Aug 17, 2022
This course was amazing! I loved the extracurricular activities (readings, assignments and the meditative moments) which helped to contextualise the material learned in an interdisciplinary context.
Nov 9, 2024
it was a course that I really liked, and the instructor has an innate gift for presenting philosophical topics, which he talks about with great passion. It's definitely his original nature :)
By Suzana B
•Jun 23, 2023
Prof. Green is excellent!
I love the meditative moments. So necessary after focusing on his teachings for a while. I am looking forward to taking his course on the unconscious next. I need a pause first after finishing The Examined Life.
The lecture videos are an excellent way to keep you focused on the content, and the transcripts a means for you to go to for clarification if you miss the point of part of the message.
The variety of materials both on video and written forms. A little lightness interspersed in the subject of our attention helps break up what otherwise might be to much to concentrate on.
I love , and I am grateful, that I have found these great courses (free of charge) now that I am retired, but still wanting to learn. Great for the brain and the soul.
Thank you, Prof . Green!
By Russell H
•Sep 8, 2018
An exceptionally well made course. I'm a philosophy undergrad and this course was useful in that it added little nuggets of information to my overall understanding of Socrates/Plato, Descartes and Ryle's philosophy. Particularly Ryle. I would recommend this course to undergrads and people just looking for a general understanding of philosophical argumentation and the kinds of ideas your likely to encounter when studying philosophy at a higher level. Cheers Mitch.
P.s I also took your online MOOC when you were at University of Virginia a couple of years ago. That was the best MOOC I've ever done. I loved the informal settings and the way you presented the material. Keep up the good work Prof, it's very much appreciated.
By A. E H
•Sep 15, 2019
Lovely course. It is the first time I complete a course in philosophy. It gave me an overall idea of the main paths of thinking that were there in the world to explain our existence and what a good life is. I was surprised to see that we are still struggling 'to get it' after all these thousands of years! Why is it so difficult for the average human to get to know her/himself? I am grateful for the 'go further' bit . there were really interesting readings and videos to go deeper. The one about the oracle of Delphi was great. I loved the meditation minutes, I will practise them from now on. Thank you for making it available for all. :)
By Fernando S
•Jul 23, 2020
The course is very well-elaborated, with well-produced and interesting videos covering the topic of self-knowledge from a variety of philosophical sources. I especially liked the forum activities, which encourage students to reflect on the material presented and provide our own perspective of the ideas explored. There is also a wealth of additional material and references for those who want to explore these concepts further, allowing students to delve as deep into the subject as their interest will take them.
By Rita S
•Nov 6, 2024
I found the Descarte part of the course somewhat challenging to understand. However, I appreciated Mitchell Green 's deep knowledge base and quiet style of presenting. The meditation components of the course were surprisingly welcome and added to my own meditation practise. I deeply appreciated Mitchell Green sharing his knowledge about philosophy and providing a foundation for me to continue to explore this fascinating topic. Kind regards Rita Struthers
By molly w
•Oct 30, 2020
I found this course engaging and I never felt that the content was in any way laborious or pointless. Each week there are several "quizzes" which pose prompts on debatable or interesting issues which arose in the previous lectures. I enjoyed reflecting on ideas I had learnt and felt challenged enough without being overwhelmed! The optional extra material is a lovely way to accommodate people who want to delve deeper into the topic! Highly recommend.
By Heather S
•Jul 31, 2023
For students of philosophy and interested others, an excellent introduction to the relationship between mind and body. Self-paced, the course guides you through the beliefs of some of the earliest philosophers, like Descartes, and touches upon modern philosophy, biology and neuroscience to bring us to what is known today. The videos are coupled with text, questions and quizzes to check your understanding of the material. I recommend it!
By Daniel D
•Feb 22, 2023
This course was very informative, to reflect, so much on the theologies in past hundreds of years, shows we haven’t progressed our self knowledge a great deal in today society. Past theologians have theories we still follow and continue to agree with. I think this course offers a great deal of information for anyone to examine themselves and come to a revelation on their present mind set and goals.
By Ruth M
•Jan 13, 2022
This is a really thorough introduction to the philosophy around this topic. It is perfectly accessible for the complete novice like me, and I really enjoyed being challenged by the questions and material. The additional materials have been fascinating and I look forward to further exploring the subject independently. A fantastic course, excellent quality and content.
By Carol A S
•Mar 20, 2023
Excellent course, very well presented by Professor Green. Really interesting with an awful lot in it! Well worth reading all the extra material in the Go Further section. Early Modern Texts is an amazing find and I'm now reading their versions of a number of works in my Kindle.
Thank you to all concerned for your hard work in making this free course available to us.
By Jennifer C
•Feb 7, 2021
I enjoyed this course. It was easy to follow and the different levels allow learners to engage at a level suited to how much time they have to dedicate to this and how in-depth they want to go. Focus on the philosophy of what it is to know one's self and why it may be useful. The additional resources provided to go further into the topics were really interesting
By Adrian P L
•Oct 7, 2018
I've Learned a lot about this course. i learned that how should i put importance to myself that knowing some limitation and giving importance in what talents and abilities that i have. knowing myself is show to me that how am i special on this world that i stand. so that I concluded this course, we should love ourselves and accept who really we are.
By A K
•Aug 24, 2018
One of the best resources available on the subject of Self Knowledge that is not only accessible, but with pointers for further study to go further & deeper. I had earlier viewed a few lectures when this course was given a couple of years ago, and was waiting for taking the course. It was well worth it! A BIG Thank you, Prof Mitchell Green!
By Tina H
•Feb 19, 2023
A strong foundational course for self-knowledge and Western philosophy (notwithstanding some brief appearances by Confucius and Mencius, who I hope to learn more about in future courses). Quizzes and prompts were not terribly difficult but did require me to think about some challenging questions and examine some unexamined assumptions.
By Belinda N
•Jul 24, 2022
This course was a real eye-opener. I am really glad I got the opportunity to be part of this adventure. Thank you Prof Mitchell Green for sharing your knowledge and expertise with others. I am exited that it is definitely an investment you made in my life. Practice makes perfect and one of these days I will experience a new Me! :-)
By Sean O
•Dec 28, 2020
I found this Course to be really excellent. it provided ver clear, insightful and informative knowledge and information in helping me to examine, understand and reform so as to achieve a more fulfilling, rewarding and happier life. Thanks so much to everybody concerned with the Course's preparation and presentation. Wonderful!
By Suzanne
•Sep 6, 2018
This course was very well presented: challenging concepts were delivered in a coherent and approachable manner, inviting further exploration and discussion. The meditative moments of "mono-tasking" were a bonus! Thanks and kudos to Mitchell Green and Simon Fokt for a really worthwhile learning experience.
By Atty. C S B
•Mar 17, 2021
This early (I am currently finishing the course), I can say that so far, this is the best course I've enrolled in Coursera. Professor Mitchell Green is the best Philosophy teacher there is. This lectures are easily understood. I am now more interested to learn Philosophy because of Prof. Green.
By Ігор Б М
•Nov 29, 2024
Самопізнання важливе, бо допомагає зрозуміти себе, свої бажання й дії. Але його межі в тому, що ми не завжди об'єктивні щодо себе і можемо не помічати важливого. "Досліджуване життя" показує, що рефлексія робить нас більш усвідомленими, але для розвитку потрібен і зворотний зв'язок від інших.
By Ana R
•Apr 12, 2021
Very well guided the issue through different authors and theories, good texts and resources as well. It was sort of intuitive to follow the course from week to week, I realize it's because it is 'well-crafted'.
Thank you for the meditative moment! (I'll never forget the bamboo meditation)
By Yogamitra
•Sep 8, 2021
This is my first course on the coursera page that has brought me a lot of encouragement to think about my conception of life. It is very richly designed with a lot of information through historical philosophical views. Kudos to everyone who participated in the creation of this program.
By Regina V R
•Apr 9, 2019
Great content, really enjoyed taking this course. The lectures are really good and the adicional material is very helpful. Also, I enjoyed a lot the meditative moments. However, the video "theory of human emotions" in week 4 is missing (instead there's the video for part 5 two times!)
By Aedrian A
•Jan 19, 2021
This is an extremely insightful course, and it made the cited ancient philosophical texts much more accessible for casual philosophy learners like me. The unexamined life, truly, is not worth living - and I do think that this parallels with psychological essence of finding purpose.
By Neringa B
•Sep 6, 2018
I have gained some useful insights thanks to the course material thus I recommend this course to those students who have already realised that there is a connection between their positive belief system and the negative events that unfold in their social/personal life.
By Sunny R
•Jun 18, 2024
"Know Thyself - The Examined Life" offers deep insights into self-knowledge, blending ancient wisdom with modern perspectives on introspection, consciousness, and human nature. It's a must for anyone exploring profound questions about identity and personal growth.