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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Machine Learning for Data Analysis by Wesleyan University

324 ratings

About the Course

Are you interested in predicting future outcomes using your data? This course helps you do just that! Machine learning is the process of developing, testing, and applying predictive algorithms to achieve this goal. Make sure to familiarize yourself with course 3 of this specialization before diving into these machine learning concepts. Building on Course 3, which introduces students to integral supervised machine learning concepts, this course will provide an overview of many additional concepts, techniques, and algorithms in machine learning, from basic classification to decision trees and clustering. By completing this course, you will learn how to apply, test, and interpret machine learning algorithms as alternative methods for addressing your research questions....

Top reviews


Oct 4, 2016

Very good course. I recommend to anyone who's interested in data analysis and machine learning.


May 6, 2020

Clear and explanatory approach to the object. Instructors have great teaching transmissibility.

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51 - 69 of 69 Reviews for Machine Learning for Data Analysis

By Ensaf O K

Nov 24, 2024


By Lee X

Mar 21, 2016

Disadvantages : Lacks Rigour, Lacks Support from instructors , Expensive , Peer review ( this is somewhat bad as most barely give any comments, though towards the end, reviews tend to be pretty good). *** DISCLAIMER *** I am not statistically significant as i only receive 3 reviews per week.

Advantages :Quick to earn cert, prewritten code available for easy use. Assignments on your own data. This is probably useful for people wanting to learn techniques for data analysis, who need not go too deep into the technique.

I would recommend this to people learning techniques for data analysis in various non-mathematical and non-statistical fields, though the content lacks rigour, and you need outside sources to help understand techniques.

This course IS NOT WORTH PAYING USD79, there are definitely other courses much more worth the money. You can audit it for free, if you do not want a cert.

By Dinesh B

Nov 5, 2017

The material is good but the functions should have been explained in more detail. There is kind of repetition of same thing. It should have given some more examples and changes in code to explain the different types of ways to apply same algorithm.

By Susanne W B

Mar 1, 2016

It was okay for an introduction to the methods, but I would have liked to learn about them in more details, i.e. the course was too short.

By Monika K

Apr 29, 2016

This level of detail was good for easier statistical concepts but there are much better courses on Coursera for Machine Learning

By Ponciano R

Jan 23, 2019

It´s a good course but it does not goes deep enough in the examples and techniques.

By Xiaoyang G

Apr 15, 2016

It's not an intro class. But you can practice a lot if you know something.

By Tristan B

Mar 1, 2016

Not deep enough on diagnostic and interpretation

By Karthick K

Dec 12, 2016

Course could be better

By Siyang

Oct 31, 2016

Personally felt this course have a lot more potential. The explanations in the lectures felt very robotic especially when describing the scripts. At times the lectures slides felt like displaying the subtitles and reading off them. A lot more diagrams could have been illustrated for explanations. I have to watch other videos in youtube to get a better grasp of the concepts.

Good thing is that this is an introductory course, and the codes are given.

By Deleted A

Sep 4, 2017

It goes over and over about the adolescent examples, which makes it annoying. The quality and production of the video is bad. Why to use moving scenes in the background (like the horses or the highway)? That's distractive and takes the focus of the content, better to use a blackboard.

By Остроухов М Н

Mar 6, 2018

Unfirtunately superficial and outdated view on the subject.

By Sarah C

Jun 27, 2023

One of the worst online courses I have taken - absolute embarrassment to learning. Definitely seems like its been abandoned by people running it - good luck getting anyone to reply to you. It took 3 weeks to get my assignments marked and none of the assignments I reviewed were of any standard (mostly blank or clearly plagiarised). This is because the assignment are in the format of an online blog that you have to link - so it's super easy to just spam submissions.

I got 100% but don't feel like I have learned what I intended to learn and the quality of assignments needs to be massively improved


Sep 3, 2016

Not good at all.We see different processes without anyone making clear the reason why we should apply this processes ,under which conditions and what is the question that we have to answer when we apply these processes.The only good is that we get into some new terms and see new things.I could say that for me,it wouldn't make such a difference if it wasn't in this specialization.

By Aurimas D

Feb 1, 2019

Absolutely unbalanced course. Course has 4 different topics, but it does not explain well non of them. In reality whole course should be dedicated for at least one of provided topics.

By Hubert K

Feb 17, 2025

The topic, unfortunately, is not presented in a very interesting way. Sadly, it reminds me of PowerPoint presentations from my school days in the's just not worth it.

By Liuyijie

Jun 14, 2016

Actually i want rate 0, as the instruction for the installation of new tools are quite vague and misleading

By Darrel M

Apr 29, 2021

I could not complete the course, since it required SAS. This is not spelled out at the start.

By Karishma D

Oct 19, 2020

Most horrible course. Material are not enough and plus projects are hardly curated