Jul 2, 2018
An excellent course on Kierkegaard's use of irony. The teacher is great and the lectures are very interesting. I loved the interviews and the views of Copenhagen. Thanks a lot. Greetings from Madrid!
Aug 29, 2016
Really worthwhile and informative, in-depth review of Kierkegaard as a person, his life, and his works. Can be taken even if you've never touched philosophy before. Great production and selections.
By Yuki K S N
•Jan 12, 2021
So much effort was put into this course - from the variations of the background and scenery in Denmark, to an in-depth view of the timeline of Kierkegaard's work and ideas, as well as a good incorporation of external interviews with Professors. Really enjoyed it.
Only criticism is that the course is said to be a certain amount of hours, but you're definitely going to have to invest much more time to meet the deadline each week. :)
By Guy S
•Feb 23, 2017
I greatly enjoyed the depth of this course. Like a good philosophy course, it requires time and concentration, and it's definitely worth the investment. Prof. Stewart has an impressive knowledge of the intricacies of Kirkegaard's life and works (and their contexts) and presents it in a structured and clear manner.
I especially enjoyed the frequent reflections on the relevance of these ideas to our modern lives.
By Rohit M
•Mar 6, 2019
This is one of the best MOOCs, I have came across over the years. Prof. Jon Stewart has made it lively by connecting the history of Copenhagen with the modern city. It feel like that the study is happening in and around the city. I really enjoyed the idea of outdoor lectures. The team has chosen these outdoor locations very carefully, which adds a value to the course. Thank you all for your hard work! :)
By ak
•Jul 15, 2016
Great course. Very elegantly put together into three-piece modules. Treats the thought of Kierkegaard in both philosophical and historical accounts. Readings are clear and match the accompanying lectures closely. Highly recommend to anyone interested in Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Religion or just curious about Kierkegaard's thought. So far the best philosophy course I've taken on coursera!
By Brooklyn H
•Mar 29, 2016
The lecturer was excellent and not only expounded in depth, Soren Kierkegaard's thinking and ideas, he put them into there relevant context in addition to delving into the differences he had with his contemporary thinkers. Furthermore the Professor asked thought provoking questions that allowed the viewer to think and reflect how Kierkegaard's ideas are relevant in our time and our lives.
By Чаганова Д Н
•Feb 5, 2021
This course was one of the best courses I have ever learned on Coursera. Professor Stewart is a Great professional. Although I have a philosophical education, his lections always opened something new for me. This course will be useful both for professional philosophers and for people who are interested in the questions of self-identification, critique of our society and ways of life.
By Diego M
•Mar 6, 2016
Beautiful description of the life, times, ideas, and love of Socrates that Kierkegaard embodied. A real joy to run through. I literally watched all the lectures in the span of three days, there is something simple and earnest about the course that I really like. I like that the quizzes never took away from the lesson, they only check understanding at the end of the lecture.
•Jan 2, 2021
I have learn many things about Søren Kierkegaard and his contemporaries. The main course focus on Kierkegaard Master's Thesis "On The Concept of Irony" but we also read Plato’s dialogues, Euthyphro, The Apology, and another of Kierkegaard's works to understand concept of his view on Christianity, Subjectivity, Individualism, and Christian Existentialism.
By Fernando B
•Apr 26, 2020
I take many courses in coursera but this is the first course where the class and the beautifull of the city of Denmark is showed. The tone of the teacher is relaxing, precise and enjoyable. I like the invertiews and the diverse local that he explore to teach about Kiekegaard. I just love this philosophy class. I see all the videso s three times.
By Howard C J
•Apr 18, 2016
Very informative, educational and well=organized. The professor communicates the lesson clearly and effectively in maintaining one's interest in the course content. I recommend this course to anyone interested in learning about subjective truth, how to be self-seeking, the Socratic Method, and a unique method for challenging traditional thought.
By Gustavo C
•May 28, 2022
Fiquei muito feliz com a oportunidade de fazer o curso e mais feliz ainda com seu andamento e agora conclusão.
Foi muito bom poder estudar sobre esse grande filósofo, aprender sobre sua trajetória e suas inspirações.
Recomendo muito a todos. De grande valia, tanto para conhecimento por conhecimento, quanto para fins acadêmicos e profissionais.
By J. C E
•Feb 14, 2018
I thought the course was well planned, very informative and organized. Gave me a lot of insight to the back ground and message of a very bright yet puzzling philosopher.
Jeg troede, at kurset var godt planlagt, meget informativt og organiseret. Gav mig en masse indsigt i baggrunden og budskabet til en meget lysende, men forvirrende filosof.
By tuna e
•Aug 24, 2020
I took this course as a companion when reading Kierkegaard's pseudonymous works and my God, it was so useful. This is one of the best courses Coursera has to offer, I dare say. I would gladly keep learning if this course was hundreds of hours long. Thank you Prof. Stewart for providing this amazing course and your excellent teaching style.
By Andrea R
•May 7, 2017
I really enjoyed this course and learning more about Kierkegaard's life and his works and philosophy, as well as how he is still relevant in our modern-day society. The links to his works and that of Socrates were very invaluable and helped paint the picture of what Kierkegaard was trying to accomplish. Very enjoyable, and very relevant.
By Mary C
•Oct 7, 2016
I found this course extremely helpful,well structured and thoroughly informative.The content of each module I viewed, added up to my already acquired knowledge from my studies in theology.To me it was a link to everything I have learned so far about Kierkegaard and has basically completed the picture.Congratulations and many thanks!
By Conor P
•Jul 18, 2021
Excellent course. I did not know much about Kierkegaard's philosophy before taking the course, but he has now become one of my favorite philosophers. The course really does a great job of covering Kierkegaard's works in totality and giving good insight into the historical and philosophical influences on his thought.
By Jonas D
•May 23, 2017
Uma abordagem inovadora sobre a obra de Kierkegaard, que lhe permite um olhar filosófico tanto para a História da Filosofia quando para os nossa contemporaneidade. Em tempos de dogmatismos, pós-verdades, e sistematizações grosseiras, o curso do professor Jon Stewart se faz cada vez mais necessário. Imperdível!
By ro v d
•Mar 6, 2016
I almost have finished this course. The required litterature is well-balanced. The video-lectures are put together skilfully and the leading professor is eloquent and friendly. I have learned a lot about the works of Kierkegaard and am truly inspired to study more on the topics presented.
Ro van Doesburg
By Sameer S
•Sep 6, 2021
The best introductory content on Kierkegaard that I found on the internet. Easy to follow, but not easy to the point that it kills the complexity of the ideas. The professor had done a great job. Lots of structured guidance on how to approach Kierkegaard's writings. Really glad that I took this course.
By J H B v d M
•Mar 6, 2021
I enjoyed the lectures during 8 weeks : clear, illustative and impressive. I like to learn more about Kierkegaard. This course is an invitation to read and learn more about these philosopher. Thanks to Professor Jon Stewart for his clear explanations. It was a pleasure for me to listen to his lectures.
By Hmeedat
•Oct 11, 2021
One of the great phenomenal courses I have ever taken. This course is an ideal course to anyone wants to learn about the Greek main philosopher "Socrates," and how he inspired Soren Kierkegaard and other western philosophers in understanding the reality and solving the complexities of modernity.
By Antonio E B S
•May 11, 2017
The course has the level of demand and seriousness corresponding to the importance of the author. The printed text of Professor Jon Stewart was a great help in deepening and understanding the contents of the course. It has been an invaluable academic and formative experience. Congratulations
By Emanuela
•Mar 6, 2021
A wonderful course for those who are appassionate of philosophy and the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. It gives you a lot of details and informations about his life, his works and the way he focused the attention about some topics. The teacher is really exquisit, I sincerely recommend it.
By Joan M G
•Jul 1, 2018
Cómo me hubiera gustado poder seguir este curso muchos años atrás!! Una mágnifica guia de estudio y de lectura para poder seguir de manera muy comprensiva la obra de S. Kierkegaard!! Leí no pocas de sus obras, pero a tientas, con dificultad aunque también con placer. Gracias por el curso.
By Echo C
•Feb 12, 2025
I like Dr. Jon Stuart's class very very much. Hope he can release more classes here. In order to find more classes of Dr Jon, I even searched about his related info at his university and found many books he wrote. Appreciate them, he is the best teacher I have ever met in my study life.