largo de la historia el tema de las migraciones internacionales y todos los pro y contra que este fenomeno conlleva para los diferentes paÃses de salida y acogida. Un excelente curso.