Sep 7, 2020
The content is really good for beginner architects, the instructors were amazing and supportive. Examples of project and their analysis is really interesting so perhaps more examples could be added
May 26, 2020
Even though it is a very short course, the skills, ideas and knowledge learnt is very useful. I can already think of different ways and new ways to approach my work, designs and daily life.
By Minxi H
•May 23, 2017
the course is good, but the evaluation of the assignment has some problems. if the peers do not evaluate seriously, you may fail
By Ishaan V
•Feb 21, 2019
It was quite a lengthy one. It made me look at architecture from a different perspective as compared to before.
By Milagros E
•Jan 12, 2018
a little confusing
By Camden H
•Feb 3, 2023
A great course! I decided not to finish it because I became way more interested in learning about art and design but it was an interesting course, nonetheless! I definitely think it could have had more quizzes and updated information.
By Pablo F W P
•Sep 15, 2020
This is a good beginners course if you are interested to see if Architecture is something that you would like to explore more. It is a short course but it is one where you would make at least a model that would serve you well, if you are really committed to improve yourself.
Besides this, the dynamics of this course is something that should be revised. First of all, my native language is Spanish and I'm not going to hate on a Spanish speaking person, but two of the professor of this course are non native English speakers. So this makes me wonder, because at some point was really difficult to keep paying attention on the videos, who and why took the decision of everything has to be in English. What is wrong with Spanish and then adding subtitles? This is something that really should be revised.
And taking about subtitles, there were several errors during the videos where the subtitles were disconnected from what the person was saying. I'm talking for example of the professor naming the German architect Frei Otto and the subtitle was "Freyoto", like really you guys couldn't ask what he was trying to say?
Overall this is a good experience, but also there is a steep price for this short course and this things should be 100% smooth.
By jeanette a
•Feb 22, 2020
I enjoyed this course very much. I got somewhat side-tracked by looking up references to the various architects mentioned throughout thus learned interesting things about origins of brick work for example. The video presentations were well done with one exception - I quickly learned how to skip the 27 second musical introduction as it was a unnecessary use of my time. The four assignments were fun to complete. I am not fond of peer-graded assignments but as a semi-retired online university instructor I understand that given the low cost $64 for enrollment the cost for instructor graded assignments would be prohibitive. I wish there were more courses in Architecture other than those that focus on using computer software such as Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for Architectural Design exam. Which I will probably take as that is all I have been able to find in the course catalog. Thanks to the course presenters they did an excellent job!
By Will H
•May 24, 2017
I'm certainly not a professional architect, and not a person who intends to pursue being one, but I do love the study of the classification of objects,entities,things, forms, etc and their corresponding functions, methods, actions, events; almost system level. Without this class I never would have looked at how space is utilized by so many more factors than just those two major components of the world around me. Week 1 of this class was an incredible realization of so many more elements at play that I fell in love with the concepts and how they were presented that I felt obligated to at least pay for the class. The information is wonderful, thanks for making this available. -Will
By nur h s
•Mar 28, 2023
Making Architecture by Edward Robbins is an informative and comprehensive guide to the art and science of creating architecture. It provides an overview of the history and current trends in the field, as well as practical advice on how to design and construct a building. The book covers topics such as building materials, zoning regulations, and project management, and it also includes helpful illustrations and diagrams. It is a great resource for both students and professionals wanting to learn more about the field. It is well-written and provides a great deal of insight into the complexities of creating beautiful and functional architecture. Highly recommended.
By Fakher I
•Jul 20, 2023
I'm from Pakistan, and already study in Bs civil engineering.
I love this course. All teachers have been proved very experts and guides us in very great manner. I learned fundamental and useful techniques. I already interested in architecture field, but after this class, I'm taking more interest in them. And i want to study Bs Architect from this university. But I'm poor student, not have enough money to start this proper Bs course. So if this university give me chance for get Bs degree in Architect, i will proved him that I'm a hard worker student and show him my skills in making architecture field.
By Anton G
•Feb 7, 2021
Напишу, свой отзыв на русском, что бы люди, которые не знают английского смоги его прочесть. Данный курс не научит вас строить дома, разбираться в железобетонных конструкциях и работать с чертежами. Нет. Этот курс даст намного больше. Он перестраиваем мышление. Это обучение какой то новый уровень в образовании. Тебе не объясняют какую то муторную теорию, при этом ты запоминаешь это теорию на подсознании. Т.к. я практикующий дизайнер то сразу заметил гигантскую разницу в мышлении до и после, и от этого мне так обидно, что я не могу обучаться в этом институте очно на архитектора.
By Kathrina M B L
•Nov 6, 2020
I am an Architecture student and I went to enroll this course to be inspired again. I am not just inspired, I learned more. I hope there is this course during the first year in Architecture. This course will answer your doubts about getting Architecture. It will help you have a a good start foundation if you are going to pursue or in the Architecture field already. Creative block exists, it is normal and this course will help and give techniques how to get back your creativity instantly. The activities will hone your creativity.
By Cindy T
•Jul 31, 2017
All though I just audited the course to find out if there might be something in me that is attracted to architecture, it has open my eyes to what architecture is and it has open a space in my heart and mind on wanting to know more! I LOVED the course! I really did and I am sure looking forward to more courses like this one. A special thanks to the last testimony talking about his path to architecture because that's where I am right now and for helping me stop saying to my self that I might be a bit old to start on this pathway.
By Diyaa P
•Dec 22, 2020
This short term course by IE school of architecture was a real stepping stone to the world of architecture and design to all beginners including me. I honestly felt helpful except the part of assignment correction by peers. It could have done by tutors or related authorities, so that the learners would be able to get an expert advice which may probably help them in long run for ones who long to proceed with architecture. Anyways I openly suggest all the beginners and interested ones to enroll!
By Charles M
•Jun 8, 2020
I enjoyed this course. It meshed well with my background in photography but challenged me to create something on my own as opposed to just capturing someone else's work. It felt like an intro course into creative thinking and design that was heavy on the creative and less focused on the historical side of things. It made me want to continue learning about architecture and made me interested in how structures are actually made once you get past the design phase.
By Marianne J M G
•Jun 25, 2020
This course is possibly one of the best there is here on Coursera. Even people with no background in architecture will learn from and enjoy this course. The videos are short but informative and interesting, the professors (all three of them) are good-looking and knowledgeable in the field. The assignments are tough, but with inspiration, passion, discipline and creativity, anyone can make it work. Thanks, IE School of Architecture and Design, and Coursera!
•Mar 16, 2021
i recommend this course to everybody, either a beginner student in the first years of an architecture university, or any other lover of this field. All of the three teacthers give some general directions of how a future architect should see, feel and think. Good luck to everybody and always pay attention to your other collegues observation when finishing the final tests of each week, then try to rethink and make some changes if you feel like it :)
•Feb 19, 2022
Muchas gracias a los profesores y personas que impartieron el curso, realmente muy interesante. Te hace ver realmente la mentalidad de un arquitecto, y eso es lo que buscaba ver, realmente me ayudo a conocer la perspectiva y el compromiso social de la arquitectura, me encantó y el proceso de diseño fue divertido y creaivo. Realmente me sentí un poco más cerca a conocer este mundo de posibilidades, muchas gracias por brindar este curso.
By Abigail D
•Apr 26, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. I found that is very much inspired me to continue my journey into architecture even though I am late the this. I am in my mid fifties so this will be more than challenging but worth doing. No matter what your age this course not only teaches you some basic concepts it also expands the way you think about buildings, people and nature and hoe they intersect in design and in life.
By Anshul P
•Dec 28, 2020
This course really helped me learn about how a building is actually made, and what are the things that an architect has to keep in mind when working on a new design. In addition, it helped me enhance my creative thinking abilities. The way things are explained in this course is very simple and compact. The professors are also very experienced in this field. In short, a very interesting course!
By Eliza V
•May 27, 2020
I am truly grateful for this course, and I have a more ample vision about architecture thanks to this course. Let me tell you that I really enjoyed taking this class, doing the projects, and reviewing other's peer projects. I want to thank the instructors for creating this content and their knowledge provided, you guys are amazing and it inspired me to really want to continue on this journey.
By Lorelie S
•May 17, 2020
I really enjoyed this especially whilst during COVID19 lockdown! Was well set up for a beginner and non-architect background person like myself. Professors shared their great knowledge and gave relatable examples. Thank you IE and Coursera, keep providing great courses like this! Finished this course with a big sigh of relief and amazing sense of achievement!! Lorelie of Sydney AUS
By Stebikhova O
•Oct 10, 2019
The time spent with this course was one of the most amazing in my life! In the video lectures and assignments of professors collected only the most important, valuable, what you need to pay attention to. It's like jewels. Tasks are formulated in an exciting and understandable, and most importantly, develop the skills you need! I am overwhelmed by this course and will miss it. THANK you!
By Patricia N
•May 7, 2022
O curso foi incrivel, os mentores utilizam exemplos que realmente fazem sentido e agregam como conhecimento para as pessoas que estão recebendo a informação. Não foi só um curso que me fez aprender sobre design, importância do branding, mas também fez com que eu me apaixonasse mais um pouco pela área de arquitetura. Agradeço a todos os colaboradores que fizeram esse curso ser possível.
By Shreya T
•Oct 25, 2020
Really helpful course for beginners who want to know if they are or aren't interested in architecture. Also, the assignments help you test your basic skills. I took the course in my third year actually just to know more about the field and I must say that even if the assignments were basic, I got to learn a lot of new things. So I would definitely suggest taking this course
By Caetano B
•Jan 30, 2025
Bonjour, j'ai suivis le cours en entier mais n'arrive pas à obtenir un certificat de cours. Pouvez-vous s'il vous plait, au nom de l'école, me rédiger un courriel ou m'envoyer un certificat détaillant les critères suivis lors de votre cours afin de prouver à autrui que j'ai bien suivis votre cours ? En vous remerciant. Bonne fin de journée. Prenez soin de vous.