Jul 5, 2017
I really enjoy this course. It gave me more access to the Korean Language and hence understand it more. I love the pace and the learning materials. I wish there is more level to this course. Thank You
May 15, 2020
Its a very good course for beginners who have an idea of how to read and write hangeul the examples and demonstrations were easy to understand and remember. This also gives you a good vocabulary base!
By Veronica T J C
•Sep 26, 2023
Aprendi demasiado con este curso, la manera en que enseña es demasiado bueno, las actividad que se realizaron en el curso y los quizz en cada tema fue buena opcion para aprender mas rapido, espero con ansias el segundo nivel.
By Emma
•Dec 8, 2022
i've taken other beginner korean courses, but found that i had many gaps in my knowledge. even though i still have a long way to go, this course has been the most helpful course i've enrolled in!! so wonderful and thorough !!
By Georgina M L M
•Jun 28, 2020
Excellent course !!! I appreciate the time and work invested by all the participants in preparing and presenting the course. I wish they can continue the courses. Excellent work and a big thanks to Yonsei University. 감사합니다!!!
By Naveen G Q
•Oct 1, 2022
This course helped me to learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea.
I would like to thank our professor "Sang Mee Han " for arranging this helpful course for the beginner students.
By Daniel C
•Mar 11, 2022
I learned so much in this class. I'm very grateful for the excellent instruction. Together with First Steps Korean I feel like I'm off to an excellent start in my process or learning to speak Korean. Thank you very much!
By Yupar L
•Oct 25, 2020
I've learned this course, this course is the most effective for me.I've known Korean grammar more and more. And then,professor teach Korean language with english speaking carefully. I love this course and Yonsei University.
By Shirley C M N
•Apr 13, 2024
Personalmente el curso me a encantado. Abarca varios temas como gramática, vocabulario y cultura. Que dejen pdf con los temas de cada clase y deberes, es realmente útil ya que puedes seguir repasando luego de la conferencia
By Khushboo I
•Sep 7, 2020
This was the best experience for me, I always wanted to learn Korean and this course gave me the opportunity to start my journey to learn this beautiful language. I'm really grateful to the people who initiated this course.
By Chloe B
•Jun 14, 2020
I loved this course so much! I wish their was a Learn to Speak Korean 2, I would pay for it. The professor delivered the material in a light and easy to understand way and I really liked how the lessons built on each other.
By Mikaela B
•May 24, 2020
Very easy to follow and understand, as long as you have a strong understand of the alphabet beforehand! This course definitely helped me further my ability to put sentences together and understand more of the grammar rules.
By Vaishnavi S
•Dec 10, 2021
I can learn many things from this course. Now I can speak fluent korean with my korean friends. Thank you YONSEI UNIVERSITY for teaching me korean. Thank you sooooooo! much. I can complete my dream to become an K-pop idol.
By Sandra
•Mar 13, 2021
Me encantó el curso, pues es una herramienta básica para dominar el coreano. Las clases son muy bien explicadas, así mismos las evaluaciones se me hacen un excelente complemento para la verificación del proceso de estudio.
By Maria E B R
•Nov 11, 2020
Excelente, me quedo con ganas de pasar a otro curso más avanzado. La forma como está estructurado me parece excelente y muy didáctica. Muchas gracias por su esfuerzo y dedicación. He aprendido mucho de su cultura e idioma.
By Nadine A
•Apr 24, 2017
I'm really happy with how 선생님 handled this course. It really teaches how to apply Korean in daily settings. I hope there would be another course soon and I'm looking forward to learning more from Yonsei University. 감사합니다!!
By Anna M
•Dec 20, 2020
Большое спасибо за курс! Все очень понравилось. Объяснение понятное, много примеров использования грамматик, достаточно диалогов, даже есть задание для проверки. В тестах тоже все понятно. С удовольствием прошла обучение.
By Lady K C C
•Nov 18, 2020
Les agradezco nuevamente por la oportunidad nuevamente del curso, es un proceso en mi camino por el aprendizaje de este idioma tan diferente pero que a la vez me llama mucho la atención. Gracias por esta gran oportunidad.
By Rocío G
•Jun 21, 2020
Aprendí a pronunciar mejor. Me sirvió a incorporar mejor la gramática y la conjugación verbal. Me ayudó a reforzar lo que ya sabía. ¡Muchas gracias por hacer contenido de este tipo! Se aprecia el esfuerzo y la dedicación.
By Natalia V
•Jun 1, 2020
La metodología del curso me pareció muy buena, con videos cortos y concisos, bien estructurados con una parte de vocabulario, una de gramática y una de ejemplos. Además del material extra que es muy útil. Muchas gracias!!
By Kamila
•Apr 21, 2020
Las clases son muy fáciles de seguir, ya que el ritmo es bastante moderado. Se habla sobre vocabulario, gramática y diálogo. La teoría está muy bien explicada e incluso hay ejercicios para practicar lo dado en las clases.
By Nicholas D
•Aug 23, 2019
I have learned much useful grammar and vocabulary that has seriously improved all aspects of my speaking. If you want a simple curriculum to learn from that engages you in real-life situations, this is the course for you.
By Alyssa T
•Mar 14, 2018
The course outline is very organized and the teacher speaks English very clearly. I've enjoyed the videos of the dialogues so much. Thank you Yonsei University and I am excited for Level 2 course. I hope to see you again.
By Paola a c
•Jul 1, 2017
me encanto el curso; es muy practico y dan ejemplos del diario vivir, los vídeos son fáciles de entender, se los recomiendo a las personas que no solo quieran aprender el coreano, si no también conocer algo de su cultura.
By Marina
•Feb 6, 2017
I really like and enjoy to follow your course but do you know, if by chance, there will be some Mooc's (maybe more advanced) in French. I wish you all the best and look forward discovering the "Learn to Speak Korean 2.0".
By Ertha A N
•Jun 15, 2021
Through this course I can improve my Korean language skills. Professor Sang Mee Han explanation was also easy to understand. Learning Korean feels more fun with this course. Thank you Professor Sang Mee Han and Coursera.
By Daisy G C
•Dec 7, 2017
i loved the interactive speaking and pronunciation help, also the real native speaking dialogue helps as well. Because for me the easiest was reading it and speaking but harder to understand what the listener was saying.