May 17, 2021
Exceptional course. Dr Steve has explained all concepts in very practical and logical ways, and kept it very concise and eloquent. It is engaging and interesting to watch and incredibly informative.
Jun 14, 2020
Great course to understand the situation, your mind, and how you can help others! Thank you so much for putting it together. I find it very helpful even now when we are almost half year in COVID-19
By Daniella M K
•Jun 2, 2021
it was a really great course, thank you so much Prof... i've got so many new insight and i just realized that mental health and anxiety are really important for human's mind.. thank you so much and keep up the good work..
•Sep 27, 2020
Thank you very much for your providing course.if IAM very happy.this courses provide a many knowledge.today our society facing in main problem is covid 19 .but when this problem solved in answer available in this courses.
By Bernice B
•Jul 16, 2020
I enjoyed the course quite a lot. It got me to evaluate what was going on in my life presently. It gave me ideas on how to improve my schedule. I think it has lessen my anxiety by adding or subtracting to my lifestyle.
•Sep 7, 2021
I have finished this course in a week, it was amazing to learn, beautifully explained and i feel lucky and very thankful to our Professor, the way he teaches is so magnificent, i felt like i should listen for more weeks.
By Giernie R T
•Nov 27, 2020
I become more conscious of my feelings right now and I have come to a better understanding of what's happening with me and how do I prevent my self from becoming more anxious. Thank you so much for providing this course!
By Gabriela C
•Nov 15, 2020
El curso es excelente. El profesor Steve explica de una manera muy clara y divertida varios conceptos relacionados a la ansiedad y a su vez, da consejos muy útiles para poder controlarla durante estos tiempo de pandemia.
By Astel J
•Oct 12, 2020
The journey with Prof. Steve Joorden was heart warming and effective. I thank coursera and the professor for introducing this subject during this crucial time. Hope everybody who attended the four weeks found it helpful.
By Marcia T
•Oct 8, 2020
Prof. Joordens created a very informative (and enjoyable) course that gave me language for the anxiety felt during this pandemic and strategies on how to deal with it. Thank you for taking the time to create this course.
By Mayda G
•Aug 20, 2020
Excelente! Buenas técnicas y habilidades para entender mejor los conceptos y como actúa nuestro cuerpo, y asà dan una mejor respuesta de ayuda para afrontar estos momentos de incertidumbre e aislamiento fÃsico. Gracias!
By Tanu S
•Jul 4, 2020
I learned many thinks from this course like that how to manage our mental health and how to be socialize in this critical situation. And the main thing that I learnt how manage our mental health as well physical health.
By Tonya P
•May 4, 2021
This course is a much-needed course during the current pandemic. It is a true help for those who have anxiety, but even more so knowing to change the way we think about physical distancing instead of social distancing.
By Terry G
•Nov 2, 2020
I found this course to be helpful in understanding the basics of anxiety related to the current pandemic and some actions and strategies that can be used to build and maintain mental wellness and connection. Thank you!
By Kirti P
•Jul 24, 2021
This was a very supportive and optimistic course on mental health. It's not just applicable for during COVID-19, but consists of many valid points to follow even post COVID-19 and in future. Thank you for this course.
By Jose G P J
•Feb 1, 2021
simple, direct and i highly recommend this to everyone in pandemic and non-pandemic, this is all about knowing yourself. Internalization is a very powerful tool to help yourself nad others to propel or move forward...
By Jose M P
•Jun 27, 2020
Great! This course was very helpful in my work as a school physician, many of my clients (teaching and non-teaching staff) have been asking me about coping mechanisms and management of stress brough about by covid-19.
By RocÃo M M N
•Aug 22, 2020
Thanks to the professor! Incredible experience and it helped me so much with my anxiety and to understand so many things that now are so helpful. Lots of greetings from South America (Chile), take care and stay safe!
•Jul 29, 2020
The lecture on Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health during COVID-19 by Professor Steve Joordens is very rich and educative. I enjoyed every bit of the lecture because it is quite relatable and impactful. Thanks!
By Paulina S P A
•Feb 14, 2021
Very helpful and interesting course. A little Short but to the point!. Thank you for sharing your knowledge professor Steve. All the best guys!. Stay safe, healthy and do not forget to connect with your loved ones.
By Farhan v
•Aug 30, 2020
This course is really very helpful for all of us because as this moment we all are struggle and have some anxiety and stress due to COVID-19. This course will help me to control my stress and anxiety due to COVID-19
By Kalgi B
•Jun 17, 2020
It had such a positive impact on me. Thank you so much Dr. Steve Joordens for sharing all your thoughts about mind control. This will be very helpful to me and for sure the beach is going to be my favorite word too.
By Wendy W
•Oct 20, 2020
I personally think that this course was very instructive and practical in how I can deal with my anxiety in COVID-19. I feel anxious sometimes and doing this course will me to manage me better. Thank you very much!
By anjum n
•Oct 3, 2020
thank you for this very useful course which Professor Steve made so pleasant and smooth.I can gauge my self ,before and after the course,to observe myself a better human being.Thank you Professor Steve & Coursera.
•Jun 14, 2020
I am very much relaxed after attending this online course. It is really beneficial for all of us who are not able to give a right direction or structure to our mind and body during this COVID-19 lockdown situation.
By Alyncito R
•Apr 13, 2021
Steve, thank you for this course, my daughter and I enjoyed it greatly, we are already implementing some of your recommendations. Can’t wait to sign for more courses. P.S we were unable to find your email address.
By Assanatul L H
•Nov 29, 2020
I'm glad I could take this course. This course is very helpful for us especially in this pandemic situation where everything feels uncertain and we easily get anxious. Stay safe everyone, we can go through this :)