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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learn to Speak Korean 1 by Yonsei University

11,453 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Learn to Speak Korean 1! This course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea. This course consists of six modules, and each module is composed of five units. Each unit has vocabulary, grammar and expressions, conversation practice, video clips, quizzes, a workbook, and vocabulary lists. In order to assist students with their independent studies, Korean learning materials such as lecture notes, workbooks, and vocabulary lists detailing each day’s lecture are also provided. The vocabulary lists are accompanied by English, Chinese, and Japanese translations. I hope that you enjoy all this program has to offer over the next six weeks. After studying in this program, you will be able to have a real Korean conversation with your newly acquired knowledge of the Korean language. Thank you! Your Course Team Chief Contents Developer: Sang Mee Han Contents Developers: Bock Ja Lee, Yoo Kyung Choi, Ha Min Cho, Ju Eun Kim Production Assistants: Jin Hee Kim, Eun Hye Kim...

Top reviews


Jul 5, 2017

I really enjoy this course. It gave me more access to the Korean Language and hence understand it more. I love the pace and the learning materials. I wish there is more level to this course. Thank You


May 15, 2020

Its a very good course for beginners who have an idea of how to read and write hangeul the examples and demonstrations were easy to understand and remember. This also gives you a good vocabulary base!

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701 - 725 of 2,836 Reviews for Learn to Speak Korean 1

By Aline M

Feb 19, 2025

Melhor curso de coreano que já fiz. Senti que aprendi muito mais rápido e estou conseguindo me desenrolar bem na minha fala, e na minha escuta.

By Azwina A

Sep 4, 2023

The material is easy to understand and the method of delivery by the professor is very pleasant. thank you coursera thank you yonsei university

By Allison N

Mar 10, 2023

exelente curso para principiantes, la profesora es muy buena explicando y todo lo enseñado en este curso me sirvió muchísimo! muchas gracias!

By Kathryn S

Mar 18, 2022

I took this course last year and I loved it. I learned so much from it and I will do my absolute best to learn more of this beautiful language.

By Mira I

Sep 20, 2021

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By Kelsey T

Apr 18, 2021

안녕하세요? This course was absolutely amazing. I feel confident and well equipped to engage in conversation when in Korea. 한상미 선생님 고맙습니다. 정말 감사합니다.

By Phyu R K

Jan 15, 2021

I wish Yonsei could make more course like this. I really enjoy and my grammar is really improve now. Thank you, Yonsei university and coursera.

By Julmary H

Jun 8, 2020

I really enjoyed this course, I wish there more like this. I like how professional, easy to use and how the modules were relevant for learning.

By Sakura

Nov 23, 2019

this course helps me a lot to maintain the language of korea into my head , other course in other websites don't work for me as much as this do

By Анастасия Т

May 22, 2022

I had been learning Korean for 2 years before this course. But only now I understand grammar clearlier. I'm so much grateful for this course!

By Kristalyn C

Dec 4, 2020

The lessons are very helpful and easy to recall and understand. This is a very good start for those who wants to master conversational Korean.

By Keren R

Dec 1, 2020

Foi uma experiência maravilhosa! O curso é bem planejado, tem uma abordagem clara e completa, exercitando sempre as quatro competências. Amei!

By Nazarova N K q

Jul 24, 2020

Я очень благодарна! Спасибо за ваши навыки и чуткость, за труд. Я получила очень много полезных навыков. Надеюсь это пригодится мне в будущем!

By Kelly R

May 21, 2020

I found this course super helpful in advancing my self taught skills. The grammar is where I struggle and this course really helped with that!

By Ngoc P N

Sep 25, 2023

Presentations are easy to learn and follow, professor and assistants' pronunciation are clear. Content in this course is basic and necessary.

By Idalia M T V

Mar 30, 2023

Excelente curso, aprendí muchas palabras nuevas, vocabulario, gramática, y como expresarme en varios ambitos de la visa cotidiana en coreano.

By Jacqueline W

Dec 20, 2021

I found this course interesting, enjoyable and challenging but with all the information I needed to pass this course. The Professor is lovely

By Latissya K

Aug 29, 2021

The course is easy to understand, along with the thorough explanation that is given makes it easier to pick up the structure of the sentences

By Theint M N O

Aug 11, 2020

The best korean teaching ever. the video included are so interested and funny. I like the idea. thank you for giving a chance to learn korea.

By Elisa S

May 10, 2020

The course was very clear and well structured. It did help to improve my Korean knowledge.

It's a shame that there isn't the following module.

By Maria

Apr 17, 2020

Very very helpfull! I will very much miss sitting down at the evenings learning ! I wish they made another one tho, im very thankfull anyway!

By Zeel R

Sep 16, 2016

Very happy and positive about taking this course builds up my confidence about speaking hanguel language and very good material for learning.

By Ellisa F

Feb 26, 2023

this course provides detailed module materials, giving us video practice conversations with a situation, and you will always enjoy studying.

By Maria A S O

Aug 7, 2022

Muy buen curso, las clases son muy buenas y realmente se aprende de manera facil, pero hay que ser contastes para obtener un buen resultado.

By Putihhati D

Oct 7, 2021

Thank you so much! The whole course was amazing and easy to learn! I really enjoy the course, adn also thank you so much for the experience!