Jul 19, 2021
It's worth the hard work. I'm insatiable for learning and need more impossible looking projects or games that Coursera designed to help the student really get into the world of computer programming.
Jun 8, 2019
The course is built up well, the steps are easy to follow. Even when there is some research required, the intentional gaps are highly manageable. The gamified deliverables were really fun to do! :-)
By Samarth S
•Apr 19, 2020
Alright anyone who is about to start with this COURSE will have to complete everything in 10 days only because they have given us the main assignment in week 1.
case 201 Stage 4 is impossible to do because the judgment mechanism of their website is not functioning properly.
case 303 stage 4. there is some internal error due to which i could not submit the asssignment.
By Craig J
•Dec 31, 2024
Well thought out course with good instruction. My only negative is the final project is in week 1 and the other weeks (2&3) teach you the principles needed to complete the course. Final project in week 1 should be taken once all weeks are complete for a better chance at completing. Additionally, completing week 1 final project completes the entire course.
By Santtu V
•Feb 10, 2023
Some exercises/assignents are just huge waste of time. Too much repetition and I am not meaning the DRY principle now --> (meaning) you cannot avoid this with your own functions. If you have already some beginner level programmig experience, but you are not familar with p5.js library this is quite funny course for you.
By Celine C
•Jun 25, 2020
The course was taught through the use of interesting and fun activities(solving crimes on sleuth), it is a great and easy way to get started for computer programming. The only issue being it is hard to solve certain stages and it would be great if there was a way to get some help after several tries.
By Tuan C
•Nov 15, 2021
The course is great for those who just start getting in to programming. Learners will be challenged through a series of exercises which require alternating or creating objects using p5.js. Thought the course uses to modify code, learners are free to work with the tools they are used to.
By John L D C
•Aug 21, 2021
I've learned a lot from my first week of understanding basic principles, brackets and p5.js. The one thing I've learnt about the brackets text editor is that sometimes code works with errors and it can break despite being organized. Overall I had a fun time when the programs did work.
By Josephine K
•May 26, 2019
Very fun and informative. I liked the interactive programming assignments, however I wish that those could be completed not just from a Mac or Windows OS but from iOS system, such as tablet, as well. That would have made my ability to complete the assignments more accessible.
By Atwin P
•Jun 7, 2020
Makes me wonder if JavaScript main function is for drawing on web browsers. The quiz (the Sleuth game) is a bit too exhausting (and repetitive)! Besides, a great course to introduce to programming and particularly JavaScript.
By Sukhbir S S
•Nov 14, 2023
It was difficult to understand the instructor. The total hit-and-trial method was also sometimes frustrating it should have an explanation course after the assignment of hit and trial instead of everything later
By Christian G
•Sep 19, 2020
For some reason the sound on the lecture videos was very low. Other than that It is a great introduction to the basics and the practical assignments are fun and you can add your own creativity to them.
By Dale
•Feb 5, 2025
After finishing "Week 1" of the course material it told me that I had completed the course, even though there were two additional weeks of material that had not been completed. Is this intentional?
By Matthew S
•Oct 2, 2024
The sleuth game should be on week 3. People would have a much easier time getting through it and understand what needs to be done to solve the later problems that aren't so straight forward.
By Ruoxi D
•Feb 20, 2022
easy to follow through to learn some basic concept of how computer works, especcially with the concept of internet, would be good to introduce some game dev knowledge briefly maybe
By Coco Z
•Apr 26, 2022
Overall good introduction to Javascript. The Sleuth game instructions could be made clearer, a lot of the time is spent trying to decipher the instructions rather than coding.
By Anvar N
•Aug 11, 2020
One of the best Online Courses that have real positive effect on one's education as tutorial lesson quality is high and concept used to explain lessons are easy to understand
By Damon M
•Oct 6, 2019
Other than the one Sleuth assignment which seemed unreliable, this course was very informative and provided a healthy challenge.
By Wanli Z
•Jan 20, 2020
locating the coordinates when there are multiple (>5) in a sleuth task can be a little repetitive. other than that it's great.
By Romaine G
•May 28, 2020
The course itself is great and I have no faults with it. But the whole Sleuth Assignment was rather Frustrating and Tedious.
By Abanoub A
•Mar 14, 2021
Assignment should be split across week 1,2 and 3 instead of having the deadline be in week 1, otherwise excellent course.
By Siddhant J
•Oct 16, 2022
working with Slueth was a little tricky but other than that the course was really easy to understand and worth it
By Kevin H
•Jun 15, 2020
Nice and quick introduction to javascript and p5 library. Does not assume any prior programming experience.
By Keanna H
•Aug 6, 2019
The teachers are very slow and well-paced. I was able to follow along easily.
I appreciate that.
By Munneeyy
•Jul 22, 2020
Good course taught me all the basics that I need to know. A lot of self teaching needed
By Ignacio C
•Oct 26, 2022
Classes are really good but Sleuth has some bugs that makes you have a bad experience
By Chanaporn S
•Dec 24, 2021
As a starter, I liked the game they provided. But the course structure was so mess up.