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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems by University of Colorado Boulder

1,173 ratings

About the Course

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5360, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Programmable Logic has become more and more common as a core technology used to build electronic systems. By integrating soft-core or hardcore processors, these devices have become complete systems on a chip, steadily displacing general purpose processors and ASICs. In particular, high performance systems are now almost always implemented with FPGAs. This course will give you the foundation for FPGA design in Embedded Systems along with practical design skills. You will learn what an FPGA is and how this technology was developed, how to select the best FPGA architecture for a given application, how to use state of the art software tools for FPGA development, and solve critical digital design problems using FPGAs. You use FPGA development tools to complete several example designs, including a custom processor. If you are thinking of a career in Electronics Design or an engineer looking at a career change, this is a great course to enhance your career opportunities. Hardware Requirements: You must have access to computer resources to run the development tools, a PC running either Windows 7, 8, or 10 or a recent Linux OS which must be RHEL 6.5 or CentOS Linux 6.5 or later. Either Linux OS could be run as a virtual machine under Windows 8 or 10. The tools do not run on Apple Mac computers. Whatever the OS, the computer must have at least 8 GB of RAM. Most new laptops will have this, or it may be possible to upgrade the memory....

Top reviews


Jun 11, 2023

This was a great course, especially for someone who has never studied anything about FPGAs before. Timothy is an excellent lecturer whose practical experience in the industry comes through.


May 20, 2020

Great course! It is an introductory level, however, deep aspects of Intel Quartus Prime are studied and used. This course also gives a broad perspective overview of FPGA and CPLD families.

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76 - 100 of 293 Reviews for Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems

By Ujjwal U


Feb 17, 2021

The course covers the FPGA design for embedded systems in detailed manner. It also covers the Quartus Prime tool including compilation, IP usage, Pin planner and Timing analysis. It is a very good learning experience.

By Arun J


Jul 10, 2021

It is a good course, which takes you to the basics of digital design in fpga without going through the HDL. I see that as a merrit for students, who wants to get the basics strong first. I would recommend the course.

By Osanda G D S


Aug 20, 2020

As a beginner, It was possible for me to learn some about quartus prime software and fpga pratically and theroryiically. I really enjoyed learning here. Thank to all who were behind in this course and supported us.

By Raosaheb C


Aug 20, 2021

best course of fpga designing in new comers platform and point to point clear how to compile, simulation and time quest time analyze, and convert .bdf to .vhd file and create symbol file thanks all of everyone

By Mukesh G


May 2, 2020

In this course, I got the basic idea of FPGA. Then, how to chose FPGA for different types of applications and also a good overview on how to use Intel Quartus Prime software for FPGA design and simulation.

By Lucas F d S


May 21, 2020

Great course! It is an introductory level, however, deep aspects of Intel Quartus Prime are studied and used. This course also gives a broad perspective overview of FPGA and CPLD families.

By Alain D B O


Mar 2, 2021

The course provides a very good insight into the FPGA world at an introductory level, which I find adequate for people without previous knowledge or experience in FPGA.

By Paul E E


Apr 5, 2020

This is a great course.However, the moderators of this course should properly check the assignments submitted by students as many submission are copied or plagiarized.

By Muhammad Z Y


May 9, 2020

Excellent Course and teaching methods along practical work is wonderful. Happy to learn this course on time. May it would be key stone for MS admission or career.

By Hunter R


Aug 18, 2023

Really great course. I highly recommend as Timothy Scherr really makes FPGAs understandable and you really do get to understand how things tick under the hood.

By Abbe A


Dec 18, 2020

A very good course. It is easy to stay focused. I learned a lot, especially about Qsys systems and the timing analysis in Quartus! The teacher is great too.

By Arnt J W


Oct 25, 2020

Good intro course. Requires some knowledge with digital design beforehand. It's demanding but worth it putting the effort into mastering this course.

By Arsalan G


Dec 22, 2020

It was an amazing course in both learning how to work with Quartus prime and also in designing system design. Thanks for this fantastic course

By Ashraf A


Mar 9, 2020

Great Course specially for beginners in FPGA design field, In my opinion this course will give the student very good base in this field.

By Bas A


Jul 20, 2020

This course is very useful for beginner..overall about quatrus prime is will helpful for beginner to known about quatrus.

By Ketan J R


May 10, 2020

The course content was best and delivered by the Instructor very effectively. Thanks to Prof. Timothy Scherr and all team members.

By Teoh W J


Feb 14, 2022

The step-by-step quartus guide is very helpful to me! The presentation slides also contain a lot of information! Overall good!

By Venkata L K


May 6, 2020

Good course but assigment doing was difficult as tool was not supporting all in student version for free.

Topics were good

By Gregory P


May 1, 2021

Very good class. Easy to follow lectures that provide a good understanding of the FPGA design process, technology and tools.

By Sebastián d L


Jun 8, 2021

The course gives a general view on the whole Altera toolchain. It is very clear, with concise videos and hands on exercises

By Anurag S R


Oct 20, 2017

Gives you a quick run down on designing FPGA systems without going into the details of VHDL or schematics. Good exercises.

By Dada B


Jun 2, 2024

its one of the best online courses available. provides in depth knowledge and practical approach towards fpga designing.

By stsecen


Dec 17, 2020

This is a best course about FPGA Design. It's so effective. Thanks for financial aid and incredibly details about FPGA.

By Mucha. S r


Aug 29, 2020

Awesome course didn't get this stuff anywhere and lecture was brilliant .I'm going to enroll the other courses.

By Jhoan E L E


Mar 10, 2021

An excellent introductory course for FPGA design. I have learned a lot of new skills with FPGAs and Quartus.