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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Leading Teams: Developing as a Leader by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

6,219 ratings

About the Course

In this foundational course, you will be challenged to develop as a leader. You will explore the concept of leadership, assess required competencies for today's leaders, learn more about yourself and how you can make effective and ethical decisions, identify how to build trusting relationships with others, and articulate a practice for growing as a leader. This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA, iMSA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at

Top reviews


Jul 16, 2023

Very insightful , full of detailed explanation about team building very effective in identifying personal traits of a leader especially the concept of inclusive leader was inspiring and mind changing.


Jun 23, 2020

This course has engaging content and comes with excellent examples that one can relate to. Also the discussion forums are a great place to learn from co-learners. Totally worth the time invested.

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1 - 25 of 1,624 Reviews for Leading Teams: Developing as a Leader

By David B


Feb 22, 2018

This course is a very good introduction to the iMBA program. The content is exactly the sort of knowledge I want to gain; which is how to be a purposeful leader. Great foundation! Thank you!

By Ivan N C


Apr 1, 2019

Thorough and well-made course overall, learned a lot, maybe would have liked more and longer lectures that go really elaborately into the subject but the readings took care of that anyways :)

By Chinmay K


Sep 11, 2020

This is a good session covering key aspects of everyday leadership. The sessions are just the right length and cover the topics in sufficient detail. The tutors have a good grasp over the subject.

By Thomas H


Jul 20, 2018

I worked hard on my first PEER reviewed paper and I recieved a 3 out of 10 which was a complete shocked to me. I was proud of my work and deserved a 10 out of 10! Unbelievable Im getting graded by people who do not know if they understand English! After this experience will not take a course again unless its by a professor. I would rather pay more than have it graded by a professor than a peer who knows nothing.

By Kartik N


Mar 11, 2017

Not a fan of this course. Reasons:

1) The subject material is presented in a dry manner (too much talking and jargon) - I find it repetitive and boring. I have to play it at least 1.75x in order to get through the material and try and stay engaged but I still have a hard time paying attention. Seriously, so boring!

2) There is a high degree of subjectivity in grading essays (peer reviews)

This course can benefit from:

1) Clearer introduction of concepts using pictures and animations, as well as cutting out the repetitiveness (and the assault of the jargonaut)

2) A better approach to grading that places importance on concepts instead of key words (jargon)

By Isah J


Jul 4, 2020

Honestly, its one of the most effective online foundational course on effective leadership. I'm particularly overwhelmed by the much I have learnt about utilising the group decision making process.

By Kevin R S


Mar 29, 2019

The course provided an excellent foundation for the way a leader (rather than a manager) can leverage their knowledge to build a better team. It is an excellent primer for the following courses.

By Alexandre B


Jul 17, 2019

Very useful content, excellent teachers and well thought teaching methods. I couldn't recommend more for those tackling the problem of making a group help leaders decide and implement decisions.

By Umang B


May 14, 2020

It is the best management course I have come across. The concepts are explained beautifully by the instructor and the case studies are excellent as well. I feel really improved after this course.

By Ricardo O


Jan 20, 2016

Unfortunetly I can only give a 3/5. There were more things that I didn't like and think that should be improved.

What I liked: Positive to see Illinois keep presenting specializations on Coursera. The material was ok, with clean presentation style. The case studies is a very positive resource to have in the course to think critically.

What I didn't like: The course is excessivelly short, with only 30-40 minutes of videos per module. Previous courses in both specialization - digital marketing and improving videos have at least 1.5 to 3 hours of video materials. A huge gap. Also if I benchmark against the top specializations from Wharton and U. Michigan (Business Foundations, Business Analytics, Leading People and Teams and Finance: Valuation and Investing) all of them pack a 1.5 to 3 hours of video lectures. There is a huge gap. Also I didn't found the quizzes challeging. In a digital world content is king - both in quality and quantity. You have quality, but are missing the quantity. Unfortunetly I see a trend - the other course of the managerial economics specialization also is very short. A minor thing that I also didn't like was the form that the slides were presented. As in previous specializations - in my opinion all of the module slides should be in the readings section in only one document, instead of divided in small pieces per video lecture.

I hope that yu accept my critic as constructive because I have liked most of Illinois courses and was very impressed by the quality and extensive set of videos in the Improving Business speciaization.

By Shatdarsanam s k


Oct 15, 2019

Excellent course content and instructors have guided us very well. This gave me more insigts about Leadership, Decision making, inclusiveness, Motivating the teams and how one needs to positively look at diverse experience , value it and also accept dissent voices within an organisation. The methodology is excellent and the learnings are verymuch useful in everyday experiences i.e. not only in professional front, but also on personal and social interactions. I also came across many a global colleagues, whose insights and suggestions were very much valuable during peer interactions.

By Javier F P


Sep 22, 2019

Great course and great teachers. The path the course follows is absolutely brilliant and it covers . None of the modules were difficult though very interesting lessons and case activities. You can apply most of the topics into your daily work almost immediately, even though you don't have a team to lead (yet). Totally recommended. Now it is time to go for the next course!



Apr 22, 2019

I must say it's really amazing and informative course. I've learned a lot about leadership and its foundations in everyday life. Thank you Coursera Team for arranging such wonderful course on this platform for Business Students like me.

By Sachin V P


Jun 23, 2020

This course has engaging content and comes with excellent examples that one can relate to. Also the discussion forums are a great place to learn from co-learners. Totally worth the time invested.

By Bill


Jun 22, 2016

Excellent course! Very well taught. Dr Gregory Northcraft is very well spoken and engaging. This course is nicely structured with Readings, Videos, Cases, Essays, and Quizzes. About 6 hours per week for 4 weeks. Nicely paced. I did not take this with the for credit iMBA classes, but am considering doing so and might thus repeat these courses to take the iMBA classes. I like that you can get certificates and a Specialization in the Leadership and can even grow this into the iMBA which is a fully accredited world class MBA program from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I highly recommend this course!

By Melanie C


Jul 28, 2016

A solid course that delivers what it promises--the foundations of everyday leadership. As someone who is in their 10th year of leading an organization, I took this class as part of the specialization because I want to make certain I'm keeping my skills fresh. This course was fun for me, as I recognize many of the things I do every day in it. And I also gained some new skills and insights. I recommend this course for any one who is hoping to move into a leadership position, and for current leaders who are looking for a refresher.



Jan 28, 2019

This online leadership program was very interesting and useful. It enhanced my belief that other's view point is essential for taking any decision. Group discussion are really important and helpful for personal and professional arena.

2Course fees of Rs 3607 was deducted from my account on 17/01/2019 even after completion of my course on15/01/2019.without any prior intimation.

3. I faced difficulty in online submission of writing assignment of module 3. Even after submission it was pending

By Bastien L


Aug 7, 2016

This course on the Fundamentals of Everyday Leadership was really useful. I did not know what to expect at first but the logic in the videos, the rightness of the case activities and the richness of the papers to read before helped me to build the foundations of my leadership skills. I am really eager to do the other courses and gain more knowledges and skills.

A special thanks to the Professor for his personal stories that add a lot to the concepts !

By Iran M


Jul 8, 2020

The course is enlightening and speaks to contemporary issues of everyday leadership. The course draws from Maslow's hierarchy of needs to suggest people (employees) are motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors and it matters how they view those factors to be of benefit to them. For example, it is not enough to reward or punish behavior, on the contrary; it matters how the people involved view, and the value they place on, the rewards and punishments. Therefore, it is clear that people do not change jobs but change leaders.

The course begins by shedding some light on the duties/ responsibilities of a leader as decision maker and implementer of the decision. It then moves along to discuss the two levers they have as managing information and motivation.



May 11, 2020

Excellent course content and instructors have guided us very well. This gave me more insigts about Leadership, Decision making, inclusiveness, Motivating the teams and how one needs to positively look at diverse experience , value it and also accept dissent voices within an organisation. The methodology is excellent and the learnings are verymuch useful in everyday experiences i.e. not only in professional front, but also on personal and social interactions. I also came across many a global colleagues, whose insights and suggestions were very much valuable during peer interactions.

By Krishna W


May 9, 2020

Great course, and as expected from an institution as credible as University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It's everyday's leadership we as leaders sometimes take it for granted and get caught in the complexities of everyday's task that we sometimes overlook the best strategy and tactics to maneuver and stay on course to the objectives. This course really helps in identifying all important aspects of being an effective leader, and the course successfully quantify and breakdown the art of leadership to manageable tactics

By Carlos J B A


Aug 26, 2018

The courses I have taken have served me for my professional life, expand my knowledge and apply them finding results. This undoubtedly marked my personal life feeling happy and calm with what I am living. I feel that this platform has changed my life because it has ended with many paradigms that I had with respect to education, thanks to the financial help that Coursera has given me I have been able to move forward in my life project. Thanks you very much. Greetings from Colombia

By Madan M


Jun 25, 2018

This course sets up the foundation ..The faculties start from the basic from what it is to be a part of an organisation and how to handle things and time efficiently. It was more about the decision making , involvement of others and acting collectively on behalf of an organisation. Also i have learned to some extent on how to think differently. Its been a good experience learning from these awesome faculties. Thank you !! Feeling blessed to learn from you all!

By Indrani R


Dec 17, 2020

I found this course to be very informative. I really enjoyed the Videos and i was very much surprised at the interactive sessions. I am encouraged to complete other courses.

A huge THANK YOU!!!!!!!

By Asha R


May 7, 2020

These course is an awesome course , which helps to develop the skills required for the leader like decision making with people involvement, strategy formulation for achieving goals and solving problem by choosing the best solutions by taking the suggestions and opinion of different people. and how to motivate, encourage people in order to accomplish the individual and organizational goals, the importance of communication and information and group decision making.

Thank you coursera...