Aug 3, 2020
This course will provide all basic information of android and it will also help you to understand the fundamental of java which is used in android. It really help me to improve my skills in android.
Nov 16, 2019
Excellent !! As a beginner I found this course a major kick-start to building a strong base for my Android app skills. A lot of practice needed though, but these videos would keep me going well
By Punyasamudram P
•Oct 25, 2019
By Koppavarapu s
•Sep 17, 2019
By Joseph S
•Sep 15, 2019
By Neelesh
•Apr 2, 2019
By Jimut B P
•Dec 24, 2017
By Somduity B
•Oct 22, 2017
By Mohammed E
•Mar 12, 2020
By Uttam R
•Nov 8, 2017
By Kritarth S
•Jun 28, 2022
By Ileana S C H
•Mar 13, 2019
By Antonina G
•Apr 7, 2016
It's about 4.4 actually. Not enough to give 5 though.
First about positive sides. I think course is well structured (except for a few minor drawbacks), quizzes fit to the material. An assignments truly buck up the material. And I think material give a grounding in future Android Development.
But I think it can be problem with the learning process, mostly with programming assignment. I think it's common that when course come out for the first time it's almost inevitably that there are some issues with autograder. It' s just common. But these issue are usually easy to spot, because the output of autograder contains test cases. So one can easily find out what the problem is, if it's with autograder. As for this course, the autograder output is very minimalistic, and if the problem is with autograder it's rather hard to spot. I myself spent entire evening, trying to find what is wrong with my code, and it was pure luck that I finely spotted the problem (and, yes, it was autograder issue). Such thing could be very frustrating, really.
Another problem with programming assignments is about Peer Review. The students actually get access to assessment criteria, after they have submitted they code. And their code not necessary fit these criteria. I think it could spoil the learning process as well.
I actually aware that these drawbacks can be corrected in release course, and if they will be, I will be glad to change the rating.
By Zakariya F
•Nov 6, 2018
This course was amazing. It covered all the aspects of both basic and Object Oriented Programming in Java. The content is rich and easily understandable. Commitment in taking this course results in building a solid foundation in Java. I have learnt a lot during this course although it's not the first Java course I take. I recommend this course to beginners. It may look a bit overwhelming in the beginning, but a little dedication and patience will help you get through successfully. I would like to thank all the instructors of this MOOC as well as the Coursera staff for making it a fruitful experience. Thank you all.
By Steve A
•Jun 24, 2016
I wouldn't recommend this to student who has never programmed in any computer language before. A bright, aggressive, student could learn this material with help of online examples, etc. The basic language features, etc, are pretty straight forward, but the object oriented features are probably too advanced for someone 3 weeks into programming. As an experienced programmer in other languages (C++ / Python / Perl) I found it was about the right pace to do in addition to my real job, and am looking forward to the rest of the series coming online.
By Po T M
•Feb 25, 2020
I like the first course of the class because it really teaches the fundamentals of android java programming. However, I think most people get pretty frustrated over the final project because many of them have to wait for a long time to get at least 5 peer reviews in order to complete this course. I would suggest any course learners should voluntarily peer-review more than required such that all of us can get to finish the course and get the certificates quickly.
By Christopher A
•Apr 22, 2016
A good introduction to java programming, the mentor team was really helpful and interactive and it was a pleasure to interact with them!
Unfortunately, it is clear that this course still needs to be polished: some assignments contained mistakes or where even bugged. Mistakes and bugs have been fixed when they were reported but it still left an "amateur" aftertaste (especially considering that we had to wait for a few weeks for this course).
By Harjeet S
•May 22, 2020
It was good experience for me. I have learned so much. There is 4 out of 5 stars because at starting, I face lot of problems just to set-up android studio. The new version of android studio was so different as were shown in the tutorial lecture. There is only a suggestion for you (not complaining about that). Please upload lecture to set-up new versioned android studio, it would be great for up coming students.
Thanks..... ; )
By Yu A C
•Nov 8, 2019
This course talk about basic java coding with android studio. It is useful for beginner who doesn't have coding background. However, the version of android code examples are too old! The compileSdkVersion is 22, and gradle version is 2 in all example. Students need spend lots of time to study how to update the gradle and sdk version. I think the updating version skill is very important in this course but doesn't taught in class.
By David F
•Feb 6, 2018
Each modual has a summary video at the beginning and then each video summarizes what they are going to cover in the video AND each video has a summary at the end of the video summarizing what they covered! it is very redundant and annoying, but i just skipped ahead on each video to get to the relevant content.
Good content though, learned a lot once i started skipping ahead on the videos.
By Amandeep S
•Aug 1, 2020
The course was very precise and up to the point with explanations. The assignments were really helpful in grasping the concepts explained by the teachers. I will recommend this course to everyone who wants to start learning Android. It really clears out the basics before getting into actually learning Android, which is really important to know for learning android.
By James M
•Aug 5, 2016
It's a good course, but you do need programming experience. Also, takes twice as much time as they say, at least. Also, third week of course has a lot of work, while fourth week has very little. Would be nice to balance them out. I did get a lot out of the course and plan to continue with this specialization.
By Daniel T S
•Sep 9, 2020
This Course really taught me things I never knew . I will advice anyone to take this course before going deep into Android Development, it teaches exactly what is needed to be ready to build Apps from scratch. I thank the Instructors, and Coursera for enlightening my knowledge on Java for Android.
By Nathan W
•Jun 21, 2018
Very nice course, learned a great deal.I couldn't really say I learned much that was relevant to Android so there's just no need to go into the Android side of things. It does set you up nicely for the courses which do go into Android however.Would enjoy more assignments if possible, however.
By Emmanuel P A
•Aug 28, 2020
Great course to learn java programming language while applying it to android app development. Assignements were a bit vague to comprehend could have provided more clarity in what was wanted to performed. Overall great course for getting into programming and mobile application development.
By Daniel J
•Jun 11, 2017
Really good and well thought through course. It's also a lot of information and concepts for anyone who hasn't studied any kind of computer programming before. I think the average of 5-6hrs a week commitment is very optimistic, even with background knowledge.
By Erhan D
•Oct 21, 2020
Some parts of the course -especially herdmanager part- were hard to understand. There could be much easier example. On the other parts, course is really full of information and glad to finish it. Thanks Vanderbilt University and all lecturers.