Jun 4, 2022
It has been an eye opener to many possibilities of successfully leading a modern organisation. The learning process was made easy an interesting by real life examples. I really ejoyed this course.
Jun 13, 2021
Extremely insightfull and practical course, Touches on a number of aspects of leadership in today's world. I found the reading material very useful, sometimes voluminous but extremely relevant.
By Martin
•Feb 12, 2023
OK. But outdated. A lot of the links to articles and videos does not work anymore. Please update.
By Mohammad A
•May 8, 2024
In today's fast-paced world, leadership isn't just about making decisions; it's about navigating complexities, fostering innovation, and inspiring teams to excel. Coursera's "Leadership in 21st Century Organizations" provides a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to leadership that resonates with the demands of contemporary business environments. This course doesn't offer a one-size-fits-all leadership model. Instead, it encourages participants to synthesize their own approach to leadership by exploring various theories, case studies, and practical exercises. One of its standout features is the emphasis on adaptability and agility, crucial traits for leaders in the dynamic landscape of the 21st century. Throughout the course, learners are challenged to reflect on their own leadership styles, strengths, and areas for growth. The interactive nature of the content encourages engagement and fosters a deeper understanding of leadership dynamics. By integrating academic insights with real-world examples, the course bridges the gap between theory and practice, equipping participants with actionable strategies to lead effectively in diverse contexts. Overall, "Leadership in 21st Century Organizations" is a must-attend course for anyone seeking to elevate their leadership capabilities in today's complex and interconnected world. Whether you're a seasoned executive or a budding entrepreneur, the insights gained from this course will undoubtedly shape your approach to leadership and empower you to drive positive change in your organization.
By Rajiv S
•Jan 9, 2022
This course has very interesting way of teaching which professor called as dramatized episodes. Aspects of leadership like Strategy formulation, Leading in crisis, Managing talent, Leading collaboration, Communication in an age of radical transparency, Motivating and Inspiring, Effective governance, Leading change, Leading innovation, Leading execution, Stakeholder management, Public life & private life of CEO, etc. is narrated and acted by protagonist Jim Barton. Another interesting way of presentation is that it is not recorded like a normal film. It is free of any special effects or production design. Though it is tried to disguise this as often as possible, one can see that the actors are reading from scripts. Professor explains that, It's common practice in the theater when someone want to develop new scripts and have limited time to do so, to produce what is called staged readings, where actors read from the script. It allow to concentrate on storytelling through dialogue between people without the fuss of a lot of visual production elements.
By Irmgard B
•Nov 27, 2024
Ein super spannender Kurs, der umfangreiches und tiefes Wissen vermittelt und dabei noch Spaß macht. Das Lernen ist spielerisch und interaktiv. Storytelling basierend auf wahren Begebenheiten wird ergänzt durch hochwertige weiterführende Links hin zu legendären Reden, Videomaterial, Filmen und großen Wirtschaftsfällen. Die Links an sich sind teilweise veraltet - mit etwas Recherche habe ich nahezu alles wieder gefunden und bei dem geringen Rest hilft der Copilot ;-) . Wer das gesamte Angebot an Material nutzt, investiert seine Zeit richtig und wertvoll - benötigt jedoch deutlich mehr Zeit als angegeben, Bsp. angegebene Lesezeit 10 min, darin Verlinkung zu Clips á 1 Stunde. Die selbst verfasste Abschlussarbeit lohnt sich, sie festigt das professionelle Implementieren der Lernerfolge und des Profi-Niveaus in den eigenen Alltag.
By Lee G L
•Apr 1, 2023
21st-century leadership speaks of managing diverse teams, emphasising collaborations, using technologies, focusing on sustainability, and possessing high levels of emotional intelligence; gone were the days that tended to focus solely on command and control, hierarchical structures, and a top-down approach. The emphasis herewith on collaboration, diversity, and technology in the 21st century, drawing on contemporary theories and practices of leadership, as well as challenges and opportunities that arise in the context of today's complex and rapidly changing business environment, enlightens us to be agile, adaptable, flexible, and willing to embrace new ways of working in order to succeed. This course is highly recommended.
By Richard S
•Mar 2, 2021
I really enjoyed how the course was built. The videos of the Jim Barton story made the topics, themes and frameworks discussed in the course much easier to understand and really brought the topics to life! Also filling in some frameworks with more real-life stories from various countries made the course very practical. The aim of the course to make you reconsider leadership styles, find your own and start the journey to becoming a better leader is 100% achieved. There are, of course, some topics that could be expanded or discussed in more detail, but I think that's all of our jobs to dive into the topics we found interesting and that resonated with each one of us. Thank you for an amazing course!
By Rajsingh R
•Sep 23, 2020
Very intensive and informative course, that was supplemented by the expert opinions on the diverse nuances of 21st centuries leadership. Every module was organized professionally with its unique content, tests and discussion topics! Evidently it can be said, that 10 weeks of training have been much more interesting. I believe each participant received not only the knowledge but also a lot of practical information about how leader has to manage different situation efficiently and effectively without compromising desired outcome. I would like to emphasize the enormous efforts of the course mentors for preparing the materials and very clear answers.
By Athena S
•Aug 5, 2021
Great insights and examples shared during the course which are relevant to the current scenario. I appreciate the perspective shared on diversity and inclusion. The dandelion metaphor was an eye opener besides the example of IT companies in Denmark embracing autism has a quality of strength. The course provided a strong progression of learning from one module to the other.
Some of the videos in certain modules were not accessible. This is important as content from these links were asked about. You may want to ensure that all course material is available for participants on a global platform.
By Henry G
•Feb 15, 2021
I have found the course to be relevant especially in this era. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that Leadership in the 21st Century is not only needed by established leaders, but necessary for aspiring leaders now and in the future.
I have been impressed with use of videos and cases to reinforce the instructional contents and this augurs well for the future of online, self-paced courses. Some links for the Wall Street Journal were not accessible, but this did not impact negatively on the lessons learned.
I enjoyed the course and would recommend it to other colleagues.
Henry Gray
By Lisa G
•Jan 20, 2021
Thoroughly enjoyed this course. It was really interesting and brought in lots of different thought leadership, references and I loved the SMA Jim Barton story that enabled me to walk through day to day leadership situations. The final submission allowed me to create a solid framework for my future leadership plan.
It says the final presentation takes 2 hours to complete - it took me 22 hours, but I wanted to do a thorough job befitting of everything I had learned. I would urge people not to rush the final submission, but enjoy it, craft it, be proud of it!
By Aleksandr M
•Feb 9, 2024
The journey of the 21st Century Leadership in Organizations course is over: I have mastered the ideas of the past and formulated my own ideas for the future of leadership. I am pleased that I have learned a lot, and that I enjoyed the course and the story of Jim Barton. I thank the school for the opportunity and time I spent, hard work, and engagement in the course discussions and debate. It has been a pleasure working with everything in this course, and I look forward to meet the great transformations I will enact as I go forth and lead others.
By S. A R K
•Sep 26, 2020
A Par Excellence Program which had an unique design with context setting by Professor and enacting the whole life of SMA by all actors at Pennsylvania which was a practical organization for all of us as Students. A reel life sharing real life world of an organization pitted against a world trend setter so much so we saw ourselves as part of SMA competing against Boeing and Airbus. Accolades to entire team at CBS for such a massive role out. Thank you and Gracias
By Ravikanth K
•Oct 11, 2020
Very good course in the world of leadership training and tune ourselves to the 21 century organizations. The case studies taken across the businesses help students to gain insights in to the board rooms and influential policy making and come to executing philosophies etc..
Only draw back is the many final course assignments are copied and submitted as work, one needs to check for plagiarism before evaluating others.
By Dr. S S D
•Jan 17, 2021
Leadership in 21st Century Organizations is wonderful course. It has given thoughtful insights of today's VUCA world. Course structured very well with simulated case study, which gives insights of minor things. New concepts, decision making strategy, collaboration, team building, communications, finance, quality, conflict management and many more things has been learnt from the course. Enjoyed fully.
By vicky p
•Sep 27, 2020
The course is very good for someone who is interested in learning Leadership skills. The unique way of showing the skills and learnings through Episodes was great. Also the additional material used for external reading is great. Some of the articles needed subscription which should have been somehow handled within the course. Also the duration required for the course is longer than mentioned.
By Thomasena J
•Sep 23, 2020
Excellent course! The video presentation of SMA and Jim Barton were a great way to see the material come to life. All examples were relevant and made absorbing the content easier. The conversations in the discussion threads were enlightening and reinforced the material for each module. This course is on par with the leadership courses I took during my MBA program. 10/10 would recommend!
By Asad M
•Jun 7, 2021
Absolutely brilliant! The case study of Jim Barton, CEO of SMA, made the learning so much richer. The videos of the facilitators and the adjunct learning material were superb. The reflective exercises and discussions were really appreciated. I learned a lot. Thanks to the course developers and facilitators for making me a lifelong learner of leadership skills.
By Dr. N G
•Nov 29, 2020
A very comprehensive Leadership development program. Course content is very relevant, detailed and updated. I personally had good learning from the program. Excellent instructors. But few links were not not working and some asked for subscribing at a homepage (what I personally disliked a little bit) but all over, a great course.
By Eric W
•Jun 5, 2023
Excellent course. I was trained buy two branches of the United States military to lead, so I am intimately familiar with the subject where the rubber meets the road, as it were. The business context is different than what I am accustomed to, however, and the in and outs of corporate governance were educational.
By Babu T
•Jul 4, 2021
Good course to understand the leadership aspects especially for future leaders.
It had given the insight about different type of leaderships techniques, Helped in understanding the taping the recourses with the examples and actual case study links were more appropriate
Thanks Regards
Babu TS
By Beulah H
•Nov 9, 2020
This course on 21st century leadership enabled me to demystify leadership responsibilities through very entertaining and instructive videos, talks, articles and analysis. There is a methodology behind the role and this course teaches you to get ahead with it with confidence.
By Flavio A M
•Oct 28, 2022
Excellent course, with a super attractive methodology for professionals from all areas. The only difficulty is that some links left for reading are no longer available on the internet, but, apart from that detail, the learning is enormous. I recommend, without a doubt.
By Philipp C
•Sep 28, 2020
One of the best coursera courses I've ever taken!
Unique combination of fun, useful information and amount of additional material to examine. The idea to make the course as a serials was really great! Its furious drive and great performance threw me at extreme delight!
By Babygay
•Jul 13, 2022
i have learned a lot in this course. It has helped me reflect on what it takes to be aleader in the 21st century. Its a good decision that i have enrolled in this course..I will defintely apply what i have learned and further improve on my leadership skills
By Giuliano S
•Nov 13, 2020
Intensive training. Many and many video and reading observed, studied. A clean and lean overview of new leadership style need for the 21st century. A great opportunity to grow up for me, and for any other who will to learn new management characteristics.