Mar 20, 2018
Excellent course structure, very clear and concise material, John Budd is teaching in a fun way, which helped me understand the syllabus, with short questions to help me think and not too long videos.
Jan 14, 2019
This course has an outstanding wealth of information for new people entering the Human Resources arena. I also recommend it to others that want to brush up on knowledge and skills of the HR industry.
•Mar 24, 2018
super ce cours avec des exemples concrêts et surtout adaptés aux besoins actuels des enteprises.
Partout, les entreprises souffrent d’une pénurie de main-d’œuvre compétente et qualifiée. Dans ce contexte, tous parlent de la nécessité de trouver le talent, de l’acquérir, de le développer, de le retenir et de le gérer, multipliant les stratégies pour garder ces effectifs précieux.
La situation globale peut s’avérer paradoxale : d’un côté, du chômage à grande échelle, de l’autre, une abondance d’opportunités d’emploi. Comment expliquer une telle situation? Parce que plusieurs de ces emplois exigent des compétences particulières, et que l’inadéquation entre le travail disponible et le travail spécialisé s’accroît. Comment alors conserver ses acquis en matière de ressources humaines? telles sont les questions traitées et comprises dans ce cours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Yue P
•Mar 8, 2020
First of all, I am so sorry I have to give a one-star review for this Human Resources lesson. Those lecturers are experts in the HR field, their lectures are clear and helpful. It is such a pleasure to learn from their lectures.
The reason why I give a one-star rate is I believe Coursera's "peer review" assignment procedure is really problematic. "Discussion section" is supposed to be a place that all student share their ideas and experiences, however, it is filled with "Please review my assignment and I will review back with the highest marks" now. I totally understand why this happened now, due to the "peer review" procedure.
For me, I have an assignment requires a minimum of 80% to pass the whole specialization. My first attempt got 77% and I thought "Sure, there is definitely some improvement I can make". My second attempt got 79% and guess what? I canceled the subscription and find a real book and some videos from youtube. I believe I can learn from CPHR's NKE materials as well. I just don't understand why I need my classmate's review, especially some of them don't give a shit about assignment quality, to pass the course.
Overall, the one-star review is targeted to the problematic "peer review" assignment rather than those respectful lectures.
By Kayla D
•Dec 13, 2021
The professor that is teaching this course is very mundane. He thinks he is funny, I do not agree. There is no type of terms given for each video and there are times he uses words that you are left to figure out. If feels like he jumps around from spot to spot. The videos are super short. How are you supposed to retain anything when you are trying to take notes he is talking too quickly or goes onto another subject within seconds. Yes, you can pause the video, however when you pause the video you lose the fluidity of the lesson. Also, the only additional reading he gives is his blog pages. Is there no other reading material? That is his opinion, in most cases. I would rather additional reading that is not on someone's blog. I feel like a different professor or maybe a new structure of the course and videos.
By Valerie V M
•Jul 24, 2020
I am unable to rate this since I feel that this course if more theory and concept oriented and I was looking for actual guidelines on hiring and onboarding.
By S
•Jan 29, 2022
Peer review assignments disallowing early completion. Get rid of them
By Andrew C
•Dec 31, 2017
The peer review process is garbage!
By Saikat G
•Aug 14, 2019
A very point to point discussion on the concept of work, why do people basically feel the need to work, assumptions and insights involved, need to manage human resources and alternative mechanisms involved in the management of those vital resources so as to achieve organisational goals in a strategic and effective manner.
A big thank you and heartfelt gratitude to Prof John W Budd for his invaluable teachings in this course especially his excellent insight on the thought of work and its various dimensions involved.
By Lamwaka G J
•Apr 13, 2020
This was a very well planned-Interesting and involving course, it made me realize so much about HR that i couldn't have done if i didn't take, the conversations Mr Budd kept having with other HR experts made me realize that on this path i need to do three things: Learn, ask questions and build my own network. I am grateful and so excited i took this course and i am going to Complete it. Mr Budd had the best examples and ways to illustrate certain concepts that otherwise would have been a challenge for me.
By Nguyen T T N
•Sep 14, 2017
The course is well structure and easy to understand. Each lesson is solid and straight to the important points which learners should know. Besides, it helps to remind the knowledge through connecting the previous with the current video. Its questions are also reasonable and helpful.
To make the lesson more realistic, it connects with HR professional and create chances for students to listen to their view.
In the end, I would like to recommend this course to anyone who has interests in HR.
By Luis R R
•Jun 20, 2017
Always good to have a nice and professional training before climbing the ladder of success. I consider myself very lucky having the opportunity of learning from the rename Carson School of Management. The content of the course is generally focused on the daily grind of the Human Resources department. If you're thinking to change your career or perhaps to improve your skills as a manager this is where you should start
By Gülşah E
•Sep 20, 2020
It was a course where I got a certificate by working on various projects and fun case studies. It was a course where I understood alternative HR strategies, the different reasons people work, and the importance of the legal context. It provided a factual and conceptual basis for developing specific critical HRM skills in subsequent courses on recruiting employees, managing performance and rewarding employees.
By IsmaelTahirou
•Sep 9, 2016
I found this course very interested since it covers some important tools for managing people through quiz, and some external HR people are being interviewed during the course session, where we can learn from them what they experienced as HR managers, one more thing is, regarding the peer assignment which helped me too, I would probably advise my friends to take this course, reason why I gave you 5 stars...
By Nadine P
•Aug 3, 2020
This course is clearly defined and laid out in a way that builds on previous knowledge. The instructor is easy to understand and seems passionate about the material, which is always nice! My favorite part about this course is that the instructor provides a multi-disciplinary analysis of understanding labor and economics, and keeps a holistic, balanced approach when presenting different perspectives.
By Adriana M S
•Aug 21, 2018
Un curso muy completo, lo elegà especÃficamente por el enfoque en Gestión (Managment) ya que pude desarrollar mis conceptos sobre este tema, además de profundizar mis conocimientos en un área poco desarrollada dentro de los Recursos Humanos.
Altamente recomendable para obtener herramientas de trabajo eficientes y poder comprender la Gestión de los Recursos Humanos como parte estratégica del negocio.
•Aug 17, 2020
I liked the course as it introduced me to the fundamental concepts of HR. The lectures and explanations were very clear. Its an honor to be facilitated by a Professor with in-depth knowledge who has also authored several books in the field. I am seriously thinking of continuing the rest of the modules as I was very impressed by the structure and delivery of module 1. I am grateful to the Professor
By David L
•Jun 23, 2019
I have always enjoyed online classes ever since I graduated from Ashford University. Attending Ashford University prepared me for taking classes with Coursera. In a way, it gave me a "leg up" on what to expect and how to prepare myself. I enjoyed the class. I learned much about the "at will" labor law more than before I enrolled in the class. I am looking forward to the rest of the classes.
By Gabriella A
•Aug 20, 2016
This course is the perfect basis in learning how to manage Human Resources. John Budd is engaging, funny, and shares an array of valuable information. I have left this course prepared with the knowledge of various managerial styles, why they work (and when they work), HR laws and how they differ from the US to other countries, and employee motivations (both monetary and non-monetary).
By Syed I A
•Jul 11, 2020
Fantastic !!
Through this course I have learnt very important and necessary knowledge about HR policies, this course has been designed to give knowledge that will be with me for entire of my life, and will be useful in industrial world. Lectures are very thorough and detailed and language is so easy to understand with suitable and relevant industrial examples.
Thanks very much :)
By Andrea O
•Apr 23, 2020
Este curso me pareció bastante valioso ya que amplia e integra la visión de RH, desde diferentes perspectivas, deja claro las responsabilidades de la gerencia de RH y pone en perspectiva aspectos históricos y de contexto que permite comprender las tendencias empresariales para que el gerente de HR pueda hacer ajustes y agregar valor desde su campo en la empresa que se encuentre.
By Rumpa N
•Sep 20, 2020
The course was refresher for me, after long stint did not study or update myself for any courses.The Human Resource course was a great learning experience. Professor John.W.Budd had provided rich learning experience through his vast teaching experience.Thanks to the Coursera Team,University of Minnesota and Carlson School of Management,providing this valuable opportunity.
By Trishna B
•Jul 8, 2020
this is my first course on coursera. and i loved this. this gave me a clear insight about HR and HR strategies and everything around it. the professor is really skilled and has fun video sessions. i am really looking forward for the other courses in this specialization which i am going to do. !!! highly recommend to anyone wanting a career or wanting to learn about HR.
By Gloria J
•Oct 14, 2016
Great Introductory Course!
This was a very enlightening course about HR Manager duties, responsibilities, laws that affect employees and businesses. Very basic information regarding why people work and how HR Managers are taxed with understanding the workforce needs for their organization and hiring competent individuals. I learned quite a bit. Entertaining as well!
By Karmen M
•Dec 29, 2018
Excellent foundation course if you want to pursue a career inhuman resources or brush up your HR knowledge both as a specialist and a manager. It teaches how HR adds value to the profitability and purpose of any business and that HR managers play a central role by participating in strategic planning and acting as change masters who clarify the organization's culture.
By Ivan K
•Dec 21, 2016
Great course. I've mistakenly thought of HR job as a much simpler and bureaucratic than it really is. The course is full of interesting insights. I particularly enjoyed systematic, modelling approach. Assumptions on which models are based are clearly outlined and looked at from a critical perspective. Great intro, packed with more information than I thought possible.
By Valerie C
•Sep 4, 2020
Did not expect it to be so economics-heavy. Would appreciate more practical tips and strategies with respect to interacting and managing employees. Thank you!