Oct 1, 2017
I didn't know a thing about programming. Now after two weeks I feel I've learned a lot already! The instructors are awesome! I believe this course is very compacted and it needs a good deal of work!
Jan 15, 2023
Very interesting and start from basic. Preferred course for beginner level person. Explained each topic very clearly. Recommend this course to people who want to start journey in python programming.
By Seyed M B
•Apr 16, 2017
This course is well designed. So every one with little experience in programming and no knowledge in python can learn how to write python code.
Instructors teach the materials with object oriented thinking in mind.
By Filip G
•Sep 19, 2020
Very, very good introduction to programming for beginners.
Best part s are short tests and assignments. Aim for 100 and You'll have solid basis - and solid basis st the very essence of knowledge/skill development.
By 颜晶
•Nov 28, 2018
This course is amazing!
It is very friendly to students who have no coding background. Besides, it starts from easy and goes into deeper. Each quiz matters for final assessment. Above all, the asessments are free!
By Lemuel C d r
•Jun 3, 2020
Everything was good, but the tittle of the certificate... "Learn to Program: The Fundamentals". Where ist Python? How can I proof my knowledge from my CV?
I would appreciate if we could change it.
Thank you
By Daria C ( Д О
•Apr 16, 2020
This course is the greatest course in programming I've ever attended, both online and offline. The professors made great efforts to make their students really understand what they are doing. Thank you very much!
By Mandar S K
•Aug 4, 2019
I never had so much fun learning to program in Python. I had taken a programming course a few years ago and I don't remember it being so much interesting, fun and challenging. I am glad that I chose this course!
By Fernanda N G
•Jun 3, 2017
This course is excellent ... I am so glad because I had take it. I learned a lot of things that I'd have never imagined. Learning to use the visualizer is the best. Thank you so much, you are excellent teachers.
By Kun-Woo K
•Jul 10, 2020
As a full-time worker and a complete new beginner in the programming field, this course has helped me understand the basics of programming in a constructive method that incorporates an efficient learning style.
By barkhaagarwalla
•Jul 23, 2023
A very good course for beginners with no experience of programming. The lessons are structured well and proceed at a good pace. By the end, you get a hang of Python and can even start writing your own codes.
By sabra h
•Feb 12, 2020
I already had experience in programming with another languages but i learned a lot more by this course, for example documenting our code and writing clear code and basics of every languages ! thank you so much
By Apollo K
•Jan 1, 2018
Loved every moment of it - instructors were amazing, and it was definitely a great introduction to the fundamentals of programming. Highly recommended for everyone who wants to learn the basics of programming!
By doogiski
•Nov 11, 2017
As someone who has very little programming knowledge, I thought this course was excellent. Great pacing and well put together. Would recommend it to anyone looking to get into Python or programming in general!
By Gopal T
•Sep 16, 2017
This course gave me a basic understanding of python language construct and usage. The video materials are go excellent quality which gradually build on the complexity by introducing concept of similar nature.
By Sayandeep M
•May 10, 2020
This course has been really helpful for me to build my basic concepts in python..I totally can recommend this course for absolute beginners in python to build all the fundamental and construct a strong base.
By Carla A
•May 20, 2019
It is one of the best courses that I did. It allows me to know details about program science that I no had chance to learn before. This course was an excellent idea. Thank you for all team! You are the best!
By Aden D
•Mar 14, 2019
Fabulous and fun introduction to coding. I've always had trouble sticking with MOOCs, but the difficulty here felt as though it was pitched just right for an educated novice. Thanks UoT and to the lecturers!
By Yannis N
•Dec 3, 2017
A great approach to the Programming Fundamentals, very good estimated working hours and nicely structured. Congratulations to the professors and all the associates who made the particular e-learning program.
By Denis L J C
•Apr 29, 2018
As the title implies, this is a wonderful course for those who do not have any background in progamming (in python) and want to start from scratch. The pace is appropriate and the assignments worth trying.
By William Z
•Jan 24, 2017
This course is great. At the beginning I didn't know anything about Python but now, step by step, I know the basic concepts and this give me the opportunity to study in deep this language in future. Thanks!
By Nathaniel X
•Apr 27, 2020
This is a wonderful course. I thought the progression was steady. Although, it took a lot of trial and error to fully understand some of the later concepts, I believe I have a good basic understanding of
By Ignacio M
•Nov 30, 2019
In this course you will learn how to program basic functions in python, understand the basics of how they work, and start working with coding best practices. Clear, straightforward and relatively hands-on.
By Advaith G
•Oct 4, 2020
Totally Amazing!! This awesome course takes you through all basics of python in a very easy and understandable manner. I highly recommend this to all those who want to get started with python programming.
By Anh T V L
•May 26, 2020
As a person has no previous experiences about Programming, I am so happy because I took this course! The way these instructors explained in the course is very clear and easy to understand. Thanks a lot!
By Dave A
•Oct 2, 2018
Clear and to the point. I had only very basic introductory programming experience before and was able to get through this course in about 2-3 weeks, spending 5-7 hours each week (roughly 15 hours total)
By Muhammad F
•Aug 29, 2021
I found this course very helpful. The Instructors are good but this course is not for absolute beginners. The Logic of Programming was built so well. Thank you Jennifer and Paul for such a good course.