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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Programming with MATLAB by Vanderbilt University

17,758 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because it is easy to learn, versatile and very useful for engineers and other professionals. MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs that solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful program in a few lines. The problems may be relatively complex, while the MATLAB programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ or Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains from the natural sciences, through all disciplines of engineering, to finance, and beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in MATLAB is an indispensable skill in today’s job market. Nevertheless, this course is not a MATLAB tutorial. It is an introductory programming course that uses MATLAB to illustrate general concepts in computer science and programming. Students who successfully complete this course will become familiar with general concepts in computer science, gain an understanding of the general concepts of programming, and obtain a solid foundation in the use of MATLAB. Students taking the course will get a MATLAB Online license free of charge for the duration of the course. The students are encouraged to consult the eBook that this course is based on. More information about these resources can be found on the Resources menu on the right....

Top reviews


Jan 20, 2022

I would like to thank vanderbilt university for providing such a wonderful course and i am much impressed by the use of the basic matrices in each and every programming purpose.thank you again!!!!:)))


Jun 23, 2020

I would like to thank vanderbilt university for providing such a wonderful course and i am much impressed by the use of the basic matrices in each and every programming purpose.thank you again!!!!:)))

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201 - 225 of 4,494 Reviews for Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

By kareem e


Jul 4, 2021

it was a long journey but eventually paid off , Iam a mechanical engineering student now i deeply understand programming , I use MATLAB often to perform calculations and display results in graphs when doing a report in my undergraduate courses, my professors were thrilled and it helped me get high grads , i really encourage any one to take this course the instructors are very friendly and respond to any of our inquiries ,

By Kishan


Dec 19, 2016

The course is very good for intermediate level people. Highly recommended for the people who is like me who thinks they know basics in matlab, but I can bet your will be stunned how many thing works which you didn't know previously. The last three assignments are horrible. I've spend at least full 4 days to complete them. But overall good experience. Recommended for people who know little bit matlab but wants to dig more.

By Saumya Y


May 24, 2021

Such a wonderful experience. I never thought someone can teach MATLAB in such a way that I will be addicted to programming with MATLAB. A very very special thanks to Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick for such lively classes and to the designers of this course. Thanks to coursera for making this course accessible to each one of us. I have learned a lot from this course and I will surely go for the next course in this specialisation.

By Hèrren T D


Aug 12, 2020

Learning was never this fun, thanks to Vanderbilt University and Coursera. The course had high-quality content, great instructors, and right on exercises. I highly recommend anyone who wants to get a taste of MATLAB, its basic capabilities, and things you can accomplish using it, this should be your go.

Overall the course was fun learning, and the power of MATLAB is immense just gives you head-on with your research.

By subha s


Jun 6, 2020

It was awesome course for a beginner, though the course gets tougher as weeks pass on still the challenges are brainstorming and helps in developing problem-solving skills. discussion forum helped me a lot in completing my assignments whenever I go out of the track, especially during the final problems. on the whole I would recommend this course for a Matlab beginner with some beginner level of programming skills.

By Amlesh Y


Jun 19, 2020

Initially I wanted to learn MATLAB for programming skills and try and understand MATLAB functions.

I am glad I did this course and have almost got the sufficient benefits from this course.

I am confident I can be more fruitful in my work and projects in coming future enhancing my skills further on.

Thank you very much for this course and I ask everyone to take this course. You are going to get some real knowledge.

By Mostafa A M N


Jan 22, 2019

it have been a great course, i actually had a matlab course in my university, but this one is so much better and more challenging than the first couse at my university.

i am extremely happy to have this course, because it brought back to me the love of matlab after that terrible course at my college.

thank you all for your hard work, and hope i will meet Dr. fitzpatrik and the staff one day to thank them in person.

By Jesse D


Jun 26, 2016

This course is a great introduction to programming. The homework can be a bit tough, as it will take the concepts taught in the week and have you apply them in novel ways, oftentimes in ways you have to really think through to solve the problem at hand. In doing this, you'll finish the course with a strong understanding of how to use MATLAB, and beyond that the know-how for learning other programming languages.

By Ashutosh G


Apr 17, 2020

An umbrella package for the uninitiated as it starts from scratch and teaches you enough that you get the confidence to explore what MATLAB has got to offer apart from the syllabus covered in the MOOC. Very satisfied after doing this course and fingers crossed that that doing this course will be fruitful and I will be benefited by it.

Thank you for this wonderful course that ignited in me the spark to code!

By Vivek K Y


Jan 8, 2021

This course helped to upgrade my skill sets and to enhance my knowledge up-to-date with the leading industrial transformation and developments in the engineering fields emerging as the key technological basis for the future credibility of our revolutionizing worlds towards a better future. This course provided me the real-world coding and hands-on experience in project work with MATLAB environment system.

By Bogomolov D


Feb 3, 2019

The course is really very good for beginners. If I had met such a course many years ago, I would have been a programmer a long time ago. After performing various tasks, I learned a lot. Thank you Vanderbilt University, thanks lecturer Mike Fitzpatrick, thanks to all the other teachers and assistants. You do a very useful and good business for the community of novice programmers, scientists and engineers.

By Juan S L M


Dec 17, 2017

This course was an amazing experience! Lectures were simple an easy to follow, easy to understand and the examples given were easy to repeat. The level of the homework required patience. It was easy at the beginning, but it become more challenging every week. Once you have completed this course, you will feel that you have acquired great skills to start your programming career with Matlab. Thanks a lot!

By Suvrat T


Apr 12, 2022

For those who wish to know just the basics of MATLAB, ie, the language itself, this is the perfect course. This is also the perfect course if your university is making you do MATLAB in class and you aren't understanding much. Also, believe me, this is the absolutely best course one can take to start programming. I wish someone had explained programming concepts to me when I had just started programming

By Abdulmujeeb s


Nov 21, 2020

Wow!!! this experience was more enjoyable than my normal class room lectures. the way the course was arranged, the way the professors where wonderful at administering this knowledge. The most fun part for me was completing my assignment; able to write codes in different way, debugging and finding errors, and the resourceful forum for when you get stuck was a tasking most enjoyable experience.


By Chifa M


Mar 26, 2023

I already studied the first 7 weeks of this course in university but it was all blurry and confusing this course is very simple and easy to learn, it takes you step by step from not knowing a thing about Matlab to the level where you can use it to solve a lot of problems you might encounter, well I wish I have studied it like this from the beginning, because in that case I will not need another course

By kiatnern


Jul 12, 2020

This provides a great start to anyone who wants to learn MATLAB from ground up, whether if you have programming background or not. Examples are clear and explanatory. Quizzes are challenging. More people should do this course. The quizzes are progressively difficult, but definitely manageable. It is one of the better quality courses that exists on Coursera.

If you are hesitant, try it for a few weeks !



Sep 19, 2020

I would like to thank vanderbilt university for providing such a wonderful course and i am much impressed by the use of the basic matrices in each and every programming purpose.thank you again!!!!:)))

Instructor of this course Mike Fitzpatrick is a very good teacher who encourage students to do something new and interesting.I really enjoyed learning this course and learned new skills in MATLAB.

By Jeorge J


Jun 14, 2020

A big thank you to everyone involved in the conception and development of this truly spectacular course. The incredibly funny and intentionally goofy Mike Fitzpatrick made sitting through each video alot more enjoyable regardless of it's length. Its without a doubt that the comprehensive and in depth knowledge provided by this course will benefit my post graduate studies as well as my career goals.

By Alberto B


Dec 10, 2020

This is a great course! I found too simple the exercises at the beginning and a bit too difficult the exercises near the end of the course. A bit boring the part on Data Types, but I guess it would have been difficult to make it more enjoyable! :) The Professor is not great, is super-incredible!!! I extremely enjoyed his way of teaching and also his humor! His students at Vanderbilt are very lucky!

By Adrian J R


Aug 14, 2020

I have a lot of experience with Matlab, but I took the course to refresh (it's been 10 years) and for my LinkedIn profile. The material was all very familiar so it is difficult to assess the level. But I found the lecturer was extremely engaging with an incredibly good, dry sense of humour. And incredible typing speed ;-) The programming challenges were very well thought out in my humble opinion.

By Adem C


Jan 25, 2019

This is a fantastic course for beginners to learn how to use MATLAB. It teaches from the very basics to the more advanced concepts and has really allowed me to extend my mathematical knowledge into programming. My only issue is with the last 2 assignments being really difficult and hard to achieve a simple pass but other than that this is an exceptional course for anyone in the mathematical field.

By Sagar K P


Jul 14, 2020

I want to thank the course organisation and creation team and Mike Sir for bringing such a wonderful course in such a wonderful manner. It was like a roller coaster ride learning this course. The assignments were like games and at the same time they allowed us to apply what we learnt. I think everyone who wants to create an online course should learn the way this course is designed and organised.



Mar 9, 2020

Coursera has been a platform for people who has interest to learn new things and want to upgrade their carrier. Coursera helped me a lot and this course has given me a broad knowledge of Matlab and it was fun to learn with coursera and had a very worderfull experience to learn this course and at last but not the least lecturers were good and had a very good learning experience to learn from them.

By Shunjie Y


Nov 11, 2018

Although this course is basic, it provides good foundation and knowledge for further study. Many thanks for the instructor, all the mentors and classmates on the weekly homework discussion forum. Without their help and inspiration, I couldn't finish some of those challenging homework questions. And thanks for this MOOC platform (Coursera) to provide me an opportunity to learn such good course.

By Ab


Aug 9, 2016

The teacher is of the highest standard, finally someone who can make the complex, simple and interesting! One of the best planned courses I've seen, this is a course definitely worthy of a fee. What I've learnt in the first 4weeks is beyond what I learnt in 1yr at university. Makes such a difference having a teacher that goes the extra mile to make something complex into easy. Very impressive.