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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Managing as a Coach by University of California, Davis

2,169 ratings

About the Course

Do you (or do you want to) manage employees? Have you ever wondered how to get better performance out of those you manage? Are you unsure if you are communicating effectively with your employees? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this course – and its associated specialization – is for you! Leadership and management responsibilities have changed dramatically, particularly in the last decade. In order to be an effective manager in increasingly fast-paced and complex organizational environments, coaching has become essential. In this course, you will learn what coaching is and learn how to differentiate between it and all of the other myriad roles managers are expected to perform – managing, mentoring, leading, and training. You’ll learn about the importance of strong leadership and learn to describe your current point of view as a leader, and evaluate when to adjust your thinking in order to be more effective in managing and leading in a rapidly evolving workplace. And finally, you’ll be introduced to the Thought Model, a coaching technique you can use to develop better thinkers and better performers. So if you’re ready to learn all about how to be a more effective and valued manager using coaching techniques, join us as we explore more successful managing through coaching!...

Top reviews


Nov 17, 2017

A great course for the beginners. The videos are short and easy to comprehend. The slides can be downloaded in PDF - i find it very convenient as i can share some of those slides with my colleagues.


Dec 9, 2018

Very practical basics for all managers with some knowledge how to lead a team, but without big picture and background principles. I will use it for all my people willing to start with management.

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76 - 100 of 644 Reviews for Managing as a Coach

By Blessing N

Jan 1, 2022

The Thought Model embedded in this course is a must for any Manager-Coach, it's an excellent model to coaching teams. I am emerging a better Manager-Coach out of this course!!!

By Kaila M

May 25, 2016

I have already started using some of the tools I learned through this course in my day to day interactions at work. :) I am really enjoying this course and learning platform.

By André S

Oct 2, 2018

The course is spectacular. It gives an overview of leadership and indicates that each leadership profile should be used. When we need to be manager, leader, coach or mentor.

By Abdul A

Jul 14, 2020

I have learned lot much, the course content was very helpful and understandable. because the instructor was explaining things with LOTS of example which was the best part!

By Gwen B

Aug 19, 2018

Excellent class, the information is well laid out and not only helped me prepare for a new role as a manager but improved my relationship with my peers in my current role.

By Leonilde L

Dec 26, 2016

I really liked this course because I believe that managing / coaching is a personal matter, and this course allows us to reflect on internal believes.

Very good approach.

By مريم ب ع ز ا

Oct 9, 2023

I have benefited a lot from the course and I have new ideas for management in terms of guidance and I was happy to be very grateful to you and appreciated your efforts

By Charles F

Apr 13, 2020

Great Course, Kris really knows her stuff. Learning how to apply the thought model will add incredible value to my career and allow me to continue to help other grow.

By Antonino M L P

Mar 11, 2024

E' stato un corso molto interessante ec ompleto che mi hai dato le giuste metologie e d approccio nel valutae le relazioni con i colleghi sopra o sotto il mio ruolo.

By Anant k

Jul 20, 2018

this is a very good course. for professional courses e- learners. i thanks to coursera who provided me finanacial aid by which poor students complete course in free.

By Deborah S

Aug 31, 2022

I learned a great deal about managing more effectively. Great pace and challenging assignments. I highly recommend the additional supplemental materials as well.

By silvana p

Aug 13, 2018

Excellent course!! The concepts were clearly and didactically explained and the coach was very engaging and inspiring!! Thank you Kris, your laugh is contagious!

By Michelle K

Mar 7, 2025

Great course on managing as a Coach, but also how to balance with other roles managers have to balance. Introduction to the CTFAR model. I recommend the cours.

By Ally S

Jan 18, 2021

Great course. Be aware that the final projects are rife with plagiarised work. My own paper and the paper of another was submitted back to me for peer review.

By Martha G W

Apr 21, 2018

I have aquired a number skills and learnt a number of leadership principles that I was taking for granted and thus was limited in my leadership capabilities.


May 17, 2020

Very well designed & easy to understand course keeping in mind large audience. Nice way to check assignment where one will come to know others point of view

By Magy T

Jan 14, 2019

Great overview of the importance of coaching as it applies to managers, as well as the details and differences of coaching versus other teaching approaches.

By Jônatas P

May 17, 2022

I enjoy the accessible way the content is exposed and the course assignments. I appreciate all effort to make it and how clear the material is presented.

By Ahmed A A

Mar 2, 2016

Great Course, i highly encourage everyone who needs to know how coaching is done either in your professional life or even personal life to attend it.

By Alina N

Sep 12, 2022

Amazing. And true work, support and learning. Great raport investment /quality of the educational process, grading and support.

Highly recommended.

By Maris O

Oct 13, 2020

I find this course with grate value. The most interesting part for me was week 3. It was a real moment of understanding myself and decisions I make.

By Lisa V

Oct 5, 2020

Excellent presenter and training content to boost skills with realistic applications that can be quickly applied in everyday coaching. Thank you!

By joydeep g

Mar 20, 2020

Very helpful. It is neede by every manager to self reflect to take charge of a situation rather than restricting themselves due to their thinking

By Luigi M

Mar 12, 2019

An incredible well done course, very detailed with modern topics. Probably one of the most intriguing course I experienced in Coursera platform.

By curtis d

Sep 11, 2021

A clear and very practical approach to employee development, a compelling case is made for Coaching as an essential skill set for all managers