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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Material Behavior by Georgia Institute of Technology

1,289 ratings

About the Course

Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals tend to be ductile? Why some materials conduct heat or electricity while others are insulators? Why adding just a small amount of carbon to iron results in an alloy that is so much stronger than the base metal? In this course, you will learn how a material’s properties are determined by the microstructure of the material, which is in turn determined by composition and the processing that the material has undergone. This is the first of three Coursera courses that mirror the Introduction to Materials Science class that is taken by most engineering undergrads at Georgia Tech. The aim of the course is to help students better understand the engineering materials that are used in the world around them. This first section covers the fundamentals of materials science including atomic structure and bonding, crystal structure, atomic and microscopic defects, and noncrystalline materials such as glasses, rubbers, and polymers....

Top reviews


Mar 29, 2018

Material Behavior is a key subject for material studies and also very important for the mechanical engineering career. This course is very helpful and very easy to understand the hole concepts.


May 29, 2020

This was very useful for me to understand the material beviour , crystal structure of various material , material type after that got the sufficient knowledge about material beviour

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1 - 25 of 277 Reviews for Material Behavior

By Вэнго Б В

Oct 22, 2017

I'm from Russia, and this course was difficult because of language. But i got it, that was amazing experience. I want to note the definition of the teacher's speech. Also i learned a lot of new things. I will advise this course to my friends. Thanks for that!!! GL!

By Matias D d A

Feb 8, 2018

Good Introductory course, but with very few demonstrations of the formulas that were used to describe many of the physical phenomena. Such derivations are very usefull in understanidng the physical concepts at play.

By Isabel W

Apr 23, 2016

Professor speaks too slowly most of the time but then quickly glosses over complicated equations without much explanation of what the equation is or what the variables are or labeling the equations (he has multiple equations on one slide when talking). Some videos are 2 minutes, some are 11 minutes. Quizzes are exceedingly simple - 10 questions with only two possible answers each. 100% of the time, there is at least 1 question with the wrong answer. There have been no TAs to help answer questions or to rectify these wrong answers. All the while, Coursera keeps asking if I want to pay $45 to verify for this course. Ha!! You have to be joking. This class was disappointing. You'd almost be better off reading Wikipedia articles or a book.

By Muhammad W B

May 29, 2020

It was a great course. Learned and enjoyed a lot. Learned a lot about the crystallography and material development. The teaching style was great. I loved the practical examples given by the teacher .had a great experience by completing this course. Thanks Georgia tech for publishing such a great course on course era platform so we as an international students can access it easily.

By Francis D

Jun 20, 2016

Excellent course. A very good review for me. Having left material Engineering for some years and spending my time on hydrometallurgy, this was good material to review in catching up.

Thank you for the class and hope to see more in this area. An excellent Professor.

By Anirudh G

Jun 15, 2020

Learned various important concepts regarding the structure of a Material, How Defects affect the Properties of Materials, Application Based designing of a Material and so on

Thanks a Lot for This Fantastic Course Coursera !!!

By Aditya U

Jul 18, 2017

Highly comprehensive course! I am pursuing a B.Tech in Polymer Science and Chemical Technology from Delhi Technological University, New Delhi but have never seen such clear and holistic explanations of abstruse topics.

By Srinivasan L

Jul 20, 2017

It is a good course. While the amount of substance covered is impressive, unfortunately it has to be said that the instructor style is quite boring and devoid of enthusiasm.

By Chisom A

Oct 2, 2016

It's satisfactory but I recommend reading the book.

By Amgad A

Dec 9, 2016

The course is very hard due to the difficulty of the explanation. The course has a lot of points to cover with few explanation

By Ujjwal C

Nov 15, 2020

A truly well-organized course that helps learners to enhance their skill on Material and Metallurgical Engineering. i have been deeply privileged by this one.It has boosted my interest in the field of Material Science.Inspite of being a student of Material Science this discipline did not attracted me through my college days which lasted for three years but a six week course of Courseera has brought me on the right track.Thanks a lot ! My heartfelt gratitude is for the developer and instructor of this course.Highly recommended.

By Fazla Z A

Aug 20, 2020

This was very useful for me to understand the material behavior , crystal structure of various material , material type after that got the sufficient knowledge about material behavior. The course was excellent. A lot of in-depth material, beyond even what I remember from college. Coverage of polymer systems in addition to the usual metals was very nice.

By Dr. U S B

Jul 13, 2020

Exceptional course to clarify about the fundamental behaviour of various engineered material. It enhanced the understanding about what influences this fundamental behaviour. The Teaching material and Lectures are fantastic. Thank You.

By Nawafsss

Apr 13, 2022

Mr. Sanders shows excellent understanding of the course material and is well capable of explaining it in great detail without losing my attention.

I will gladly take a similar course with an equally proficient instructor such as him.


Oct 11, 2020

This course gave me clear insights about the microstructural influences and overall control on mechanical behavior of various material classes. I recommend a Material Science enthusiast to enroll to this course. I am very Thankful :)

By Siddhalingeshwar I G

May 30, 2020

This was an excellent opportunity to dive deep into the material behavior aspects. I thoroughly enjoyed all the modules. I express my deepest sincere gratitude to the course instructor Prof. Sanders and also to the COURSERA platform.

By Reddy P

Sep 25, 2017

I really loved and enjoyed taking up this course. It helped me a lot to understand different concepts of materials. Thanks to Proffesor. Thomas Jr. for making an excellent teaching pattern. It was a great online learning experience.

By bandi K

Oct 9, 2016

Wonderful lectures with great demonstration and the tests also helped analyzing my grasping. The last week of the course was a really deep content which develops in us an interest to pursue research in materials engineering.

By Hanan E

Mar 29, 2021

it is the most beneficial course I've ever had. The contents and concise but seems completely detailed.

The professor has outstanding way of explaining each subject and point. Thanks for such valuable course.

Hanan farouk

By Sri K R T

Apr 12, 2021

Excellent presentation from Georgia Institute of Technology, Thanks to Coursera for offering this online course .Topics well explained and this will be certainly useful for all the learners around the globe.

By Sulaiman a

Jan 15, 2021

Dear sir Thomas H. Sanders, Jr. you are very great teacher.I learned a lot from what you give knowledge about material behavior but again thank you i wish you always be happy and stay safe thank you dear sir

By Praneet S

Aug 23, 2021

Well articulated content which serves as a good basis for anyone looking to explore the Material Science & Engineering field for a career or just gain basic to intermediate level knowledge about materials.

By Mamadoukalan D

Oct 5, 2020

Good morning dear Sir,We thank you for the knowledge you instilled in us, your course is very beneficial for students and teachers and all researchers, to understand or improve certain concepts.

By Sazzad H S

Mar 30, 2018

Material Behavior is a key subject for material studies and also very important for the mechanical engineering career. This course is very helpful and very easy to understand the hole concepts.

By Sandip V S

May 29, 2020

This was very useful for me to understand the material beviour , crystal structure of various material , material type after that got the sufficient knowledge about material beviour