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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Korean Economic Development by Yonsei University

405 ratings

About the Course

You will review the evolution of the Korean economy decade by decade since Korea’s independence from Japan in 1945. Major policies of each decade will be explained and their effect on the Korean economy will be analyzed. Also, the backgrounds and limitations of important policies will be scrutinized. By doing so, you will be able to compare the Korea experience with the other developing countries’. 1. You will be able to explain how the miracle of the Korean economic development was made possible. 2. By examining internal and external conditions behind the decision making of major policies in Korea, you will be able to draw lessons that can be applicable to today’s developing countries. 3. You can explain how the Korean economy has interacted with the global economy in the past. 4. You can observe how economic theories and models can be applied to the Korean case....

Top reviews


Sep 9, 2021

I've always wanted to learn about the Korean economy and this course is really amazing. It helped me to learn and understand easily and the professor explained so well. I highly recommend this course


Aug 3, 2021

Dear Professor,Thank you for this quick glance study for Korean Economic Development it helps me much to fully understanding of Korea and their tackling challenge to be a developed country. :)

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76 - 100 of 102 Reviews for The Korean Economic Development

By Nastia G

May 8, 2020

Great course

By Miguel G M

May 2, 2018

Good course.


Nov 22, 2021


By Eduarda C

Apr 4, 2024


By ShinFeyn

Jan 4, 2021

Thank you

By Salome O

Sep 12, 2024


By Jaquez T F L d C

Sep 11, 2024


By gilles

May 26, 2018


By paramon c

Jul 31, 2024


By Alqon M

Jan 29, 2025


By Ahmed M

Mar 23, 2019

The course provide me with a very good introduction to South Korean economic development. Well organized and materials are relevant. The Instructor has a very good understand of S. Korea model and he prepared this course in a good manner. Still, i was expecting more in depth examination at the last week but this may need separate course from the instructor. The idea that i highly recommend. I recommend this course

By Lillian N

Oct 8, 2019

I enjoyed completing this course and got a better insight into the (South) Korean development story. Aside from a couple of typos here and there, the material was very accessible and easy to go through even for people who may not have a background in macroeconomics. Professor Lee and his team did a great job.I would highly recommend this course to anyone interest in South East Asia.

By Jiwon B

Dec 18, 2021

I've learned a lot about the Korean econoimc development and really enjoyed the course materials. However, I would give four stars because there are a lot of typos in both English and Korean subtitles. It would be great if the content could be up-to-date, as this course seems to have been created back in 2016.

By Saurabh S

Aug 2, 2021

Excellent course to understand how korean economy evolved... We can compare it with various developing economies and gain insights. Prof Lee exaplained various events lucidly. Thank you very much Coursera and Prof Lee.

By Afrin S

Oct 13, 2016

Though my educational background is not economics but I have taken this course out of my interest about Korea and made the right choice. I have enjoyed the course very much and learned a lot.

By Lydia

Aug 14, 2016

I like it a lot. I wish though that this website was better flowing with the lectures. I have to refresh multiple times to make sure the video is where it should be...idk how to explain it.

By Chu T H H

Jun 3, 2016

Thank you for offering this wonderful introductory course to understand Korea and Asia economy. I hope there will be an advanced course after this course.

By Zaidan A

Jul 27, 2020

This class was great for economics or non-economics student who want to learn about the Korean economic development time over time

By Oleksandr Z

Jan 3, 2018

A good basic overview course. Lacks some details most likely due to its brevity.

By Ben

Oct 15, 2020

Would be grateful if it can cover more reason situation as it stopped in 2016

By Jacopo

Apr 1, 2019

Evaluation through peer reviews should be removed

By Dmitry A

Jan 8, 2020

Good and interesting course

By Dharanidhar

Dec 6, 2017

Excellent Teaching !

By Muhammad S

Oct 17, 2017

Informative course

By Cedric E

Aug 19, 2017
