Mar 7, 2016
Hello Everyone, I really enjoyed this course and definitely this is great learning experience for me..I am heartily thankful to Both Professors for given me this knowledge..Thanks a lot..
Jan 4, 2016
Great base for the incoming session in this specialization. I've learned about lot of things what i am using every day dut i had no idea how it was developed. Useful base knowledge.
By Vivek L
•May 7, 2020
initial module quizs are not in sync with teaching . learned few core stuff though. thanks you.
By Suraj G
•Apr 23, 2019
OK for the beginners as an introduction to IOT.
Course Videos and Quiz are hardly correlated.
By Donat G
•May 23, 2016
Not really technical, but a good overview over the past years and even centuries...
•Aug 22, 2019
Good course but many quiz .May be to reduce quiz to get more star from students.
•May 20, 2024
the course is amazing, there's bugs in the quizzes that need to be resolved
By Michael T
•Feb 24, 2016
The topic was interesting , but most of the questions need to be rewritten.
By Deleted A
•Jan 13, 2016
Too much focusing on history of telephony and only little focus on IoT.
By Rishabh K
•Jan 15, 2016
Too much theory and history in the course, no practical applications.
By Neo W M
•Jul 4, 2020
needs to have better link between materials and quizzes
By utkarsh v
•Dec 18, 2017
they will not teach you how to build your own iot board
By Geert H
•Nov 11, 2015
Reasonable, but slow to come to the essence.
By Tushar S
•Sep 30, 2021
Trainer is interested more in assignments
By Brandon L
•Jul 1, 2020
The video got no relation to the quiz
•Jun 28, 2020
the contents are messed up and absent
By Siroros R
•May 22, 2021
A bit boring on theory
By Snehasish R
•Apr 6, 2023
Theory focused only.
By Deleted A
•Jan 26, 2021
Very hard
By Abdallah K
•Jun 1, 2017
By Lisa I
•Sep 9, 2020
The course provided some useful background information but the quizzes for Modules 2, 3, and 4 had little to no connection to the content presented in the videos and many questions were poorly worded, to the point of incoherence. Other quiz questions focused on arbitrary knowledge checks rather than relevant content (there was overemphasis on WHO invented something, rather than on the more important WHAT it was and HOW that impacted the development of the IoT). It felt like there was mandatory external reading, but no links provided, and sometimes the professor said "don't worry about the technical details," but then the technical details (or others not covered in the videos) were the subject of the quiz questions. Those 3 modules needed some massive Quality Control overhaul, as does the transcription of that professor's comments ("tall" "call," "wise" vs "voice"). The Module 3 Assignment (build your own app) should have been linked to Module 5, it was completely out of context in Module 3. Module 6 should have probably been Module 1 as it provided much more background for the overall course and larger series.
By Sin J H
•Jul 18, 2020
Thought it would be a course introducing IoT, given its prevalence now but it turned out to be a history and crash course on the science and workings behind the Internet. Besides the first and last two modules, the rest of the modules had content that was highly technical, yet not explained in-depth. The quizzes at of the modules asked questions that did not seem to be from the course content itself, and I had to spend more time Googling for answers instead. The course was definitely way too technical for what appears to be an introductory module to IoT and as someone without the relevant background, I struggled very much with the content.
Pro-tip: For those stuck at particular questions or quizzes, take a look at the discussion forums for help and answers by other students!
By Deena J
•Feb 10, 2016
Not enough conversation on IoT (Just in the last module). Way too much time spent on history that really doesn't matter and on stuff I can find on the net. One Module to run through all of these - Circuit switching and packet switching, computer telephony (SS7) and then wireless would have been enough. The remaining modules should have gone into the concepts of IoT in greater detail and some high level technical info that someone who is just hearing about it can speak intelligently on it without having to develop my own dragon board (next course)
By Ashley K S Y
•May 25, 2020
I would say that this course is not up to date in terms of its contents. From what I understand, the contents taught were based on 2015 and it's already the year of 2020. I strongly suggest that the contents should be updated as the internet of technology tends to imporve every day.
Also, I woud like to point out that for certain modules, the quizzes were not asked based on the content that was taught. On top of that, no additional readings was suggested prior to the quiz.
By Kristian L E P
•May 29, 2020
What started off as a slightly interesting course soon devolved into just non-stop searching on Google and discussion forums after viewing multiple unrelated videos about the history of phones. The questions in the quizzes ask things that were never even mentioned at all in the lectures, or ask for obscure pieces of information that I cannot fathom the use for. It was a disappointing and tedious effort completing this course, which has seemed to be abandoned by UCSD.
By Emilio P F L
•Feb 3, 2019
Hay mucha información que requiere una cantidad enorme de tiempo para poder responder una pregunta demasiado extendida para que la respuesta sean menos de 4 letras.
La última parte del curso fue mucho mas interesante, debido a que la historia de la telefonía o el internet es algo que ya había visto.
By Gonzalo B M
•Sep 10, 2020
There is no relationship between what is taught in the lectures and what is asked in the exams, which force the students to ask for the answers in the forums or search on the internet. All of this represents waste of time and to be honest demotivates you to finish the course. Would not recommend.