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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Liabilities and Equity in Accounting by Intuit

715 ratings

About the Course

In this third course, you will learn about liability and equity accounts and its effect on the balance sheet. If you have mastered bookkeeping basics and understand accounting assets, you are ready to jump into Liabilities and Equity in Accounting. You will explore the various types of liability, including: current and long term, payroll, and sales tax. Additionally, you will learn about the equity portion of the accounting equation and how to account for changes in owner’s equity. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Describe the three main characteristics of liabilities. -Demonstrate an understanding of the basic payroll accounting functions and tasks. -Compare and contrast the different types of equity -Use the accounting equation to describe the financial position of an organization. Courses 1 and 2 in the Intuit Bookkeeping Professional Certificate, or the equivalent, are recommended prerequisites for this course....

Top reviews


Apr 15, 2024

I really enjoyed this course. I would add that it would have been nice to really get more journal entry exercises that make you really think about how to make entries on your own without the computer.


Sep 16, 2022

A​s a hands on learner I really appreciate the practice that is provided through case studies and quick quizzes to test our knowledge as we progress through the course.

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176 - 197 of 197 Reviews for Liabilities and Equity in Accounting

By Gricel T L


Feb 5, 2022

Errors in lesson exercises and quizzes.

By julie b


Sep 11, 2024

The case was not correct.

By biji v


Feb 28, 2023


By Bonnie E


Jan 13, 2024

Seemed like a lot of info was missing - Videos that referenced another video that would be coming up next that didn't seem to exist, questions on quizzes that were not covered ANYWHERE in the study material, etc. - The final project was a MESS that I'm fairly certain was missing at least a full page of info; the numbers given were literally impossible to make line up, even after redoing it 4 times - Even after passing the final exam with 50% answers I knew and 50% making educated guesses (because it is SO heavily dependent on that final project), I went back and tried to make the 'correct' answers fit with the information given for the final project, and found that at least $8k worth of transactions that would have been necessary to get to those numbers simply... didn't exist. Nowhere in the ledger, nowhere in the instructions on transactions that needed to be added, nothing. Seriously, this class is AWFUL and needs a complete overhaul in regards to the tests and final projects to actually function properly.

By Amy R


Aug 10, 2024

I've overall been pretty satisfied with the programs. However, this particular module presented some issues for me and the chatbot was not especially helpful. I would have liked to have had some human contact to help me determine where my troubles were occurring. I redid the case study assignment multiple times and spent hours trying to complete it correctly. I do not know if the errors are mine or the programs, but I'm extremely frustrated and disappointed with the fact that I can't get actual feedback from an instructor. Unfortunately, I will be cancelling my enrollment at this time because of this.

By Jen S


Oct 17, 2021

I understand everything until it comes to the final test. The Excel spreadsheets make absolutely no sense to me and I don't understand what I am doing wrong or even what I am supposed to be doing with them. At least I know I understand QuickBooks because I use it for my business and I have picked up a few pointers from these courses, so it isn't a total waste of money.

There is some incorrect information in the courses, which would likely confuse those not already familiar with accounting or business finances.

By Regina V


Apr 4, 2022

These courses are becoming more complex as expected but are not offering the correct amount of practice to learn. If you do not have any prior accounting experience, this course will prove difficult in terms of utilizing an excel version of a General Journal, General Ledger, Trial Balance, and other Financial Statements. The program continues to advertise QBO but does not explain the workings of the aforementioned processes of recording entries and how you move thru the accounting system. I am disappointed.

By menachem 5


Jul 9, 2023

Didn't measure up to the first two courses (which is actually a good testament to the first 2)

a lot of info was missing

not enough explanation for the info given

too much repetition at times

glitchy quizzes

inaccurate final case study plus a few strangely filled in data points and some with errors.

By Gs


Aug 26, 2024

Compared to the first two bookkeeping courses, this one is full of inconsistencies and errors, especially in the final project. In addition, the "experts" that fill up the lesson blocks are not presenting any useful information, they're just filling time. Boring and irritating.

By Staci N


Nov 30, 2021

There were mistakes in the downloaded worksheet as the final project. The practice sessions are ridicuously easy, they certainly make you feel good, but they don't help prepare you for the real world.

By Adam W


Dec 9, 2021

The case study needs work; having the correct spreadsheet to work from would be nice after the test is done. Not everything in the case study was covered by the course.

By Deleted A


Aug 24, 2022

If I hadn't had to waste SO MUCH time listening to the ridiculous narrative they wrote to try to make it more interesting, I would have rated it 4 stars at least.

By Christine M W


Jan 19, 2022

Unable to get clarification on case study and quiz questions. I believe (along with other students in forum) that there are errors in the case study materials.

By Tammy M


Feb 4, 2022

The course itself was informative, but the case study and test were incredibly difficult due to missing information.

By Barry C


Feb 28, 2022

Too many errors, ambiguities and wrong information.

Absolutely no feedback received when reporting errors etc.



Aug 18, 2022

Case study was hard to balance, need guidance for questions, which is not available.



Sep 15, 2022

This course needs to be revised and updated. Frustrating to say the least.

By Jessica Stierwalt


Sep 21, 2023

the information at the end was hard to find

By O S


Jan 1, 2022

long winded!

By Abigail F


Jul 28, 2024

This has been the most negative experience I have ever had at remote learning. The material is entirely disjointed, the content has no logical flow, the tests contain questions for which the answers are not taught in the preceding units, there are inaccuracies in the math, I could go on. Very frustrating.

By Jamie M


Aug 20, 2022

This is so difficult because you can't get an instructor support., asking students when they have same frustrations is not helpful. Would be much more confident if there was a resource for help