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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learn to Program: The Fundamentals by University of Toronto

6,625 ratings

About the Course

Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen. This course introduces the fundamental building blocks of programming and teaches you how to write fun and useful programs using the Python language....

Top reviews


Oct 1, 2017

I didn't know a thing about programming. Now after two weeks I feel I've learned a lot already! The instructors are awesome! I believe this course is very compacted and it needs a good deal of work!


Jan 15, 2023

Very interesting and start from basic. Preferred course for beginner level person. Explained each topic very clearly. Recommend this course to people who want to start journey in python programming.

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1526 - 1550 of 1,909 Reviews for Learn to Program: The Fundamentals

By Phan H C T

Mar 6, 2024


By Satya P

May 12, 2022



Dec 12, 2020



Jun 15, 2020


By Stefan B

May 15, 2019





By Satheeshkumar M

Dec 27, 2017


By Samuel W

Nov 24, 2016


By 杨豆豆

Aug 19, 2017


By Netravati G

Jul 26, 2020


By Iurii B

May 14, 2022


By Shivesh C

Apr 6, 2020


By Zubaer K

Jan 4, 2018

IF YOU'RE NEW TO PROGRAMMING, READ THIS. The course was helpful in getting started understanding the fundamentals of programming. However, what was waaaaay more helpful was the textbook written by the teachers of this course.

If you rely on this course alone to teach you anything, unless you already have an in-depth understanding of programming in another language, you will be completely lost. Honestly, I don't even understand how someone could pretend that this is a viable approach to learning programming. It's probably why I've failed at learning so many times before.

A much more helpful approach is to get the textbook, PRACTICAL PROGRAMMING - AN INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE USING PYTHON 3, and read the chapters before watching the videos. Almost all of the weeks of the course line up perfectly with the chapters of the textbook, so you don't have to read too far ahead. The course covers chapters 1-11, although not everything is covered. One other helpful trick is to look at the course documents for the week - they often show what chapter and section they are covering, so you can read that specific part before watching the videos.

I just finished the course and I am excited to finally have figured out how to get started on coding. Hoping and crossing fingers and toes that the second course in this series is as good as the first.

By Aretina C

May 5, 2020

For someone who has absolutely no background on math, or anything programming. I DID IT AND SO CAN YOU.

-The course is taught in small chunks.

...I agree that Paul explains things a bit too fast, compared to Jen who really talks through each line of code. But use this as a time to really pause, and deconstruct the code for yourself.

-The quizzes were a little tough at times, but I learned so much from them.

...Make sure you read up on the textbook (free pdf) for guidance. I appreciate the freedom to redo quizzes and assignments, which helped me learn a lot while not feeling pressured or intimidated.

-The assignments were really fun to do.

...I learned so much from them, and it gave me freedom to code how I wanted to. The third assignment was tough, but in a satisfying way, when it all clicks.

-How I got the most out of my experience: I asked questions on the discussion forum, I used the rubber ducky technique to untangle my code, and I tinkered with python while learning the topics.

By Taylor G

Jun 3, 2020

I learned a lot completing this course. However, the course went from 0-100 in week 5 and the video lectures reduce in time and the intermittent quizzes expect you to to look up things occasionally that weren't even mentioned in the lectures. The end-of-week assessments from week 5 onwards are MUCH harder than the previous weeks and treat you like a uni student, I.e they expect you to not rely on the videos. It will feel overwhelming and you may become frustrated at the course because of how much time you spend Googling things in order to piece together what you need to know. However, THAT IS WHAT PROGRAMMERS DO. It is an incredibly valuable skill to learn in it's own right, so do not underestimate that. If you are brand new to Python persists through this entire course YOU WILL DEFINITELY FEEL ACCOMPLISHED AT THE END! I do recommend this course, but be prepared to feel frustrated and uncomfortable. That said if you are comfortable, are you learning much?

By Bjørn F

Apr 30, 2017

Fair. I liked the lectures, though being non-native english speaking i had to look some termanology, as some of it was not explained futher than a brief staint of the right side of the page. Previous knowledge with MATLAB helped a lot, as I figured out a lot of the workings, but people starting from scratch might have more difficulties, as I struggled quite a bit with the read and write. I figure maybe it wouldn't be bad to have more throwbacks to previous stuff in the tests, as to really make it connect. Some of it sits pretty loosely in the memory.

But overall, I was quite happy with the course! I really liked the assignments - If anything, consider putting in a assignments at the end, that might be a bit bigger and incoorperates more different things from the various courses, and let the course-goer try out what they learned, and maybe have some tools for help, such that everyone walks away with the feeling of having "written a program" :)

By Anthony P

Mar 1, 2018

This is the first full course I've taken on programming. As such, I cannot rate the course material as it relates to "real world" use of python for things like data analysis or web design or machine learning (obviously). My rating is reflective of the content and the material related to that content. I quizzes and assignments are challenging enough to get you branching out of the provided materials (i.e., using Stack Oveflow or GitHub or Python forums) to understand things. The mentor for the course was helpful without spoonfeeding information. I found the course to be challenging and rewarding to complete. I would have loved more supplemental materials and more thorough explanations of how things like loops are executed or explicit discussions about different ways to approach a task. In all, I feel like I learned a lot and am ready to take the follow up course.

By Adrianne R B

Jun 9, 2020

This is a great place to start with python coding without any experience. I have a small comment for the organizers. It is very difficult to improve learning by way of the review of quizzes as they stand. It only says if it was right or wrong; you can't even see the available answers, or what input was provided. Understanding that it is undesirable to simply give the answer as the question may be recycled in subsequent attempts, if feedback were to be provided explaining why an answer was wrong, it would be far more meaningful. This would be particularly helpful with the written answers where one is left to wonder if it is a simple syntax error, or something grosser. For the multi-answer questions that are wrong, giving partial credit would also be better guidance so you know that you answer is incomplete, rather than wrong.

By Walid Y C

Dec 2, 2020

This course is complete and ideal, if not mandatory to be taken, for anybody who wishes to learn Python and the fundamentals of programmings. I've learnt python before from video tutorials on other social media and yet I discovered a lot off new things thanks to this course. What I also loved about it is the exams, they are not so simple and they are not the sort of exams where you are asked to reevaluate the same examples given in the lectures, no they are harder and force you to think and rethink. however, there was one little detail that should be improved: the docstrings of some functions in the programming assignments are to be revisited for sometimes they do not explain what the function does.

I'm looking forward to seeing more courses on advanced programming with python from these two guys.

By Benedict A

Sep 18, 2019

I am a beginner to programming. I took longer than the stated time to complete all the assignments and quizzes. On the second and third attempts i came closer to the stated time. Some of the questions in the assignment, quizzes and exam are not clear. This led to more or unnecessary time to complete these sections.

Overall I learned a lot and my speed started to increase as I grasped the fundamentals of programming and data structures. It would be great if their are additional or optional assignments that are available to do. I find that learning is greatly enhance and reinforced when I am able to apply the knowledge and skills.

Also, I purchased the book. It would be great if there were suggestions for the next steps to continue in reading the book.

Thank you

By Dana T

Sep 27, 2020

The instructors are great and I liked having the option to slow down/speed up videos and work at my own pace. While it is possible to take this course as a beginner, it might be challenging.

Expect studying time to be much longer than suggested (I multiplied suggested studying time by 4 and still sometimes didn't make it). A handful of the videos have terrible audio quality, so those will require extra effort to understand the concepts. Quizzes and assignments take MUCH longer than it says, leading to feelings of inadequacy.

Despite all of my complaints though, I would highly recommend this course. Aside from feeling lost a lot of the time, I did end up learning so much and I feel ready and excited to take on more Python courses in the future.

By Niall D

Jun 28, 2020

I feel that this course was a great benefit to me in my understanding of the new language I am learning in Python. I would say that the first 4-5 weeks I was able to follow everything to a good degree, and weeks after that I seemed to not be applying some of the ideas and it was taking me a few attempts to pass the assessments. Is this course suited for beginners? I would say yes, this is because the early weeks are achievable and I picked the ideas up having no previous experience with the language. The later weeks you need to apply and combine various things you see in the readings and videos for that week, but they are all there, keep IDLE open and test what you can, it is the only way that you will find out.

By Maggie T

Aug 13, 2022

I learnt a lot from the course and appreciated the effort for making this whole course free, unlike others where the "free" is only meant for few chapters.

The materials are simple but the quiz and assignments are much harder. So, just by going through this course only, it is quite still quite challenging for me to complete the assignments. I need to read the materials from other websites to figure out better.

While doing the quiz, it is sometimes hard to see the whole questions because of the layout. It will be good if the codes shown in the videos can be made bigger for ease of reading, particularly when the caption is turn on, else it is always quite difficult to see the bottom of the page.

By Mingrui P

Feb 14, 2019

I like how this course provides examples and online textbook for each concept of fundamental coding or python. Also, love the female instructor's explanation, the speed is relative slow and easy to comprehend. However, I do not think is course is an easy or very approachable course for people who have zero coding experience to begin with. Comparing this course with U of Michigan's PY4E, this course this more difficult, especially for the design of homework. The week 2's homework is already hard enough for people who never use code to start with. Therefore, I think if anyone is looking for start for programming or python, PY4E is a better course to consider with.

By tom b

Aug 21, 2022

The first online computer course I have enrolled on. I enrolled on the free course and did not require any additional help with undertaking the course. The instructions are very clear and the grading (marking) fast with easy to understand comments and suggestions. The flexibility of setting and resetting your own learning schedule facilitates more enjoyable study. I have worked as a computer programmer, though many moons ago and this material ,in my opinion is very suited to online learning. With longer timetabled learning, I personally would opt for some ' live' or at least ongoing messaging contact with tutors, mentor or fellow scholars. Excellent !

By Eivind F

Sep 15, 2019

I started learning programming two years ago and are constantly looking for ways to improve my skills. In my search to good resources, this is one of them.

I found this course good because it focused on the building blocks for learning to code. It thoroughly explains the different datatypes, loops, functions/definitions, how the interpreter works and how to build a functional program.

This said, I believe that there exists better courses / books / tutorials if you have absolutely no experience in programming. If you have some experience in python or from another language, than this is a good course.

Cheers and enjoy learningl