Jun 28, 2019
Excellent course, packed with relevant content and useful hands on Kotlin exercises with great feedback based on Coursera provided unit tests. Looking forward to more Coursera courses from JetBrains.
Feb 10, 2019
This course is a very comprehensive and detailed introduction to Kotlin. However, it would be even better if it could include the generics part which is the most difficult but quite frequently used.
By Johan B
•Mar 11, 2020
It's a good course. I miss an explanation of how it could be possible to solve the last programming assignment.
By Saswati N
•May 26, 2020
Nicely explained.But I think its good for java developers only.Not that much beneficial for Android developers
By Christophe D
•Sep 25, 2019
Very good course. The only annoying part is that there are no solution videos for week 3 and 4 assignements.
By Utkarsh R
•Aug 1, 2020
It was really nice experience learning this great modern language and getting to know the power of Kotlin.
By Amera B A
•Jun 22, 2020
this is so amazing course but give little skills to concept but was very useful for me
By Rohit A
•Oct 30, 2019
I found the course really helpful in building understanding of Kotlin being already familiar with Java.
By Ghislain B
•Sep 3, 2022
Very good presentation of Kotlin (with Java)
Missing exercices with Kotlin/Java sources together
By Ricardo F d A
•Dec 28, 2022
Great content. The only thing I missed is solution videos for the assignments on weeks 4 and 5.
By Vitor V
•Jan 16, 2020
I had some difficult to understand instructor's english, but the content was awesome.
By Rafael A N
•Jul 19, 2019
Muy buena metodologia, con ejercicios para practicar los temas aprendidos!
By Mohsen B
•Aug 14, 2019
The instructor should be more fluent at English with a better accent :)
By Vladimir
•Dec 6, 2021
Курс полезный. Нужно поработать над подачей материала и произношением.
By Naman M
•Jul 7, 2020
This course needs to be improved and few basic things need to be added
By Thirumalvalavan
•Jul 8, 2020
Nice Course. Hence, assignments should be little simple to beginners.
By richard m
•Jun 20, 2019
Great course with lots of practical content and coding exercises
By Roberto S P
•Jul 6, 2022
It's a good course with good resources and with a proper title.
By Dominik H
•Jan 10, 2020
Great Course experienced some bugs with uploading the solution
By Danil C
•Nov 5, 2021
I'd like to see author's solutions for the 4th and 5th weeks
By Erick A
•Oct 20, 2019
excelente curso te detalle cómo funciona el lenguaje Kotlin.
By rupemadeveloper
•May 5, 2020
Muy buen curso para iniciarse en Kotlin. Muy recomendado.
By Besma K
•Jun 11, 2019
Exercices intéressants et cours bien construit
•Jun 22, 2022
Get advance logical information about Kotlin
By Mrinal K
•Aug 13, 2019
the accent was a bit hard to understand.
By Andre L N S
•Apr 10, 2019
Very nice content and fun assignments
By Riccardo P
•Aug 11, 2021
I would do it again, just for fun