May 3, 2020
I have gained a lot of knowledge about IoT & IoT projects. Sir has wonderfully explained all of the content. Thank you. If you cut down the cost of the certificate it will be very helpful for me.
Sep 4, 2022
I am still a little confused about the difference between IoT and AI or how they are connected! But my understanding so far is that IoT is a type of technology that is embedded with sensors
By sidra s
•Sep 10, 2021
links in artik section aren't reachable
By arman a
•Aug 12, 2022
Good cource for Basics understanding
By Abdelghani B
•May 1, 2020
The course is brief.
By oscar b m
•Jul 18, 2020
Artik is obsolete
By Biplab S
•Jun 5, 2020
Very high level
•Apr 23, 2020
good lecture
By Banavath D
•Feb 8, 2021
By vishnu p
•Jun 25, 2022
By sharath k
•Jul 20, 2022
By Martin D
•Mar 14, 2019
The course is very basic and does not start to go in deep. It shows a lot of helpful reference links in the videos, but the are not clickable nor documented elsewhere.
By Trakshay B
•Jun 27, 2020
more programing required on artik and without use of link because this links not working anymore
•Apr 22, 2020
This course is only for beginners who want to know basic programming on IoT boards
By SAI V R M 2
•Apr 16, 2022
I t was informative but I didn't get my certificate yet
By Priyanshi M
•Dec 18, 2022
Outdated content and not very helpful.
By Carmen C
•Aug 21, 2019
Better called Introduction to several IoT boards. What this course is is a bunch of one hour lectures on the different elements and lineups of the IoT manufacturers. You will not learn even basic programming for IoT from this course, there is little substance to the lectures.
Most of them consist of slides, which are not provided, full of links to youtube tutorials. SKip this course and go straight to those tutorials, and of course, do not purchase a certificate, its worthless.
Quick course, easy, not much of a loss
By Roy M
•Mar 1, 2021
Terrible on so many levels! I am glad this was not my first course on Coursera. If I had taken this first, I would have never subscribed to the service. The instructor is so slow to read the slides. That's all he does: read some slides. I sped up the video to 2x, and it was still slower than normal talking speed. It is not because English is his second language, but he also takes long breaths between words.
The content is badly outdated and half the web links no longer work.
•Jul 14, 2020
This course is simply of no use. There are no hands-on assignments involving programming arduino or raspberry pi or samsung artik board. Quizzes are too trivial with 3 or 4 questions. Instead the quizzes could have contained large number of questions targeting all points about arduino and other boards. Also live demos should be incorportated. Also programming examples on accessing Cloud IoT platforms should have been demonstrated.
By Joe D
•Dec 21, 2020
Material is outdated and there are errors in several quizzes. It also seems like there is no instructor moderating the discussion forum.
•Jun 21, 2020
So many theoretical information with less practical exercises and sooo easy quizzes .. didn't learn much
By Deleted A
•Aug 23, 2020
This course is not up to the mark. The ARTIK board website is down.
By Bhavya P
•Jun 3, 2020
bohot bekar h id verify nhi hoti h esmai
By Ardit M
•Oct 7, 2021
Much more material is need it ......
By Hemachandran C
•Aug 30, 2024