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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom by University of California, Irvine

659 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Emerging Trends and Technologies in K-12! This course will help you evaluate and implement technology in the most useful way within your virtual classroom setting. We will discuss the possibilities and challenges of using technology in fully online environments, although many of the ideas can be applied to blended and traditional environments as well. This course is focused on emerging trends and technologies, specifically for K-12 instructors. Most of the content will be aimed at high school-aged students in the U.S., or ages 13-18 in other countries. Due to the nature of some of the internet-based technologies, young students are required to be 13 or older to participate. That said, many of the examples we discuss can apply to younger ages. This course is focused on virtual education. In other words, blended or fully online teaching and learning experiences. Nevertheless, you can apply the concepts to a traditional class, adult education, and higher education. Lastly, please note that many of the examples will be U.S. based. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: • Define educational technology's role in supporting the virtual environment. • Identify and evaluate existing and emerging technologies for virtual course instruction or curriculum development. • Use collaborative learning tools to design and assess learning activities. • Use game-based strategies to deepen student engagement in virtual courses. • Research, evaluate, and employ open content in virtual education. • Debate the role of MOOCs in virtual K-12 education....

Top reviews


May 15, 2021

It gives me insights about the emerging trends that we may use in teaching. It also give me the list of possible OER and MOOCs that I can visit to get instructional materials to aide me in teaching.


Jul 29, 2020

Maybe for me there wasn't so much new ideas but I count myself as advanced in ICT field also ;) But course is build up really well and this resource pdf-s in every week are especially good ...

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1 - 25 of 174 Reviews for Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom

By Rebecca K


May 15, 2020

This was a really disappointing course and I feel annoyed that I was charged to take it. Trading standards should be contacted because you are being charged for a course that has been untouched for years. It ironic that the title is 'Emerging Trends', the course material is completely outdated, in terms of what they are teaching and the technology used to provide the resources. Why am I taking a quiz about Google + when the platform was shut down A YEAR AGO! The course resources are hosted on Google Plus also, so no supporting materials available. Multiple links are broken and simply lead to 404 errors. There is also no forum discussion used, which is a basic online learning strategy for learners to share. If you need a certificate then take the course, if you want to learn something valuable that you can use in your job, do a Google search or take a look at a couple of these platforms below.

My Top Software Recommendations for Differentiated Instruction


Age: Up to High School

A personal favourite for interactive and differentiated video content. It can be used with your own videos or those of others, importing from major video sites such as YouTube.

You can use an existing video with questions embedded or add your own specific questions. This is specifically excellent when teaching towards a specific qualification, where key vocabulary and question types are used. Assign actual exam-style questions, with response types that include multiple-choice, short and long responses and the option for automatic grading.

Here is an example of an IGCSE Computer Science curriculum video

You can tailor the video to certain students or address common misconceptions within the class. It is also excellent for a flipped-classroom approach if you want students to engage with content in advance of the class or synchronous online sessions.

It also allows you to report on student success and gather data on students as individuals or a whole class.


Khan Academy

Age: Up to Highschool

Really suitable for older students because of the vast levels of content available. It’s hard not to find the subject you are looking for. The content is adaptive and will give opportunities to advance more quickly through known topics. Equally, if a student struggle with the assigned level, the software will suggest and direct questions that offer a foundation.

You can sign your whole class up through easy import options and assign the whole course, topics, or specific videos. This is great for a flipped-classroom approach, giving students the topic in advance of class and having them watch a video at their own pace and answer questions specific to the topic.

Equally, if you find a student who has not understood a class topic, then it can be used to assign them a video or questions to complete and bring them up to speed.

If you have students in high school who want to study something specific, such as SAT’s but as an international school you do not provide classes, then you can assign them to Khan academy with a schedule of lessons to be completed per week over a given period of time.

Topics include; Math, Science, Computing, Engineering, Economics, Law, Arts, Humanities, and Test Prep.



Kahoot is one of the most popular quiz platforms and it’s hard to find a student that doesn’t know it or know its catch theme tune. Students will jump for joy when you suggest playing it and will happily make their own for both class and more social quizzing opportunities.

I use this not only as a quiz method but as a way to introduce new topics to the class. This could be a simple yes/no question that will build into an interesting class discussion. You can also revisit the question at the end of class and see how opinion has changed.

In this example, the topic is about Gear Ratios, which can be used to increase speed or torque...but never at the same time. The question of speed vs strength is used to begin a talking point with the class and offer a real-world reference and preference that will be required for future machines they build.

Produces reports after each session that can identify which questions were perhaps too difficult and also particular members of the class who might have struggled.



I use this for helping groups of students who are struggling in specific topics. Usually grouping together a few students and having them develop their quiz as a team. They all contribute to the questions, which as peers means they explain and justify both the questions and the answers together. This often forms great memory bonds on the content before they have even taken the completed quiz.

Of course, once it is also complete, they then work as a group or individually in their own time to take the quiz and practice the content.



Age: Up Middle School

An adaptive software that will tailor question sets and difficulty dependent upon students' responses. This allows for excellent differentiation within the classroom and as a home learning resource.

Making use of gamification, it allows students to collect badges and rewards that can be saved in their ‘bank’. Earning enough credit allows them to make purchases of games within the software.

For teachers, there is the ability to create reports for class and individual students. These can be shared with parents, contribute towards formal reports, and help teachers make decisions on future content.

Be aware, the game option can become dominant and you should explore the teacher controls for limiting this if you find it distracts students from learning.


Night Zookeeper

Ages: Up to Middle School

Creative writing site that encourages students to work together as a class and author their own stories. Their literature is shared with other students around the world and they can receive feedback from peers globally, this allows for differentiated peer assessment in a new but familiar way for students who are used to functioning in the online world. The importance is on the writing of literature and all types are encouraged. An English teaching friend of mine has been using this with his mixed ability International Middle School students for a few years and it is one of their favourite ways to create and share.

There are also a number of interactive games that are useful for younger learners or second language learners who are new to English.



Age: Up to High School

Ideal for American learners who need questions and assignments that match state-mandated testing. This huge question bank allows teachers to quickly assign existing tests or make a one tailored to the class. These can be both summative and formative assessments, with individual and class reports presented in an easy to follow format.

It can easily be synchronised with Google classroom and whole-class data imported, which means assignments are quickly shared.

Be aware, there are workarounds for students if they are tech-savvy. There are ways to edit the HTML to make answers visible or log in as a teacher without institution verification.

By Magali G D


Apr 2, 2019

Last update was in 2015, G+ group does not work anymore, forums do not exist anymore. Very intesting subject poorly executed: lectures only. I was disappointed but did it completely. At least 60% still works.

By Amarnath B


Jun 4, 2020

It was an excellent program. The program helped me to know new ways of imparting the best knowledge sharing tolls I can use with the help of emerging technologies which I can make use as a subject instructor for my students.

In today's scenario, we must take the full advantage of the available on-line resources for giving our best to our students. This program let me know about these in a very simplified way.


By F H


Apr 15, 2020

This course was exceptional. It provided insights on how to use the latest technologies for the virtual

classroom. I learned alot although in order to apply what was given you need to read alot and try out

what was being taught. Really enjoyed it. The teacher was outstanding and knowledgeable.



Oct 31, 2020

As a teacher, this MOOC is a very lifesaver in understanding the latest trend of teaching pedagogies that is very helpful in times of pandemic wherein schools are forced to close and everyone is into virtual learning.

By Miri T


Sep 16, 2020

The explanation of instructor is super.

The resources about virtual teaching are perfect.

It was useful for me.

*The part "Game-based Learning" needs real life video examples.

***By the way thanks for everything.



May 15, 2021

It gives me insights about the emerging trends that we may use in teaching. It also give me the list of possible OER and MOOCs that I can visit to get instructional materials to aide me in teaching.

By Deleted A


Aug 5, 2020

This course is a good example to understand how the technology support teacher and students achieve learning goals. It is not exclusive for K12. I would change the name for a more generalist one.

By Gesille C


Apr 14, 2021


By Chua P H


Jun 9, 2016

A few hours only a week, the pace is just right.

By Devkant K


May 25, 2020

Well-Designed, Content was engaging.



Nov 29, 2020

It helps you understand what kinds of technologies and tools are available and which ones we can use for our online classes.

By Amy O


Sep 26, 2020

The course content is outdated and needs a refresh, and the quiz questions and assignment instructions are not always clear, and occasionally contradict the content. This is not unlike in-person courses often are. But I did learn a lot and it might be helpful as a general overview for K-12 teachers and to give them ideas. It's definitely not teaching you how to actually use any of these things.

By K L


Nov 22, 2020

Good information, timely and applicable. But presented in a very hard to access way - long sections of prose.

By Diana C R


May 25, 2020

The instructor is well verse, but lectures are 10-26 minutes and the reading list is extensive. The interviews are interesting but it is mostly an extension of what was mentioned in the lectures. The content is extensive enough for two levels. During week 3 I had technical difficulties during one quiz and was never contacted. The lack of feedback, as well as no-follow up from technical support, forced me to watch over and over past lectures to end up guessing three answers that no matter what I marked were always incorrect. In the past level feedback will guide you to the specific lesson and that is a key factor for self-motivation to learning. I could have used that time to complete the first two of the next level.

By Katayoon S


Jun 18, 2020

The course was very well but I would like to see more specific for content and subject matter next time. What it works for English and history class, does not work for science and math all the time. I am a science credentialed teacher and tried to learn about online and virtual teaching and classroom.

Thank you

By Monit K


May 15, 2020

This course was very insightful.I am teaching mostly in university setting.But this course while being designed for a K-12 setting , but still th e core values of online education are so nicely and correctly imbibed. Great Experience. and thanks for those tests being easy!

By Anna M d l R


Oct 20, 2020

I liked that the course was simple but substantially provided good resources or references that I can go back to. It is especially useful for people who are new to the area of online education; they provided some fundamentals that I wasn't aware of before.

By shatakshi s


Oct 9, 2020

This course is really great for new teachers. Considering the demand of technology in teaching learning process now a days. This helps you learn the best use of it in your work area and also provides you an opportunity to explore new and important links.

By Bonnie A F


Sep 4, 2016

This course is full of "real world" applications for Virtual K-12 teachers. It allows teachers at almost every level of technology literacy to begin to use some aspects of virtual education as a means to engaging students in lesson content goals.

By Ellen M


Aug 31, 2020

Melissa Loble is an awesome online instructor !

Thank you for a well developed course, especially the helpful "loaded" hyperlinks that will continue to inspire me to learn more about new technologies in the classroom.

Ellen McCormick

By Abdelatif A


Feb 15, 2017

I was amazed by the depth of the subject. The instructor did a great job simplifying the broad topics and pointing to what is most important. A five stars for the quality of the content and the delivery approach.

By Marcos V M d S


Nov 5, 2017

I enjoyed every week. The lessons are well structured and the explanations are clear. Instructions are easy to understand, and the instructor was superb. Thank you to our instructor Mrs. Melissa Joell Loble.

By Alexey K


Jun 28, 2018

Absolutely brilliant course! Invigorating lecturer, tons of useful resources, helpful and always unexpected strategies one could utilize on their own lessons. Thank you, that was a remarkable experience!

By Diana P


Jul 29, 2020

Maybe for me there wasn't so much new ideas but I count myself as advanced in ICT field also ;) But course is build up really well and this resource pdf-s in every week are especially good ...