May 19, 2017
Excellent learning. These kind of courses really help an individual learn and implement what leaders in organizations do. The best part of this was the Emotional Intelligence and the Negotiation part.
May 23, 2020
This Course was very informative and some of the concepts I learned will stay with me forever. For sure, application of concepts of this course is not only in professional lives but personal as well.
By Kip S
•Feb 23, 2025
Good course
•Jan 23, 2025
•Sep 22, 2024
By Ravikumar M
•Dec 1, 2023
By Subhajyoti C
•Sep 12, 2019
The course content and suggested material are not properly documented and in most cases not easily retrievable. Also the course scoring rubric is ambiguous and people have trouble understanding and capturing all aspects of it.
By Thuy N
•Oct 8, 2019
Writing assignments grading rubrics are far too specific in what they are asking for. Many times the concepts are presented well but not in the exact phrasing the rubric requests so the author will be dinged on points.
By Anna E
•Jul 5, 2022
Just on the too easy side. Other participants in the course did not seem to take discussions or writing assignments seriously - therefore not very benefitial on those platforms.
•Sep 24, 2024
By Kartik N
•Mar 11, 2017
Not a fan of this course. Reasons:
1) The subject material is presented in a dry manner (too much talking and jargon) - I find it repetitive and boring. I have to play it at least 1.75x in order to get through the material and try and stay engaged but I still have a hard time paying attention. Seriously, so boring!
2) There is a high degree of subjectivity in grading essays (peer reviews)
This course can benefit from:
1) Clearer introduction of concepts using pictures and animations, as well as cutting out the repetitiveness (and the assault of the jargonaut)
2) A better approach to grading that places importance on concepts instead of key words (jargon)
By Duke B
•Feb 14, 2023
Mostly nonsense that insists on pushing a narrative that is both unrealistic and improbable. This course believes that by painting over issues with politically correct jargon, that they can somehow fix what has historically worked in corporate environments. By neglecting the humanity of employees and labeling it as "creativity" this course is dangerously close to propaganda that has been continuously pushed out by the elitist media and politicians that want to force those in the working class into a mindset of acceptance of their current state, and remove any emphasis on working hard to rise in success.
By Nima M N
•Jan 24, 2024
the review take forever!! im really not happy about this. this course dont have so many people who are learning and we have to wait for long time until someone review it.
By Yepeng S
•Mar 13, 2021
The test does not make sense. the question does not make sense. I had to quit this course instead of choose other course with similar content.
By Reynaldo N B
•Jul 13, 2020
May I humbly request for my certificate because I already completed the applications of Everyday Leadership course. Thank you.
By Karol A D
•Nov 7, 2022
las respuestas de algunas Quiz no tiene respuestas
By Sharul
•May 22, 2020
I didn't get the certificate
By Malavika C R
•Nov 6, 2020
Its nice