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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management by University of Cape Town

297 ratings

About the Course

Focusing on the Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) of the world, this course will introduce the concept and practice of ecosystem-based management. LMEs occupy areas of coastal ocean at least 200 000 km² or greater in size. These coastal waters produce 12.6 trillion USD in ecosystem goods and services annually and are vitally important for billions of people around the globe. Because LMEs are bounded by ocean features and are globally linked, management of human activities needs to occur in an integrated fashion across political boundaries and economic sectors (e.g. fishing, shipping, energy, tourism, and mining). This represents a new type of management, approached by shifting from single-sector based to multi-sector assessment and management, within the spatial domain of the world's 66 Large Marine Ecosystems. There is global high-level support for this new approach and in this course, we will introduce the concepts and tools for assessing and managing LMEs. Together, leaders and experts in a global movement to recover and sustain the goods and services of LMEs will introduce you to the mechanisms used for assessment (Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis), planning and implementation (Strategic Action Programme). Based on recent activities in implementation and practice of the LME approach projects around the globe, we will showcase examples of effective management at this scale, and highlight the challenges and issues. By the end of the online course, we hope you will be able to actively use this knowledge to advance sustainable development of the world’s oceans. The course was created with the support and input of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), UNESCO-IOC and IW:LEARN....

Top reviews


Jun 20, 2020

Not only was this an incredibly informative course but it gives me hope about the future of our oceans. It's exciting to hear about all of the collaborative work going on within and between nations.


Jan 16, 2019

This course deepened my understanding of large marine ecosystems, how they should be assessed and the best practices/strategies that should be implemented in order to successfully manage them.

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76 - 100 of 101 Reviews for Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management

By Masoud J A

May 31, 2019

how can I get my certificate ?

By emmanuel m

Sep 18, 2021

The course is insightful!!!!


Feb 12, 2021

Really interesting course!!

By Josh

Nov 25, 2022

Good course worth it.

By Winston A W

Dec 28, 2020

Excellent, thank you.

By 徐鈞威

Oct 29, 2024

It is a good lesson.


Feb 13, 2019

The best so far!


Oct 20, 2019

good good good

By Asfandyar K

Mar 13, 2023



Oct 22, 2020


By Hernán O

Dec 26, 2018


By Or K K

Jun 10, 2023


By Nqobile

Dec 2, 2019

This was my first engagement with an online course and I found it super easy to engage with the course material as instructions were clear. I found this particular course to be very insightful with regards to the various Large Marine Ecosystems existing across the world and I'm excited to see the evolution in approaches on managing resources and the likes, particularly the use of Ecosystem-based management within the spatial domain of LMEs.

By Lauren F

Mar 12, 2019

I really enjoyed going more into depth on large marine ecosystems, after seeing the term mentioned in a paper I read for my Honours thesis. I feel that the holistic approach to managing shared marine resources is a winning strategy, and I'm glad that I now have foundational knowledge of a topic which is at the cutting edge of marine resource management.

By Marisa M

Oct 21, 2019

This was my first Coursera course, really enjoyed and think it was well organizes, with a lot of information and interaction tools. Really appreciate how you could have a "connection" with the lectures, it really felt that i was in a real class. Eager to complete more

By Steve J

Jul 9, 2021

The marking criteria only really allowed for pass or fail, particularly the last assignment. It was almost impossible to award a mark between 80-100%. The mark scheme should be reviewed.

By Amal F

Jun 19, 2020

this was a new experience for me and a good on. It was informative and I look forward to implement it in my career . I thank all my instructors for creating this course.

By David O

Mar 14, 2022

This is a really good overview of LME management. There is a lot of information presented and therefore useful material for future research and work. Liked it

By H. S

Jan 29, 2020

Very informative course. It will give you a deep view inside ecological management worldwide, and politics.

By Ray N

Jun 4, 2020

Course was not quite what I expected, but overall very good, demanding, and a good learning experience.

By Iára T C

Jan 30, 2025

Such a useful course, I've learned a lot of new concepts. Very greatful for this opportunity.

By Annesti F

Mar 1, 2021

It was a fun course and I learned a lot about human impact one our worlds coastal oceans

By Joy S

Aug 18, 2018

not that impressed. Maybe it's for professionals or something

By ranu p

May 5, 2020

certificate provided is just too bad, first of all I have got 95% grades and did my course with honours but nothing of that sort reflected in my certificate. Infact it is written that its a non graded certificate which makes it really worthless all the money I had paid.