May 27, 2020
It was well taught. I liked the fact the two professors focused on two different subjects- biology and statistics portion of this course. The paragraphs written below each video was extremely helpful.
Nov 20, 2017
Relatively nice introduction course, contents are maybe rather limited, yet as an instructive course, it does provide a clear overview which correlates well with the required answers for the quizzes!
By Niko L
•Apr 26, 2020
Great introduction to Genomics. The instructors really laid out the practical terms and gave great resources. Weeks 3 and 4 ramp up in difficulty, so some outside research in statistics is helpful.
By Gregory D H
•Oct 5, 2019
This course provides a gentle introduction to the concepts and terminology associated with genomics. As someone who never took a biology course in high school or university, this course is perfect.
By Kasper T K
•Nov 21, 2017
Relatively nice introduction course, contents are maybe rather limited, yet as an instructive course, it does provide a clear overview which correlates well with the required answers for the quizzes!
By Aydolun
•Jul 17, 2017
It is a great introduction course if you really don't know anything about the field. But if you think you have got the basics down, that means this course will be too easy for you.
By Talha I
•May 9, 2019
This is my first course in Genomic Technologies (and one I completed overall). I was taking this course bit lightly for being the introductory/basic course but I have learnt a number of new things: Introduction to some stats terms I overlooked/haven't learnt before like p-test and confounders, the incredible example of data-counterfeiting in the academia and how PCR and next-gen sequencing technologies work. Although I couldn't learn in depth, which is obvious since its first of the 8 course specialization, so I am anxious to take the next course - this specialization is looking very exciting.
By Yasar A
•Jun 21, 2019
Have tried a few other courses around introduction to genomic technologies but this is the best structured course I have taken. Loved the course project as it gives a good insight on how to read scientific papers and what is expected from a genomic scientist. The only point would be to improve the statistics content(week 4) and make it more beginner friendly especially when it comes to p-values.
By Sally S
•May 7, 2016
A good basic introduction. Might have been nice to have had recommendations for further reading for those who were interested.
By Dr K R
•Apr 24, 2017
I have done the data sciences specialization from JHU and that was 4 star on 5. Compared to that, this specialization is pretty bad.
Not worth doing this specialization. Instructors are clueless on the plan
By Félix D
•Jun 9, 2019
I found the course to be very clear and informative. I believe the molecular biology aspect was easy enough for someone without a background in biology or biochemistry to understand. Also, the computer science and statistical aspects were also explained in a clear way.
By Miguel E R R
•Jun 13, 2016
Very good introductory course. It's a lot of material to cover for a newbie, but if you have some background, you will find you progress pretty quickly. Enjoyable, engaging, fun and useful.
By Jacob K
•Jun 16, 2019
It seemed a little too easy, especially for the timeline given. Seemed like there should have been more information, or have gone more in-depth
By negar m
•Feb 6, 2019
Good intro for people who don't have any background, a little too simple for people who already work in this criteria or have knowledge about
By Israa S S
•Mar 30, 2019
Great way of delivering information.
By Piotr G
•Jun 8, 2020
The initial lectures on introduction to genomics are very engaging and good starting point for everyone who slightly touched that topic before and is interested in both history and recent developments in the area.
The week focusing on software engineering doesn't seem to be a good fit for such training. Most of the content is dedicated to extremely trivial computer science topics hardly related with bioinformatics. Only last several minutes give examples of bioIT software and systems.
The week with statistics is good only if you posses solid knowledge on statistics. Then it serves as a good recap. Otherwise you might be completely lost 5 min into the content, e.g. there are much better explanations of p-value and family-wise error out there in internet than the one provided in the course.
The idea of a project to go through a research paper and answer the questions about it was fantastic! Very good way to cement what you learned.
Overall: 3 stars. I would give 4 if not for trivial and rather useless computer science intro. At few points, the pace should be adjusted (e.g. statistics).
By Jessica G
•Apr 5, 2018
While I wasn't expecting heavy material for an intro course, this course did not reach even a 101 level in my opinion. Take this course if you have never heard of biology or computer science or statistics but avoid if you know even a little about these subjects. Sometimes the quiz questions asked about details not covered in videos/papers, which was pointless and frustrating.
By Robert D
•Jun 17, 2019
Good class but incredibly basic. Needs to go a bit more in depth. Feels rushed.
By Yang L
•Mar 22, 2019
Quite good explanation of molecular biology and statistics. Hope the narrator can lower down the speed, since it is a little tough for a non-native English speaker to catch-up with it (Though the pronunciation is very clear)
By Cliff S
•Jun 23, 2019
Fantastic course from two true authorities in the field. Great examples, and I was surprisingly enthralled by the statistical section; turns out I just never had the right teacher!
By siwakorn P
•Jun 13, 2019
Very good introduction.
By Hans R
•Mar 24, 2019
Gained good knowledge
By Dina A M
•Jun 16, 2019
By Daniel W
•Oct 19, 2022
I felt that the course gave a great introduction to gene sequencing technology, the importance of computer science and statistics, and a broad overview of the field. I did feel that the final project was too challenging, since we read a technical paper that included lots of difficult concepts that were unfamiliar.
By AlShaimaa T
•Jul 11, 2022
the last part in the course "statistics" needs more and more details so it is preferable to increase the lectures and their durations.
By May
•Jun 11, 2019
Moves too fast, but excellent content and information. Very engaging!
By Mario R
•Jul 27, 2022
First three weeks very clear, fourth week instructor too rushed