Aug 17, 2019
Great for a fundamental course. I have to admit that I had learnt python a few years back and was using this as a practice and revision course. But I learnt a lot more which I can add to my knowledge.
Dec 15, 2020
Great course for refreshing your python basics, and any beginner looking to pick up Python basics will be in a comfortable spot after completing this course and a bit of practice with the assignments.
By xiaoxia
•Aug 3, 2023
I have already completed this course around 1 month ahead of my goal. This course introduces the fundamental building blocks of programming and teaches me how to write fun and useful programs using the Python language. 7 weekly courses, 7 after-course-quizs and 3 assignments help me a lot to understand the Python language and programming.
By shashin p
•Jul 5, 2021
Excellent course to understand the basics of Python. In-video quizzes, assessments and assignments were extremely interactive. On top of that it's free! So no reason not to do it if you're trying to learn Python. Just wish they gave us the correct answers and reasoning (just like the quizzes) after we pass the assessments and assignments.
By lavanaya g
•Dec 27, 2020
This has been an amazing course for learning python. Starting from the basics the instructors, Jennifer and Paul covered the whole thing. They explained everything in simple language also I would like to thank them for showing the background working of the code by using the python visualizer. This course is great for a fundamental course!!
By Rashidur R
•Nov 12, 2017
very good course for beginners to python or to coding in general to understand the fundamentals. If you are already experienced in another language this may be too easy for you as it goes over basics like for loops and while loops, however if you are completely new or have done some coding in another language but are rusty this is perfect.
By Alejandro N
•Nov 10, 2020
Excelente curso introductorio. Lo hice sin tener la más mÃnima idea de programación. No se demora en innecesarias introducciones banales, va directo al grano. Las tareas están bien planteadas y son de un nivel intermedio, algunas más exigentes que otras. Los videos son en general claros, y están acompañados de unos resúmenes muy útiles.
By Anumita N
•Jan 11, 2018
This is my first Python course so I have nothing to compare it with. From a learning perspective I found the course to be a good start. Each week concepts moved forward from the concepts of previous lectures. Also I liked how questions and programming assignments had thorough test cases which challenge your understanding of the concepts.
By Abhishek S
•Jun 23, 2017
This is an excellent course for anyone who is learning to program for the first time. Also, for people with some background in other programming language (as in my case) this course helps to get quickly started with python.
Lectures and quizzes were engaging. I thank Coursera & University of Toronto for offering such a beautiful course.
By Carolina B
•May 23, 2023
Los conceptos están muy claramente explicados y con buenos ejemplos. El nivel de los cuestionarios y evaluaciones están acorde al curso . Al poder intentar varias veces los cuestionarios se convierten en una herramienta de aprendizaje además de evaluación. La respuesta de los tutores a las preguntas son rápidas , claras y muy amables.
By Ted F
•Nov 2, 2018
Really enjoyable course. I had no programming experience in any language, and I felt comfortable with the pace and rigor of the assignments. Instruction was clear and the mentor in the forum was very responsive. If you're looking for a primer in Python that will prepare you to develop your skills via practice, you're in the right place.
By Ryan E
•Aug 11, 2017
The course does a good job of covering a lot of the fundamentals of computer science without getting stuck spending too much time on a particular language's quirks. I also liked that it focused on *actual* fundamentals like variables, control flow and data structures, and not on secondary things like formatted printing and input/output.
By Elena T
•Jul 28, 2017
Oh I just llllove it! So difficult during the last three weeks (opening files and Assignment 3), but if you keep going, you'll finally make it. Unbelievable!
Thanks a lot! The course is organised really well: one has an opportunity to practise while learning theory and solve interesting challenges in weekly quizzes and the 3 assignments.
By Aniruddh D N G
•May 8, 2017
Excellent course to start with Python, would certainly recommend this course to fellow coders. This is my first mooc and coursera made it very simple for a starter like me. Can't really decide on the ambiguity of the importance given to certification of this course in real-time, I'll consider buying in the yet to come courses to learn.
By Alan X
•Jul 24, 2021
The audience of this course is people who want to learn basic programming. This course advances step by step, from the basic Python syntax, including loop and basic operation, tuple list dictionary, etc. the introduction is more detailed. The teacher is very responsible and replies to questions in time. Thank cosera for this platform
By Soumyadip D
•Jul 25, 2020
A great course for beginners. Compared to other python courses this is a compact course with just the right amount of topics. Would have been better if more assignments were present compared to quizzes. You may keep an introductory python book in handy to bring out the best of this course. All in all, it was fun doing this course.
By Annica B
•Dec 16, 2018
Fantastic introduction to basic programming materials. Some of the test material was a little difficult as it wasn't covered in the course, but the ability to test and solve problems utilizing the Python Visualizer and the Python shell prompted good problem solving practice. I would definitely recommend this course to my friends!!
By waheed a
•May 1, 2022
The course was really very helpful. I want to transition to data science and this course has actually helped me taking my first step to learn python. Thank you very much to the instructors for providing this facility. Although, It'd have been of more help if i could get the certificate without paying a heftly fee in dollars.
By Thomas S
•Dec 7, 2016
Great course for someone coming from unrelated languages. Some of the pacing seems off (some sections expect you to learn fast, while some seem easy) but it's a really great course for learning some Python basics. You can easily do work on desktop text files by the end of this, which actually helps me at home and on the job.
By Daksh S
•Jan 14, 2022
This course was highly beneficial for me to learn programming fundamentals. I would highly recommend this course for beginners ready to give enough time for self-practice—enormous gratification to Jennifer Campbell and Paul Gries for designing such an excellent course. I would recommend this to everyone. Thank you so much!
By classical p R
•Feb 6, 2024
The course is well structured, it is indeed for beginners in Python but you should write all the code by yourself to understand or build up your PSA(problem solving approach). I love the assignments. All assignments are great. In my experience of this course , it should be the best choice for everyone, from novice to pro.
By Oussama O
•Jan 3, 2023
in general, learning a programming language can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Python is a popular and versatile language that is used in a variety of applications, so it is a valuable skill to have. so i successfully complete the course and learn the material, which is an impressive accomplishment.
thanks !
By GabrielÄ— P
•Mar 26, 2020
The course is great for absolute beginners as it considerately explains the basics and provides lots of examples. The tutors are experienced and very competent, do not skip even sometimes obvious elements in order to create a logical sequence of actions. The resources are provided and the projects are quite entertaining.
By Nadia C
•Oct 19, 2019
A Fantastically Designed online course that keeps you actively engaged with quizzes and assignments. I found myself finish the course much faster than expected just because I was excited to move forward to the next step and felt like I was grasping the information much faster than through other mediums. Highly suggested!
By Krzysztof P
•Aug 20, 2018
Very good course. Knowledge is packed into nice lessons, lecturers know how to explain everything very easily - step by step. Tests and assignments are challenging (as for me) but gives a lot of sattisfaction when completed. I would definitely recommend this course for people who want to understand basics of programming.
By Yücel K
•May 26, 2019
This course really teaches to the student what is included in course. It is hard as it should be, not overwhelming and not easy so it is at the perfect balance especially. Though do not have any programming background, only have maths, statistics and economics background. I would advice the course for beginners like me.
By George
•Dec 9, 2017
One of the few course that kept me interested all along the 7 weeks. It is indeed introductory but its structure is excellent for this purpose. The quizzes, tests and assignments help you learn and understand what you can not apprehend form the lectures. I would recommend it to everyone who wants to start with Python.