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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment by Commonwealth Education Trust

1,012 ratings

About the Course

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth, this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional development opportunity not to be missed. There are various techniques which help to assess student learning. This course helps teacher to acquire the skills to develop and use appropriate assessment procedures. Enhance your course by joining the Commonwealth teaching community on our website, Facebook and Twitter....

Top reviews


Aug 19, 2017

I really learned a lot from this course. I hope they can make a follow up course dealing more extensively on the different formats of tests and how to analyze validity and reliability of test items.


Mar 3, 2022

I recommend this cource to teachers at all levels of education. It has change my perception of assessment. Thank you Coursera and Commonwealth Education Trust.

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1 - 25 of 316 Reviews for Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment

By Vishal A

Feb 27, 2020

Useful course on a topic that is often not emphasized enough. Some useful tips that can be readily implemented in everyday teaching.

By Shakila B

May 2, 2019

I'm feeling quite nostalgic as this course is coming to an end. Honestly, it's such an amazing piece of information and I've learnt so much. It's such a big eye opener into the world of teaching that not many teachers know. It could really benefit the world of education so much. Like more people need to know about this! Really Thank you so much for providing this course to us. To all the professors for explaining it so well and to the wonderful folks for making this available on Coursera.

My small message can't justify it's amazing nature. Thank you!

So less time and so much to learn! Good luck to everyone on this Course :)

By Jessica

May 31, 2020

Thanks to this course, I learn many things about assessment. Hopefully it will be applicable when I come back to the next academic year in my school.


Jan 16, 2023

Really it was useful course.

help me to think carefully about feedback during teaching and after assessment.

Give me refresh back to making assessment.

By Juan G

Jan 5, 2020

The course has a strong academic content but is not overly complex.

By Jhonatan J A

Aug 12, 2016

The course presents a clear structure and an interesting approach, including materials on the assessment of minorities. Furthermore, it is well supported in scientific evidence as multimedia materials that help to understand the concepts addressed in the course. However, the materials are someway monotone, the subject is addressed in general terms, which is understandable given the time set for the course, but it may had been better by focusing on concepts instead of examples.

By Marina Z

Mar 10, 2017

Очень ценный курс для понимания новых трендов в технологиях оценивания. Много внимания уделяется формирующему оцениванию, оцениванию для обучения, созданию эффективного отзыва на работы студентов и др. Преподаватели не просто раскрывают теоретические аспекты проблемы, но и делятся реальным опытом внедрения практик в систему новозеландского образования. Курс хорошо структурирован. Лекции читаются на английском языке, при этом используются схемы, таблицы и другой графический материал, которые позволяют легко понять идеи. Интересны идеи об особенностях оценивания достижений студентов, которые относятся к меньшинствам. Заставляет задуматься, пересмотреть свое отношение к системе нашего оценивания. Спасибо большое преподавателям и сокурсникам, которые оценивали мои работы.

By Najib B

Jul 26, 2020

This course is a must for all teachers, whether at the beginning years of their career or well into it. The skills the course teaches center around best assessment and it offers the tools necessary to think about, implement, and develop assessment practices for the benefit of learning. I have always thought that the sole reason scores exist is to report them to the administration. I know better now.

I also benefited a lot from Prof. Keegan's stimulating discussions of minority issues in assessment. Teachers often tend to look at their students as a homogeneous group coming from the same culture. The ideas and issues introduced in the course and the interviews really challenged my worldview.

By riawcs

May 13, 2016

This course was really excellent in comparison to many of the other courses in this specialization due to Professor Gavin Brown's use of metaphor and analogy to make more complicated content clear and Dr. Peter Keegan's interesting insights into taking minorities into consideration in our teaching practices. The case study of the Maori in New Zealand was extremely interesting. If more courses had been like this one, getting through the entire specialization would have been a much more enjoyable task and not nearly as arduous.

By Manish P

Feb 16, 2022

This course has upgraded me for the process of Assessment. This course has taught the best techniques for active and passive assessments. I mean this course gives nice guidance for both types of assessments, teacher-centric and student-centric. This course is the best CPD: Continuous Professional Development.

By Dolaraj B

Jul 15, 2020

Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment is very helpful for those who are in teaching profession and who like to join in this profession in future. It gave me an important insight for student assessment. Thank you coursera and Commonwealth Education Trust.

By Mary M L

Jan 15, 2023


for being

Part of Coursera


. I enjoyed



this course

, learning

in my own place at my own time

and also l learned many skills

in this field

, self assessment




,scoring, Human


, culture

concern and reporting


By Asadullah

May 18, 2017

A very good course for teachers and other people interested in students assessment. I learned a lot from this course. As I was part of developing assessment items for a large scale assessment program, I used the skills i learned here and they were very useful.

By Phillip A C

Sep 17, 2016

I completely endorse the course. It definitely has given me an edge on how I conduct my assessments and when is the good time. Moreover I have had a lot of new learning take place in my career.



By Jarrent T

Aug 20, 2017

I really learned a lot from this course. I hope they can make a follow up course dealing more extensively on the different formats of tests and how to analyze validity and reliability of test items.

By Cynthia C C C

Nov 30, 2020

It is very evident that this course teachers really have a lot of experience in Assessment research and in assessment practices. I enjoyed the course and learned so much. Thanks a lot!

By Gospel T

Mar 3, 2022

I recommend this cource to teachers at all levels of education. It has change my perception of assessment. Thank you Coursera and Commonwealth Education Trust.


Apr 11, 2023

حمداً لك ربي انتي

اتعلم أشياء جديدة ومهارات جديدة شكراً معلمي شكراً دولتي شكراً لنفسي شكراً لك ياالله الفضل لك وحدك ثم لمن هئ لنا هذه الفرصة


Dec 7, 2016

Excelent! It should be translated for other languages, as portuguese.

Excelente! Deveria ser traduzido para outras línguas como o português.

By مريم ب ع ز ا

Jul 12, 2023

كانت محفزة ومليئة بالمعلومات والممارسات وتاثيرها على المتعلم وكذلك اهمية التقيم الذاتي للمتعلم وللاقران واثرة علية وعلى دافعية للتعلم


Mar 6, 2020



Mar 3, 2022

I really learned a lot about assessment. Its importance ang how it will help me as I am pursuing my education course.


Jul 1, 2020

Complementa mi formación profesional y ayuda a mejorar en diferentes aspectos que antes no había tenido en cuenta

By Zareen K

Jun 8, 2022

Excellent content, thoroughly engaging and consistent with the issues existing at assessing learners.

By فتحي ب م ب ع آ أ

Mar 29, 2023
