May 23, 2023
Thanks to the professors of Duke University for teaching this course using Security and Networking related practical problems. It enhances my knowledge and will recommend others to pursue this course.
Jan 9, 2020
Actually, before I start this course I had not a good idea about OOP concept such as constructors, I have fair confidence about that. thank you duke university making such an arrangement.
•May 22, 2020
This is a very good course for the price, assuming you are at the beginner level (like me).
By Frank R
•Apr 11, 2022
It is a great course, but sometimes the questions asked in the quizes had some ambiguity.
By Pratap B
•Jul 16, 2020
Its good training and i gained more on java programming as Array, Lists. Structured data
By Ben A H S
•Jun 12, 2023
i like it very much but the reading exercises estimation time is not true unfortunately
By Rohan P
•Jul 20, 2021
well i learned a lot and more advance function of java plus how to approach any problem
By Devul N
•Aug 19, 2017
A pretty challenging and engaging course which taught me a lot of new concepts of Java!
By Nguyen V H
•Jun 21, 2017
This course is useful, the teachers have step by step directions to easy understand.
By Anel O
•Dec 11, 2016
Excellent course to learn about Structured Data. Challenging exercises and quizes.
By Yash P
•Feb 18, 2020
Great for learning about arrays, web logs, list, array lists and structured data.
By Joseph E
•Sep 3, 2017
Insufficient detail paid to how syntax works inside programming exercises.
By Ankur A
•Dec 20, 2020
Good course, for getting hands on practice writing simple Java programs.
By Pete F
•Mar 27, 2017
Challenging, though I seemed to do more than was required. Great course.
•Sep 21, 2021
i think it is a great course for learning arrays ,list in java deeply
By Nikolay A
•Sep 5, 2019
Level of support and quality of content went down from Course 1 and 2
By Himanshu K
•Aug 16, 2020
very Nice plateform to Learning....Must Enroll.Thank You soooo much.
By Thomas H
•Dec 17, 2015
Week 2 was wayyy too difficult but everything else was just right.
By Deleted A
•Jun 25, 2020
واحدة من الدورات الرائعة لانها تهتم بربط المعلومات بوقائع
By Beat N
•Jul 30, 2020
I learned a lot - very good and varied presentation
By Rinoj R N
•Nov 1, 2019
They teach very nicely and make your doubts clear.
By Daniel H M
•Jan 24, 2018
I have a problem to complet one of the last tests.
By Martin A K
•May 21, 2020
Good, it gives good ground knowledge I would say.
•Aug 12, 2017
learned many new things and was a good challenge
By Сергей А П
•Jun 20, 2021
course is a little bit outdated but still actual
By Alexey C
•Apr 23, 2018
Some useful projects, but questionable quizzes
By Deleted A
•Apr 22, 2021
Its quite challenging course for beginners.