Jul 18, 2020
in depth knowledge about digital marketing and all its dimensions , digital tools, how firms can improve their marketing , new method , how to blend new technology in traditional marketing practices.
Dec 16, 2020
Really interesting & thought-provoking course. I'm hoping that Aric Rindfleisch will teach further classes within the Digital Marketing specialisation. Thank you for the insightful lectures, Aric!
By Zarine K
•Jul 3, 2016
Absolutely loving this course so far! I It's great that we can get valuable insights from other professors in the university as well regarding the applications of the latest technology in the marketing world.
By Shivangi M
•Jul 23, 2020
Amazing Course. It helps build basic concepts about marketing. Looking forward to completing all the courses in this specialization and apply all these skills in whatever ways possible to boost up my career!
By Samaha H
•Jun 16, 2020
You can really learn heaps about Digital Marketing from here! This course was an eye opener for me. Amazed to realize the world is so much technologically advanced and moving towards a much advanced economy.
By Ritesh G
•Aug 9, 2017
I am glad I decided to go ahead with this course. I believe the concepts taught here will really come in handy. The ease and pace of the learning is just amazing. Great job by the team putting this together!
By Grecia L H
•Feb 12, 2016
Esta es una muy buena opción para quienes quieren conocer el mundo digital visto desde una perspectiva de marketing.
El profesor Aric es verdaderamente bueno muy carismático y explica los temas bastante bien.
By Helen N S T
•Aug 28, 2020
The course is very exciting and has a good professor. He explained a lot of contents in detail and full of good and updated example. I had learn a lot from this course. Thank you professor and Coursera.org.
By Tsebaot F
•May 2, 2020
This course helped me face the difficulties i had on selling my products and providing services. Its a combination of all good recipes anyone would need to fully engage in this new era of Digital Marketing.
•Apr 29, 2020
A perfect course to get complete insights on how the digital world has changed the Products, their Placement, pricing, and promoting strategies. Really enjoyed the course apart from the pace of Professor :P
By Arpita G
•Jun 19, 2018
i had fun opting this course and learned a lot of new things into the field and outside the field as well, even though it was virtual, the tutor provided well exposure to the outside issues and information.
By Shah S R
•Dec 5, 2016
It was really interesting course for me. I am not a student of marketing background. But the course was not problematic at all. The course helped me a lot to understand any analyze the new era of marketing.
By Adebiyi O
•Dec 1, 2020
Now that's how to deliver lesson instructions. I love the systemic approach to delivering lectures employed throughout this Course. It facilitates learning and helps with assimilation. Thank you Professor.
By Sara G
•Jul 13, 2020
The course was smooth and clear. It gives you an overview of how technologies are changing the marketing world. Well done. I'd highly suggest this course to all those who want to work as digital marketers!
By parag K
•Jun 24, 2020
The very first reason to opt for this course is that it gives you knowledge which you can directly apply to your running business and the assignments are really enough to open one's mind in business world.
By Fariya Y
•Jun 9, 2020
It was a really great journey! Learnt a lot from Mr. Rindfleisc. Thank You so much for making the course so much interesting and super easy! Course materials are really good and to the point! Thanks again!
By Adarsh T
•Oct 29, 2019
The course was great. Great Reading Material, Greater Assignments. All in all would recommend if one is looking to know the added advantage of marketing in the digital world. The course is very stimulating
By Omar J
•Jan 15, 2018
Great course! It has been a great joy to being in here. I learnt very good tools in this world of Digital Marketing. Professor Aric is very accurate in his comments and his scope of this course. Thank you,
By Maia C
•Oct 2, 2021
It was my first experience in online learning on Coursera. Must admit, that it was very interesting, informative and up-to-date course, that gave me the deep insights on the key basis of digital marketing
By Gabriela V
•May 5, 2021
As my second online course I can say that exceeded my expectations! The content is updated and really clear, the teacher is really pleasant also. I am happy that I have found Marketing in a Digital World.
By Mary J T
•May 13, 2020
By saheed o
•May 13, 2019
The facilitator,Aric and his team have been able to put together a very solid body of work that will aid individuals and companies who are into product marketing and help them move to the next level.kudos
By Camila A
•Apr 18, 2021
It was really good! these are topic I've seen my whole carrer but this course has made me think about it in a different way. I loved how it gave me a new perpective of things. Really helpful and dynamic.
By Olga M
•Dec 4, 2020
I find the course really engaging both in terms of lectures and practical tasks. Case studies are excitingly interesting. Thank you to Aric Rindfleisch for being so enthusiastic and involved. Just great!
By Ella H
•Sep 9, 2020
The course lets me learn more about Marketing in 4Ps, Product, Promotion, Placement and Price. what's more, the cases studies in the courses are helpful to gain better understanding of digital marketing.
By Manisha S
•Apr 16, 2020
Very in-depth and informative course about the Marketing in the digital world. The case studies helped to learn more about the real situation. Clear and crisp communication by the professor. Thanks much.
•Sep 11, 2020
I enjoyed this course a lot. The lecturer was very detailed and precise with a lot of good instances that helps to learn quick. I love it and I'm honoured to be privileged to learn under Professor Aric.