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Learner Reviews & Feedback for A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration by Erasmus University Rotterdam

91 ratings

About the Course

Integrated landscape management and large-scale landscape restoration should be in every company’s business strategy because in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goal on Land Degradation Neutrality (SDG Number 15.3) scaling up and acceleration of business-driven landscape restoration is urgently needed. This requires business professionals with a vision, the right knowledge and skills. This MOOC aims to train the next generation of business professionals and developers to acknowledge business’ interdependency with healthy landscapes and understand the value of ecosystem resources. “Historically, we have found countless ways to justify our continued exploitation of the environment: discovery, tradition, Manifest Destiny, even Chinese hoax. But we’re all out of excuses now. Each passing day swells the data on greenhouse gases and extreme weather, shrinking reservoirs and rising sea levels, and diminishing biodiversity. Our resources are finite, the window for change if not firmly shut, is certainly closing, and all life must adapt or be doomed.” Téa Obreht, The New Yorker, Dec. 19&26, 2016, p. 106. It is a frightening prospect indeed – that all life on Earth must either adapt or be doomed. This course is about landscape degradation – a global and wicked problem that is contributing to the dooming prospect of depletion of Earth’s finite resources. But this course is also about the solutions to this problem – business driven landscape restoration. So rather than leaving you powerless with the prospect Obreht puts fowards above, it is our hope that you learn how you can be part of the solution to making sure that Planet Earth still provides a safe and habitable home for future generations. We must act big and we must act now. With this course we want to pass on valuable knowledge and teach you useful skills that you can apply in your professional life that will enable you to tackle the issue of landscape degradation and restoration. The issue is urgent, so let’s dive right into it. This MOOC is developed by the ENABLE partnership, which is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission and involves a diverse, international group of organizations including Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Commonland, United Nations University Land Restoration Training Programme, the Spanish National Research Council and Estoril Global Conferences....

Top reviews


Oct 20, 2017

The course is very useful to learn about the learn degradation and ecosystem restoration, however, regarding ecosystem services it needs much contents too for to be a successful professional.


May 25, 2023

I am very pleased and grateful to have these opportunities to enrich our formal education through Coursera. Sincerely Thank you very much!

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1 - 25 of 30 Reviews for A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration

By Yvonne B

Jun 15, 2020

Excellent course. A lot of content. You definitely need to be committed and plan your study time.

By Amarizni M (

Feb 13, 2021

this is the important course to overcome current issue about ecosystem restoration decade.

By Pashupati K

Oct 21, 2017

The course is very useful to learn about the learn degradation and ecosystem restoration, however, regarding ecosystem services it needs much contents too for to be a successful professional.

By Luca Z

Jul 22, 2019

Challenging course. Once completed, the satisfaction is high and the awareness that some real extra knowledge has been achieved.

By Annewil H

Oct 12, 2017

Very interesting course. In-depth explanation of the issues involving land degradation and the possible approaches to address these. Also, the economic approach to thinking about land degradation was a helpful insight. I would have liked to see more technical background. The work load is exactly right. I did have some technical problems with the last graded assignment though, causing me to lose two hours of work and having to start over. I would have also liked to see more multiple choice progress exams throughout the course. This will help learners keep on track an put in the work every week.

By Emma Y

Feb 14, 2019

A really interesting and valuable course - I very much enjoyed working through it, and have new knowledge and practical skills. My only reason for not giving five stars is that the time estimates for most weeks were significantly under what I spent - particularly on readings and the week 7 assignment.

By Godfrey M O

Mar 5, 2021

Top quality course materials which were enabled and facilitated so well by a dedicated training team. I have enjoyed every bit of this course - reading materials; interviews; videos; quiz; and final exam. I would really recommend my network of friends who are environmentalists, ecologists, conservationists, and biologists to really consider taking this very crucial course because it is a complete nature based solution that can help us tackle issues of land degradation, fragmentation and soil erosion. The business approach to this course was truly a careful thought in designing this course. More and more such courses are needed. It is part of our sustainability. Thank you Erasmus University Rotterdam and all partners including Coursera for being their for learners to make sure have a seamless learning. God bless you all.

By Chromatica M

Sep 17, 2020

A very well structured course.

Plenty of suggestions are offered for further readings, and a good fair of papers and video clips are completing the subject of study for the week.

Regular assigments and questions are given at every lesson, keeping the remote student engaged.

Really challenging and contemporary issues delivered with striking argumentations.

Very rewarding!

By Sylvia H

Apr 23, 2020

I really enjoyed this course, who not only introduced the very promissing 4Returns framework, but also looked at the issue of landcape restoration from all kinds of different angles: environmentally, partnership relations, etc.

By stephen b

Jun 20, 2020

Great course that gave me another perspective of business. The course taught me that businesses can also play a role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with landscape restoration as an example.

By Roberth A P I

Sep 16, 2021

Excellent course, which helps you become aware of environmental pollution and how it affects the landscape, the biome in general. Likewise, how can we start a project to counteract this problem.

By Gabriel M

Sep 3, 2021

Great course, really what I was looking for! The business approach to landscape restoration is discussed at its main poits and still has a great return of inspiration!!

By José G V Z

Nov 25, 2021

Buen curso, se aprende bastante acerca de como crear una idea de negocio en contextos que quizá no sean muy buenos, por ejemplo, el de "Land degradation"

By Andrés U S

May 26, 2023

I am very pleased and grateful to have these opportunities to enrich our formal education through Coursera. Sincerely Thank you very much!

By Eder R P S

May 19, 2021

Es un buen curso que te enseña sobre como debemos de crecer como profesionales con la conciencia cuidando nuestro planeta

By TMU楊甯安

Aug 28, 2024


By Paulo C Q V

Oct 13, 2024

Lindo curso

By Jose A A C

Jul 9, 2021


By Rubens K C

Sep 10, 2017

O Curso de Recuperação de Paisagem para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Uma abordagem de negócios foi excelente!

Eu sou um profissional na área de Restauração Florestal e do curso eu experimentei muitas novas idéias e conceitos com os objetivos dos 4 retornos.

Eu acho que as atividades com entrevistas ficou um pouco prejudicada pela qualidade dos áudios e eu senti a falta de um plano de ensino inicial mostrando todos os passos e atividades de cada semana bit.

Minha avaliação geral é positiva e eu recomendo o curso para outros colegas na área!


By Maliheh N

Jun 24, 2024

It was a great course, very well structured , I really liked it to be more practical and less process oriented! We are so involved into the process , I needed more knowledge about restoration itself. Many thanks.

By Tijn V

Sep 1, 2021

Great course! I liked the video's, they gave me both information and inspiration! After watching the video about Syntropic Farming, I'm a pruner now... (during the course you will find out what that is)

By Justin R

Jul 18, 2017

Well presented and professionally supported. I recommend this course for anyone involved in ecological restoration who is designing and implementing projects that involve multi-stakeholders.

By Emelin G H P

May 16, 2021

El curso es muy complejo, pero la información brindada es muy importante. Tiene buenos casos para dar ejemplo y buenos especialistas

By Fabian A B E

Nov 19, 2023

El alargar tanto el curso lo vuelve un poco aburrido.